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Twitter basics

Twitter basics. Daniel Irizarry GSLIS 747 Professor Li. What is twitter?.

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Twitter basics

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  1. Twitter basics Daniel Irizarry GSLIS 747 Professor Li

  2. What is twitter? • Twitter is a web based application where users can send messages to each other at the limit of 140 characters long. Many call twitter, microblogging. Twitter’s messages are short because twitter was intended to be mobile, meaning that you can access and use twitter with a mobile phone. Mobile phones have what is called SMS (short message services) or what we call text messages, which hold 160 characters. Twitter is used on PCs, Laptops, phones and any other device that connects to the web.

  3. Brief History • Twitter originated in 2006 in San Francisco, California by board members of the podcasting company, Odeo. Jack Dorsey came up with the idea of a person using SMS to communicate with a small group and called the project twttr. In 2006 the board members acquired Odeo and twitter.com from the shareholders and investors. And in 2007 twitter became its own company

  4. Basic twitter terms

  5. Tweeting: are the messages that you type on the text box. • Tweets: are the messages that you type or others have typed that appear on your time line • Retweeting: When you resend someone’s tweet that is on your timeline to your followers • Time line/twitter feed: is the chronological messages that are displayed of all the tweets on your page • Following: the people you have chosen to read their tweets on your timeline. • Followers: the people who have chosen to see your tweets on their timelines • Character limit: the uses of typings and spaces for tweet. The limit is 140

  6. More terms

  7. @username: this Is where you will see the tweets that followers have replied to you (which is only visible to you). It is also where you will see who has mentioned you in their tweets by using @username in their messages. • @reply: is the tweets that followers send you in regards to something you tweeted to them and only you can see. • @mention: these are tweets visible to all the your followers that have a person’s screens name in the message of the tweet such as @GSLIS747fall10( my screen name). • Direct messages: are messages that are sent to a specific user alone.

  8. Twitter’s Frame

  9. Settings

  10. Settings Functions • Settings Account allows you to view and change your account information. This includes your name and email address you choose to use when you signed up with twitter. It allows you to restrict your tweets to people you will allow to follow you. It has the option of making your location coordinates available. • Password settings allows you to change your password. • Mobile settings allow you to connect your cell phone device to twitter. • Notices settings allows you to choose whether or not you want emails stating you have new followers. • Profile contains your name, picture, blog site, location, and a message of 160 characters. • Design settings allows you to change the backround, colors, and designs of you site.

  11. Help Settings

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