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DNA: The Code of Life

DNA: The Code of Life. What are DNA and Genes?. Small Group/Whole Class Activity. https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/basics/dna 1. Where are the instructions for building all living things found? ANSWER: in a molecule called DNA. What are DNA and Genes?.

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DNA: The Code of Life

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  1. DNA:The Code of Life

  2. What are DNA and Genes? Small Group/Whole Class Activity https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/basics/dna 1. Where are the instructions for building all living things found? ANSWER: in a molecule called DNA

  3. What are DNA and Genes? Small Group/Whole Class Activity https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/basics/dna 2. What are the 4 building block letters of DNA? ANSWER: A, C, G, and T

  4. What are DNA and Genes? Small Group/Whole Class Activity https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/basics/dna 3. How do they pair up? ANSWER: A↔T and C↔G

  5. What are DNA and Genes? Small Group/Whole Class Activity https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/basics/dna 4. What is a set of instructions for building a specific protein? ANSWER: a gene

  6. What are DNA and Genes? Small Group/Whole Class Activity https://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/basics/dna 5. What makes each person unique despite the fact that we all have our genome arranged the same? ANSWER: small differences in the sequence of the bases in our genes


  8. Cool facts about DNA Take a minute and see if you can guess the correct answers to the cool facts about DNA in your notes.

  9. A. CHROMOSOMES • Are rod-shaped or threadlike structures made of tightly coiled DNA located within the nucleus of almost every cell in our body. • Chromosomes contain thousands of genes that hold hereditary information.

  10. A. CHROMOSOMES • Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 in total): one set comes from your mother and one set comes from your father. • Different organisms have different numbers of chromosomes. • https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXoypizjW3WknFiJnKLwHCnL72vedxjQkDDP1mXWo6uco/wiki/List_of_organisms_by_chromosome_count.html human karyotype

  11. B. DNA • Contains the genetic information for cells to make proteins. • Proteins determine a variety of traits, from hair color to an organism’s ability to digest food.

  12. B. DNA • It took almost 100 years after the discovery of DNA for scientists to figure out it looked like a twisted ladder (also known as a double helix).

  13. B. DNA • James Watson and Francis Crick made the first accurate model of DNA in 1953.

  14. B. DNA • In eukaryotic cells it is found in the nucleus • plants and animal cells • In prokaryotic cells it is found within the cytoplasm • bacteria

  15. B. DNA • DNA is like a set of blueprints or instructions • In controls how an organism will look and behave Complete the Launch Lab on page 62 of the textbook

  16. Were you able to break the code? DNA provides the chemical code for an organism’s genetic material.

  17. Were you able to break the code? • What do all codes have in common? • All codes have symbols that represent something, such as letters of the alphabet or numbers. • What do you think might happen if there is a mistake in the code? • A mistake in the code could result in a mistake in the message.

  18. B. DNA • The sides of the ladder are made up of sugar-phosphate molecules. • The rungs of the ladder are made up of nitrogen bases (molecules that contain nitrogen and other elements.)

  19. B. DNA • There are 4 nitrogen bases that make the rungs (steps) of the ladder in DNA: - Adenine always bonds to Thymine - Guanine always bonds to Cytosine

  20. B. DNA • Before a cell divides, its DNA duplicates itself by unwinding and separating its sides, then forming new sides.

  21. Complete the Structure of DNA worksheet C

  22. C. GENES • A section of a DNA molecule that contains the information to code for one specific protein.

  23. C. GENES • A gene is made up of a series of bases in a row arranged in a specific order. EXAMPLE: CAGTCTAGGTAACTG • Each gene is located at a specific place on a chromosome.

  24. C. GENES • A gene contains the code that determines the structure of DNA. • The order of the nitrogen bases along a gene forms a genetic code that specifies what type of protein will be produced.


  26. Use information from your notes and this video to help you on the Putting It All Together writing assignment. https://youtu.be/8m6hHRlKwxY


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