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Republic of South Africa Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services

Republic of South Africa Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services Quarterly Report to the Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services For the period 1 October to 31 December 2011. OUTLINE. Programme 1: Administration > Objective 1: Offices: 1. Inspecting Judge 2. CEO

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Republic of South Africa Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services

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  1. Republic of South Africa Judicial Inspectorate for Correctional Services Quarterly Report to the Portfolio Committee on Correctional Services For the period 1 October to 31 December 2011

  2. OUTLINE • Programme 1: Administration> Objective 1: Offices: 1. Inspecting Judge 2. CEO > Objective 2: Human Resources and Development > Objective 3: Financial Management • Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & Investigations> Objective 1: Inspections &Investigations> Objective 2: Complaints > Objective 3: Mandatory Reports • Programme 3: Community Oversight and Stakeholder Engagement> Objective 1: Independent Correctional Centre Visitors (ICCV) > Objective 2: Visitors Committees (VC) > Objective 3: Stakeholder Engagement

  3. Programme 1: AdministrationObjective 1: Human Resources and Development • Office of the Inspecting Judge • Judge V. Tshabalala & Mr A. Carelse (Acting CEO appointed) • Inspections conducted • Warmbokveld, • De Aar • New Kimberly • Pollsmoor Female & Maximum • Malmesbury Med A • Durban Female • Johannesburg • “New” Brandvlei & Brandvlei Juvenile • Attendance at: • Opening of “New” Kimberley CC • Excellence awards – WC and KZN • Speaker - Offenders Traditional Dance Festival at Inkandla KZN • Keynote speaker at Stakeholders meeting held at Durban Westville CC & Zonderwater CC • Speaker - Aids Day Commemoration in Kokstad, • Inauguration of Gallows Museum at Pretoria C-Max CC • Article 5 Initiative

  4. Programme 1: AdministrationObjective 1: Human Resources and Development • Office of the CEO • Accompany Inspecting Judge • Operational Matters: • Inspecting Judge Office Space • Meetings DCS; KZN • Restructuring of JICS • PMDS • Property management • Procurement of official car for Inspecting Judge • IT • Portfolio Committee • Organisational Development

  5. Programme 1: AdministrationObjective 1: Human Resources and Development • Update on post establishment • Posts • 44 approved and funded posts on the fixed establishment • 40 of these posts are filled • Filled posts 90% • Contract workers • 18 additional posts to address specific needs are filled by contract workers • Vacancies • 4 vacant • 1 x level 14 post; 2 x level 6 posts; 1 x level 5 post • Appointments due to vacancies and resignations inclusive of contract workers and interns • 12 Appointments made for the reporting period (total) • Level 5 to level 7: 2 appointments • Level 8 to level 11: • Level 13: • Contract workers: 10 contract appointments • Interns: • Promotions: 4 promotions, Acting CEO as from 01 November 2011 • 1 transfer to DCS • Job evaluation on “new” posts • Job descriptions have to be compiled for new posts and then the job evaluation process will determine the level of the new posts.

  6. Programme 1: AdministrationObjective 1: Human Resources and Development (cont) • Equity

  7. Programme 1: AdministrationObjective 1: Human Resources and Development (cont) • Update on Performance Management & Development System (PMDS) • The Mid Term review process was completed • Update on labour related matters: • 1 x Suspension: leave without pay

  8. Programme 1: AdministrationObjective 1: Human Resources and Development (cont) • ICCV Appointments

  9. Programme 1: AdministrationObjective 1: Human Resources and Development (cont) • Concluded Projects • A HR data base was compiled with shortlisted applicants from level 5 – 7 • Pay progression process for the 2010/2011 year under review • Training program and manual was developed for ICCV Office Bearers • Follow-up training manual was developed in conjunction with legal services • Challenges: • Due to appointments made as Public Servants it is a challenge to capture the special leave

  10. Programme 1: Administration Objective 2: Financial Management • Update of budget expenditure vs requested & projected  to date • Expenditure to date • Per capita rate of ICCV: R 2 672.04 (R 70.67 per hour)

  11. Programme 1: Administration Objective 2: Financial Management • Internal audits • There is no internal audit post on the current post establishment , however, internal audits on certain processes are done on a regular basis. • Update on IT • The DCS: Regional Office, Western Cape and Gauteng are currently assisting the JICS Head Office and Centurion office respectively, in terms of IT support • The new proposed structure makes provision for an IT post • RECOMMENDATIONS • Renewal of the Cape Town and Centurion offices’ lease agreements • To expedite the IT service • Procurement of Inspecting Judge’s car • The implementation of a formalised equity plan, and workplace skills plan

  12. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective1: Inspections & InvestigationsTable 1: Inspections

  13. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective1: Inspections & InvestigationsTable 1: Inspections

  14. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective1: Inspections & InvestigationsTable 1: Inspections

  15. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & Investigations Objective1: Inspections & InvestigationsTable 1: Inspections

  16. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & Investigations Objective1: Inspections & InvestigationsTable 1: Inspections

  17. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective1: Inspections & InvestigationsTable 2: Investigations

  18. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective1: Inspections & InvestigationsTable 2: Investigations

  19. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective1: Inspections & InvestigationsTable 2: Investigations

  20. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective1: Inspections & InvestigationsTable 2: Investigations

  21. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective 2: Complaints EXTERNAL SOURCES

  22. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective 2: Complaints INMATE DIRECTLY LSD INTERNAL

  23. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective 2: Complaints JICS REGIONS LSD INTERNAL

  24. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective 3: Mandatory Reports Natural Deaths reported by Heads of Centre – 169

  25. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective 3: Mandatory ReportsNatural deaths confirmed by JICS by RoC

  26. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective 3: Mandatory Reports Unnatural Deaths as reported by DCS

  27. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective 3: Mandatory Reports • Segregations as reported by DCS

  28. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective 3: Mandatory Reports • Mechanical Restraints as reported by DCS

  29. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective 3: Mandatory Reports • Use of Force as reported by DCS • 17 reports

  30. Programme 2: Complaints processing, Monitoring & InvestigationsObjective 3: Mandatory Reports • Recommendations • The Inspectorate requires the assistance of DCS where an inmates is deceased, to prepare investigation reports, autopsy reports, the prescribed BI-1663/G363 forms for the ICCV to collect and forward to the JICS office • Both JICS and DCS should be sensitised and informed on the inmate’s right to appeal in respect of mechanical restraints and segregations. • HCC’s should be better acquainted with the provisions of the Act, in respect of their mandatory reporting obligations. • HCC’s must attach a visible notice on the door of the cell for all mechanical restraints and segregations, so that inmates can be adequately monitored.

  31. Programme 3: Community Oversight and Stakeholder Engagement Objective 1: ICCV’s • ICCV Audits • Number of performance audits conducted • EMR: 16 • NMR: 18 • SMR: 13 A total of 47 (20%) of ICCVs were audited for the quarter • Findings • 1x ICCV contract terminated due to ICCV engaging in illegal activities with an inmate • 1x ICCV contract terminated on grounds of non-performance and submission of false claims for payment • Minimum Service of Service Delivery (MSSD)

  32. Programme 3: Community Oversight and Stakeholder EngagementObjective 1: ICCV’s • Recommendations • The JICS needs to strengthen its reporting mechanisms with regard to unresolved complaints • DCS, HCC’s should as far as possible assist the ICCV’s with logistical support, especially with regard to the use of computers, as ICCVs are largely dependent on the IT system for effective functioning • DCS representation at Visitors’ Committee meetings are highly encouraged for assistance with the resolution of complaints

  33. Programme 3: Community Oversight and Stakeholder EngagementObjective 2: VC’s • Meetings • Number of meetings

  34. Programme 3: Community Oversight and Stakeholder EngagementObjective 3: Stakeholder Engagement • Public Calling for Nominations Meetings • The Act requires that the Inspecting Judge consults with community • Calling for nominations were held in Eastern Cape during the quarter. Submissions to the Portfolio Committee and Minister: DCS

  35. THANK YOU.

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