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Psoriasis: What, Why, Treatments, and Psoriatic Arthritis


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Psoriasis: What, Why, Treatments, and Psoriatic Arthritis

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  1. Psoriasis: What, Why, Treatments, and Psoriatic Arthritis What is Psoriasis? Explained in the simplest way, psoriasis is an autoimmune disease of the skin. Now, as we know, our skin cells develop and fall off over frequent durations. Imagine this frequency being multiplied leading to an irregularly fast growth of the skin cells. Since the growth and development is faster, the body has almost no time to get rid of the old skin cells, which means that multiple layers of skin cells get collected over the outer skin surface. This accumulation, usually seen in patches, is mostly white or red in color. This skin condition gets aggravated due to certain external factors such as stress, anxiety, depression, excess cold weather, etc. Due to its chronic nature, even though a patient might go through timely treatments to reduce the inflammation and skin cell building process, they might not be able to find a permanent cure for the same. Many times, a lot of patients are prescribed medications such as Prednisone having side effects which causes further discomfort to the patient. Treatment for Psoriasis Since the skin condition has no absolute cure, the treatments involved with the same include a number of techniques such as the topical treatments, oral medications, and light treatment techniques. In case of topical treatments, the patient is usually prescribed small doses of medicines that include retinoids or dithranol. Along with these medications, medical directions also include instructions to use a chemical free moisturizer and/ or essential oils or coconut body oil to keep the skin from drying up or causing inflammation in the affected area. Other than these, psoriasis disease oil made of organic hemp oil also

  2. provides great relief to the patient. This psoriasis oil not only helps control the conditions of psoriasis, but also boosts one’s physical health and enhances the mood of the person. Unlike Prednisone with side effects such as nausea, excessive sweating, irregular heartbeat, and sometimes internal bleeding as well, the psoriasis disease oil rather works to provide relaxation, reduce symptoms of anxiety, relieve pain, and improve the skin health of the person. Psoriasis to Psoriatic Arthritis While psoriasis might still be a running condition being controlled with the help of medication and other treatments, a lot of psoriasis patients tend to develop psoriatic arthritis with age. Now, often confused with gouts and rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis arthritis often causes redness, inflammation, and pain in the joint areas affected by the condition. While it's possible to develop the condition without a previous history of psoriasis, people who have already dealt with or are dealing with the condition are more likely to be affected by psoriasis arthritis. Much like psoriasis itself, psoriatic arthritis also is a persistent condition that might come and go, but is never fully cured. Sometimes, use of Prednisone causes side effects such as swelling of the feet, hands, and ankles as well. However, this should not be confused with psoriatic arthritis and expert opinion must always be sought instead of resorting to self diagnosis in such condition. Even with psoriatic arthritis one may use the psoriasis disease oil since its application also helps reduce joint pain in the person. One of the most important things is that a person dealing with psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis should work on reducing their stress and anxiety levels as much as possible and reduce the intake of alcohol as well. Author’s Bio: The author is a blogger. This article is about psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

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