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Using Brain Science to Fight Lies and Smears

Using Brain Science to Fight Lies and Smears. Sam Wang, Ph.D. The New York Times June 27, 2008. http://welcometoyourbrain.com. SOURCE AMNESIA.

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Using Brain Science to Fight Lies and Smears

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  1. Using Brain Scienceto Fight Lies and Smears Sam Wang, Ph.D.

  2. The New York Times June 27, 2008 http://welcometoyourbrain.com

  3. SOURCE AMNESIA In 2004, false statements about John Kerry’s wartime heroism may have been the key event that determined the race’s outcome. Over a period of weeks in August and September, false statements by the “Swift Boat Veterans for Truth” took root in the public consciousness. The result was a shift in support from Kerry to George W. Bush. Did source amnesia cause people to forget that the original statement had a non-credible source?



  6. BIASED ASSIMILATION Evidence is integrated very differently, depending on the recipient’s prior set of expectations. These statements by Michelle Malkin can be interpreted as meaning that people around the world have paranoid views about the United States and wish the U.S. harm, and those people also want Barack Obama to be President. A second interpretation is that regard for the U.S. has dropped precipitously and disastrously in the last seven years due to the actions of the Bush Administration.

  7. BIASED ASSIMILATION "Israel was behind the attacks, said 43 percent of people in Egypt, 31 percent in Jordan and 19 percent in the Palestinian Territories," according to the survey."The U.S. government was blamed by 36 percent of Turks and 27 percent of Palestinians." Not coincidentally, another world opinion poll was released this week that dovetails with the 9/11 survey. While the global community refuses to unite against al-Qaida as a common enemy to humanity, it has decided on who should be America's next president. The BBC-commissioned poll named Barack Obama the world's favorite candidate by an overwhelming margin of four to one. They see in their fellow "citizen of the world" a kindred spirit…. Obama is their man. Never forget. Michelle Malkin, September 12, 2008


  9. FIGHTING FALSE BELIEFS • Do not let false statements go unanswered

  10. FIGHTING FALSE BELIEFS • Do not let false statements go unanswered • State the truth, without repeating the lies

  11. FIGHTING FALSE BELIEFS • Do not let false statements go unanswered • State the truth, without repeating the lies • Tell the truth with images

  12. FIGHTING FALSE BELIEFS • Do not let false statements go unanswered • State the truth, without repeating the lies • Tell the truth with images • Provide a compelling storyline or mental framework

  13. FIGHTING FALSE BELIEFS • Do not let false statements go unanswered • State the truth, without repeating the lies • Tell the truth with images • Provide a compelling storyline or mental framework • Discredit the source with an emotional appeal (fear and disgust work particularly well)

  14. PDF: The Jed Report http://jedreport.com, 7/29/2008 9:45am

  15. John McCain has shown that he is willing to go into the gutter to win this election. His campaign has become nothing but a series of smears, lies, and cynical attempts to distract from the issues that matter to the American people. But as Barack Obama said earlier this week "enough is enough." This election is too important and the challenges too big to spend the next 54 days talking about trivial non-issues. John McCain is out of touch with the American people and unable to address the challenges facing the country in the 21st century and bring about real change, and that Barack Obama is the candidate who will bring about change that works for the middle class. David Plouffe, September 12, 2008 Full text: http://jedreport.com, 9/12/2008 3:10am

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