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Learning. Define avoidance conditioning. When a person’s behavior has the effect on preventing an unpleasant situation from happening.

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  1. Learning

  2. Define avoidance conditioning

  3. When a person’s behavior has the effect on preventing an unpleasant situation from happening.

  4. A primary reinforcer satisfies a biological need such as hunger, thirst, or sleep. A secondary reinforcer is one that has been paired with a primary reinforcer and, through classical conditioning, has acquired value and reinforcement.

  5. Define Primary and secondary reinforcers

  6. According to psychologists, what are the disadvantages of punishment?

  7. Aversive stimuli can produce unwanted side effects such as rage, aggression, and fear. Also, people learn to avoid the person delivering the aversive consequences.

  8. Define Extinction and spontaneous recovery.

  9. Extinction is the gradual disappearance of a conditioned response when the conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus. Spontaneous recovery is when after a rest period, the conditioned response may reappear when the conditioned stimulus is presented again alone.

  10. Define classical conditioning

  11. A learning procedure in which associations are made between an unconditioned stimulus and a neutral stimulus that becomes a conditioned stimulus

  12. Define learned helplessness

  13. A condition in which repeated attempts to control or influence a situation fail, resulting in the belief that the situation is uncontrollable and that any effort to cope will fail.

  14. How do taste aversions develop?

  15. Taste aversions develop after a bad experience with a particular food, such as poisoning. Taste aversion can develop after just one pairing of the food with getting sick.

  16. Define discrimination

  17. The ability to respond differently to similar but distinct stimuli.

  18. Define Cognitive maps

  19. A mental picture of spatial relationships or relationships between events.

  20. What is latent learning?

  21. Is learning that is not demonstrated by an immediately observable change in behavior at the time of the learning.

  22. Define schedules of reinforcement

  23. There are four schedules for reinforcement: 1) fixed ratio: after a fixed number of responses 2) Fixed interval: after a fixed amount of time has passed between responses 3) Variable ratio: after a varying number of responses 4) Variable interval: after varying amounts of time

  24. Define aversive control

  25. The process of influencing behavior by means of unpleasant stimuli.

  26. Define shaping

  27. A process in which a person can use reinforcement to create new responses by successively reinforcing behaviors that get closer and closer to the desired behavior.

  28. Define acquisition

  29. Acquisition of a classically conditioned response occurs gradually. With each pairing of the neutral stimulus with the unconditioned stimulus, the conditioned, or learned, response in strengthened.

  30. The dog in Pavlov’s experiments started to salivate when it heard the sound of a tuning fork. The dog’s salivation is called a _________.

  31. Conditioned response

  32. In classical conditioning, generalization refers to __________.

  33. The tendency for a stimulus that is similar to the original conditioned stimulus to elicit a response that is similar to the conditioned response.

  34. Define negative reinforcement

  35. Increasing the strength of a given response by removing or preventing a painful stimulus when the response occurs.

  36. Define escape conditioning

  37. Training of an organism to remove or terminate an unpleasant stimulus.

  38. In a ________, people are rewarded for behaving in an appropriate manner with valueless subjects.

  39. Token economy

  40. Name and describe the three different types of modeling.

  41. Simplest form: the behavior of others simply increases the changes of repeating it. • Observational learning: watching someone perform • Disinhibition: watching someone else engage in a threatening activity without being punished, making it easier later

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