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Taxonomy Review

Taxonomy Review. Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus species. The eight taxonomic levels include…. Domain species. The most general taxonomic level is…the most specific is…. Kingdom Class, order, family, genus, species.

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Taxonomy Review

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  1. Taxonomy Review

  2. Domain • Kingdom • Phylum • Class • Order • Family • Genus • species The eight taxonomic levels include…

  3. Domain • species The most general taxonomic level is…the most specific is…

  4. Kingdom • Class, order, family, genus, species Two organisms in the same phylum would also have to be in the same… but not necessarily in the same…

  5. A cladogram • Morphological characteristics and biochemical similarities are examples of traits that are used to build a cladogram. A chart that shows the evolutionary relationship between groups of organisms is called…

  6. eubacteria Which kingdom contains organisms that are unicellular, prokaryotic and live in common places?

  7. Archaebacteria Which kingdom contains organisms that are prokaryotic, unicellular, and live in harsh environments?

  8. protista Which kingdom contains organisms that are unicellular(some colonial) and eukaryotic?

  9. Which kingdom contains organisms that are multicelluar(some uni), non-motile, and heterotrophic(saprophytic)?

  10. plantae Which kingdom contains organisms that are multicellur, non-motile, and autotrophic?

  11. animalia Which kingdom contains organisms that are multicellular, motile and heterotrophic?

  12. Eubacteria • Disease causing bacteria need to be in common places in order for us to come into contact with them. The major pathogenic bacteria belong to which kingdom?

  13. animalia What kingdom contains cells which do not have cell walls?

  14. How close they are on the branches of the cladogram. On a cladogram, how closely related two organisms are is demonstrated by…

  15. taxonomy Which branch of science classifies living organisms?

  16. Decomposers • Pathogens • Food source • Genetic research Why are fungus important?

  17. A notochord (nerve cord) which runs down the back of the organism. • In most chordates this is surrounded by a vertebral column. • All chordates also have pharyngeal slits and tail. What is the defining characteristic of Phylum Chordata?

  18. Nucleic acids • Protein coat What are the basic parts of a virus?

  19. Viruses • Vaccines are weakened or killed viruses which are injected and cause an immune response which protects against future viral infections. Vaccines are effective against…

  20. Bacterial infections Antibiotics are effective against…

  21. Infecting a host and using it’s ribosomes etc. The only way viruses can reproduce is by…

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