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Nutrition Tips to Keep the Immune System Strong for People with HIV- AIDS

Patients with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) are often warned of certain signs, habits, foods, and drinks. This is because they are at a greater risk of developing conditions like severe opportunistic infections, kidney failure, and some types of cancer. Besides the symptoms of HIV, antiretroviral therapy (ART) like Emfovir tablets also gives rise to certain side effects. This makes the body weak and vulnerable to health issues.

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Nutrition Tips to Keep the Immune System Strong for People with HIV- AIDS

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  1. Nutrition Tips to Keep the Immune System Strong for People with HIV- AIDS Healthy Eating Habits for People Living with HIV Patients with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) are often warned of certain signs, habits, foods, and drinks. This is because they are at a greater risk of developing conditions like severe opportunistic infections, kidney failure, and some types of cancer. Besides the symptoms of HIV, antiretroviral therapy (ART) like Emfovir tablets also gives rise to certain side effects. This makes the body weak and vulnerable to health issues. A healthy diet is, therefore, a valuable tool for HIV/AIDS patients. Nutrition helps in managing the side effects, symptoms, and other complications associated with the disease and its medications. Maintaining a proper diet schedule and nutrition is important for:  Minimizing symptoms associated with HIV and AIDS.  Managing the side effects of HIV medications.  Improving your quality of life.  Stimulating the immune response to fight opportunistic infections. Healthy Tips to Boost Your Immunity A good and balanced diet consists of food items rich in every nutrient. To maintain such a diet, add foods like dairy products, fruits and vegetables, pulses, beans, nuts, eggs, fish, unsaturated oils, and starchy foods.  Choose low-fat proteins.

  2. oLite tofu oLean beef oPowdered peanut butter oBeans and peas oLentils oLow-fat cottage cheese oSeafood Add vitamins and minerals. oFruits and vegetables oNuts oVegetable oils oDairy products oYogurt oRed and green peppers oGreen leafy vegetables oCitrus fruits oAvocado Include the “best” fibers. oBeans oBroccoli oBerries oDried fruits oWhole grains oBran cereal oOatmeal oBrown rice Grab the “energy-givers”. oBananas oCoffee oEggs oApples oWater oSweet potatoes oGoji berries oGreen tea oStrawberries oGreen vegetables    Moreover, anti-HIV medications like Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate and Emtricitabine tabletscan cause side effects in some patients. This calls for “management rules” to combat such complications. You can consider the following:  If you experience nausea, you can add: oGinger tea oBananas oApple sauce oProtein-rich meals oPlain bread  If you experience diarrhea, you can add: oBoiled potatoes oApple sauce oPlain white rice

  3. oBread or toast oOatmeal If you experience flu-like symptoms, you can add: oChicken soup oGarlic oYogurt oOatmeal oBroccoli oOranges and berries oBroth  Foods to Say “NO-NO” Apart from knowing what to add to your meals, you must know about the foods to avoid. There are certain foods and beverages that may weaken your immune response.  Salty foods oPasta sauce oTortilla chips oBottled salad dressing oInstant noodles oMixed nuts oSalted fish  Sugary foods oCorn sugar oHoney oGlucose oChocolate spread oBiscuits oBuns and cakes oFrosted corn flakes  High-fat drinks oAlcohol oShakes oCold drinks oSmoothies oCocoa  Fried foods oFrench fries oFried desserts oBurgers oMomos oDeep-fried chicken Note that the above-mentioned tips are not intended to be a substitute for any medical advice. Consult your medical team before implementing any of these if you are not sure about the outcomes. Sit with your dietician and plan out accordingly. Source: http://writeus.me/nutrition-tips-to-keep-the-immune-system-strong-for-people-with-hiv-aids

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