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CHAPTER: 22 – Ideologies and Upheavals

CHAPTER: 22 – Ideologies and Upheavals. OVERALL. Which political ideology seems to emerge victorious by 1850?. The Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars.

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CHAPTER: 22 – Ideologies and Upheavals

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  1. CHAPTER: 22 – Ideologies and Upheavals OVERALL • Which political ideology seems to emerge victorious by 1850?

  2. The Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars Europe, Europe sat on a wall.Europe, Europe had a great fall.All the king’s diplomats and all the king’s men,could they put Europe together again?

  3. The Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars • Who are the major players at the Congress of Vienna and what are their motivations? Peace of Paris Quadruple Alliance Klemensvon Metternich CastlereaghTallyrand Alexander I “Hundred Days”

  4. The Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars • How does the Congress of Vienna proceed? balance of power France Poland / Saxony compensation Concert of Europe

  5. The Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars What scares the leaders of the Congress of Vienna most and what measures do they take to guard against it? dual revolution Holly Alliance Carlsbad Decrees

  6. The Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars • Who will dominate the first half of 19th Century? Metternich conservatism liberalism / nationalism Russia / Ottomans

  7. What are the fundamental principles of 18th Century liberalism and where were they implemented? The Spread of Radical Ideas laissez faire voting qualifications Jacksonian Democracy democrats/republicans

  8. Where are there too few states for this and where are there too many? The Spread of Radical Ideas cultural unity

  9. How do historians account for the 19th Century push for nation-states? The Spread of Radical Ideas Herder Mazzini “imagined communities” industrialization democracy Michelet “we vs. they”

  10. The Spread of Radical Ideas • What are the principles that define French Utopian Socialism? economic planning community ownership Saint-Simon Fourier Blanc Proudhon

  11. How is Marx’s vision different from the French socialists and what ideas does he synthesize? The Spread of Radical Ideas The Communist Manifestobourgeoisie/proletariat Ricardo Proudhon Hegel

  12. The Romantic Movement • What are the roots and concepts of Romanticism? Rousseau Kant Sturm und Drang Goethe

  13. The Romantic Movement • How is Romanticism manifested in literature? Wordsworth/Coleridge/Scott Byron/Shelley/Keat Germaine de Stael Hugo/Dumas/Sand Grimm brothers Pushkin

  14. The Romantic Movement • Who creates Romantic painting? Delacroix Turner Constable

  15. The Romantic Movement • Who pioneered Romantic music and who followed him? Beethoven Chopin Liszt

  16. Reforms and Revolutions Before 1848 • What is ironic about Greek independence? Ypsilanti Lord Byron NavarinoBay

  17. Reforms and Revolutions Before 1848 • How does Tory fear of the French Revolution manifest itself in the early 1800’s? Corn Laws habeas corpus Six Acts Peterloo

  18. Reforms and Revolutions Before 1848 • What is the platform of the Whig Party? Reform Bill of 1832 “rotten boroughs” the franchise House of Commons

  19. Reforms and Revolutions Before 1848 • How does the Chartist movement lose, but win? “People’s Charter” Anti-Corn Law League Ten Hours Act of 1847

  20. Reforms and Revolutions Before 1848 • Why don’t the Irish prosper? Act of Union (1800) population growth Catholic Emancipation Act potato blight Great Famine emigration Home Rule

  21. Reforms and Revolutions Before 1848 • Is Louis XVIII’s Constitutional Charter of 1814 a liberal document? “notable people”

  22. Reforms and Revolutions Before 1848 • What does Charles X attempt? Algiers Revolution of 1830 Louis Philippe

  23. The Revolutions of 1848 • What were the preludes to 1848? Poles (Austria) – 1846 Swiss – 1847 Naples – 1848

  24. The Revolutions of 1848 • How does liberalism/socialism succeed and then fail in France? Louis Philippe Second Republic Louis Blanc national workshops Tocqueville “June Days” Louis Napoleon

  25. The Revolutions of 1848 • Which ideologies clash in Austria and which wins out? Hungary Viennese students Ferdinand I / Metternich minority ethnicities Sophia / Franz Joseph Nicholas I / Holy Alliance

  26. The Revolutions of 1848 • What do Prussian liberals and factory workers want and do they succeed? Frederick Wilhelm IV Prussian Constituent Assembly Frankfort Assembly Schleswig-Holstein “crown from the gutter” German Confederation

  27. Which political ideology seems to emerge victorious by 1850?

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