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What Effects does Partner Loss have on the Mental Stability of a Police Officer?

This research aims to explore the emotional, social, and mental well-being of police officers after experiencing the loss of a partner. By collecting narratives from officers themselves, this study seeks to understand their coping mechanisms and the support provided by their department. Confidentiality and privacy will be maintained throughout the study.

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What Effects does Partner Loss have on the Mental Stability of a Police Officer?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What Effects does Partner Loss have on the Mental Stability of a Police Officer? • Frederick Tyler Leyboldt

  2. Overview • Research Done • What am I looking to find? • Methods • How will I be looking into the information?

  3. Previous Research • Violanti (2010) • Comparing suicide rates. • Cooling (2004) • Prevalence of mental illnesses. • Marmar (2008) • Is there a way to predict how one will handle a traumatic experience?

  4. What does it feel like to lose someone?

  5. Looking into what it means to be a man. • How is the partnership more than just a job position? • Is there more the department can do? • What is it like to go back on the street after losing a partner?

  6. Methods. • My name is Frederick Leyboldt and I am a research student at the University of Tampa. I am interested in the effects that partner loss has on the mental, social and emotional well being of a police officer. Although there have been studies on this topic, few actually examine the stories of police officers in their own words. Though often painful to retell, such stories most strongly help researchers, counselors, and law-enforcement administrators to more fully understand coping with the loss of a partner. When telling your story, you may wish to reflect on the emotions you felt during and after the events that transpired. Tell me if you have found a method of coping with the pain, and if so, how do you cope? Tell me about of the resources provided by the department/precinct, and if they were helpful to your healing. Take as much time as you may need to write a narrative of the events. Anywhere from 1000-1500 words will suffice, but you are welcome to go even longer than that. With more information, there is more to look into when analyzing the narrative. • I understand that asking for you to recall this sad time may be uncomfortable and even if you agree to help me by sharing your story, you are free to opt out of the study at any time. All information will be confidential; the location and names mentioned will be altered for your privacy and comfort. Feel free to contact me at any time before, during, or after completing this project for clarification or final conclusions. Thank you very much for participating in a vital part of my research.  • Frederick Tyler Leyboldt Email: Frederick.Leyboldt@Spartans.ut.edu Phone: 631-960-2566 • The professor overseeing this research is Dr. Marlen Harrison. You may also contact him with any questions regarding the research being done.  Dr. Marlen Harrison Email: meharrison@ut.edu

  7. Why? • What makes mine different than the others?

  8. Qualitative Research • Too many numbers. • What about the EMOTION! • Nobody has researched how they feel.

  9. Where do I go from here? • Journals • Conferences • Telling the story

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