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Planets in other Galaxies

Planets in other Galaxies. Most planets we know of are within 0.5 kpc of the sun but our galaxy has a radius > 25 kpc. Is our sun special?. Most search programs for extrasolar planets concentrate on solar-like stars in the solar neighbourhood but is our sun special?

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Planets in other Galaxies

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  1. Planets in other Galaxies

  2. Most planets we know of are within 0.5 kpc of the sun but our galaxy has a radius > 25 kpc

  3. Is our sun special? Most search programs for extrasolar planets concentrate on solar-like stars in the solar neighbourhood but is our sun special? The two most atypical properties of the Sun are its mass and orbit around the galaxy. The Sun is more massive than 95%+/-2% of nearby stars, and its orbit around the Galaxy is less eccentric than 93%+/-1% of FGK stars within 40 pc.

  4. Mass of the stars in the solar neighbourhood

  5. Initial mass function(USco)

  6. Rotation velocity of the stars (v sini), The sun rotates more slowly than 83+/-7% of the stars (mass range 0.9-1.1 Msun) in the solar neighbourhood.

  7. Ages of the stars in the solar neighbourhood

  8. Mean stellar galactocentric radius distribution Sun orbits at 7.62 +/-0.32 kpc The co-rotation radius is at 3.4 +/-0.3 kpc

  9. Eccentricity of the orbit of the sun

  10. Intermezzo I: The rotation of spiral galaxies • As the name indicates spiral galaxies have spiral arms. Spiral arms are the sites of star formation. We see the better well in the blue, because of the young luminous OB stars inhabiting them. • Spiral galaxies are found in low-density regions of the universe.

  11. Why do the spiral arms not wind up?

  12. Lindblad: star formation caused by density waves of stars.

  13. Star formation in spiral arms • Gas clouds are swept up by spiral arms (clouds move into regions of enhanced density of stars) • This increases density of matter in clouds and may even results in cloud-cloud collisions. The high density makes the collapse of clouds more likely which triggers star-formation.

  14. M51: Herschel (70, 100, 150 mu), Optical

  15. Intermezzo II: The formation of galaxies(bottom up process) • Grows of primordial fluctuations (universe contains dark energy, dark matter, hydrogen, helium) • As universe cools dark matter condenses • Gas flows into denser regions. Dark matter stays in outer regions because it can only interact gravitationally. • Small proto-galaxies form • Galaxies grew by accreting smaller galxies

  16. Universe at 0.47, 2.1 and 13.4 Gyrs (simulation, box size 90 Mpc)

  17. As a galaxy gains mass by accreting smaller galaxies the dark matter stays mostly on the outer parts. This is because the dark matter can only interact gravitationally, and thus will not dissipate. • The gas however can quickly contract, and as it does so it rotates faster, until the final result is a very thin, very rapidly rotating disk. It is currently not known what process stops the contraction, in fact theories of disk galaxy formation are not yet successful at producing the rotation speed and size of disk galaxies (possibly AGN activity, star-formation, or the gravitation pull of the dark matter stops it).

  18. Galaxy formation

  19. The role of mergers • In recent years, a great deal of focus has been put on understanding merger events in the evolution of galaxies. Our own galaxy has a tiny satellite galaxy (the Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy) which is currently gradually being ripped up and "eaten" by the Milky Way, it is thought these kinds of events may be quite common in the evolution of large galaxies.

  20. Large Mergers

  21. Mass of the host galaxy: Milky way is more massive than 99% of all galaxies!

  22. A famous neighbour: the Large Magellanic Cloud • distance 48.5 kpc; • size 10.75x9.17 degrees • Mass of the LMC: 6 109 Msun • Mass of the milky way: 5.8 1011 Msun

  23. Sagittarius Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy • The Sagittarius dwarf galaxy is orbiting our galaxy at almost a right angle to the disk. It is currently passing through the disk; stars are being stripped off of it with each pass and joining the halo of our galaxy. There are other examples of these minor accretion events, and it is likely a continual process for many galaxies. Such mergers provide "new" gas, stars and dark matter to galaxies. Evidence for this process is often observable as warps or streams coming out of galaxies.

  24. Sagittarius dwarf elliptical galaxy I

  25. The Sagittarius dwarf elliptical galaxy gets tidally disrupted!

  26. M54 is the core of the Sagittarius dwarf elliptical galaxy!

  27. The density of stars in the Sagittarius dwarf elliptical galaxy is quite low

  28. Do not mix it up with the Sagittarius dwarf irregular galaxy!

  29. We can only search for planets of giant stars!

  30. Is the sun metal rich?

  31. Do planets form preferentially around metal rich stars? • RV planets • Planets with transits

  32. Formation of planets in the core-accretion scenario: heavy elements needed to form core

  33. Abundance of stars in the SDSG

  34. RV-accuracy that can be achieved

  35. RV-measurements of a giant star with a planet

  36. Oscillations of a giant star

  37. M/R and L/M relation

  38. Determine the mass of the host star by using the oscillations

  39. Another problem: spots can cause RV-variations V = –Vrot V = +Vrot V = 0

  40. Activity of the star can be monitored in CaIIH and K:Sunspots in white light and in CaIIH and K

  41. Ca II line Strong absorption lines are formed higher up in the stellar atmosphere. The core of the lines are formed even higher up (wings are formed deeper). Ca II is formed very high up in the atmospheres of solar type stars.

  42. Activity can also be monitored in X-rays: The Sun in X-rays

  43. The amplitude of the RV-variations of a sunspot is larger in the optical then in the IR

  44. The next step: E-ELT

  45. Adaptive Optics

  46. Fried Parameter r0 • : Zenit Distanz Da der Brechungsindex eine Funktion der Höhe in der Atmosphäre ist, führt man den Parameter Cn ein. Cn : Strukturkonstante der Variationen des Brechungsindex integriert über die turbulenten Schichten.

  47. Die Aberration der Phase lässt sich als Summe orthogonaler Pylonome (Zernicke Polynome) (in Polarkoordinaten r,q) darstellen.

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