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The First Epistle of John

Introduction. The Judgment Day is comingChrist will be the judgeJn 5:22, 26-27Acts 17:30-31We must all appear before Christ2 Cor 5:10. Introduction. Many people fear the Judgment DaySome because they know their life is not right with GodSome fear it, who should be looking forward to itIn this passage, John is speaking to this latter group.

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The First Epistle of John

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    1. The First Epistle of John Confidence at Christ’s Coming 1 John 2:28-29

    2. Introduction The Judgment Day is coming Christ will be the judge Jn 5:22, 26-27 Acts 17:30-31 We must all appear before Christ 2 Cor 5:10

    3. Introduction Many people fear the Judgment Day Some because they know their life is not right with God Some fear it, who should be looking forward to it In this passage, John is speaking to this latter group

    4. John’s Goal for his “little children” 1 John 2:28 To have “confidence” when Christ appears Confidence – Grk parrhesia “all-outspokenness, assurance, boldness, confidence” Confidence in Christ now Eph 3:11-12 Heb 4:14-16 John wants us to have as much confidence on the Judgment Day as we do now

    5. John’s Goal for his “little children” 1 John 2:28 To not be “ashamed” when He comes Ashamed – Grk aischunomai “to feel shame for one’s self, from the word for disfigurement” Ashamed is the opposite of confidence John does not want us to be ashamed of ourselves when Christ comes again

    6. John’s Goal for his “little children” To stand before Christ with boldness To not shrink away with shame Shouldn’t that be our goal for ourselves as well? How can we be sure that we will meet that goal?

    7. John’s solution “Abide in Him so that …” (1 Jn 2:28) If you want confidence and no shame, then abide in Him But how does one “abide in Christ”?

    8. Abiding in Christ Letting His word abide in us 1 Jn 2:24 Jn 14:21, 23; 15:10 We need 2 things to abide in His word We need to KNOW His word We need to KEEP His word

    9. Lacking confidence Those who lack confidence about Judgment, either Have not studied His word enough Or know they have not kept His word Like going into Final Exams Some are afraid because they either haven’t studied or not having mastered the material Others go in with complete confidence

    10. Doers of the Word Not enough to “know” the word, we must keep it (master the subject) Mt 7:21-27 1 John 2:29 – we must “practice righteousness” to be born of Him If we fail at some point, we have the assurance of His forgiveness (1 Jn 1:9) So we can move forward in confidence

    11. A story There were two little boys. One of the boys noticed that the other’s grandmother spent a lot of time reading her Bible. “Why does she read the Bible so much?” the boy asked his friend. The other boy replied, “She is cramming for her final exam!”

    12. Conclusion The more we “know” of the word of God And the more we act on that knowledge Then the greater will be our confidence when we stand before the judgment seat

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