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九 年 级 课 例 分 析

九 年 级 课 例 分 析. 教师的课堂内容组织 (Teaching plan and implementation) :导入、呈现、运用、呼应、总结等环节体现出教师对教材的把握程度和对学段教学总目标的理解程度。 教学的有效性:在活动设计、提问设计、作业设计、学用结合中体现师生情绪高昂互动有效、教学层次清晰层层递进、教学方法贴切、关注整班学生尊重个体差异等体现教学有效性。. The night of the horse. Chapter 3 (Period 1). --- Zhao Wei yu Pujiang No.2 Middle School.

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九 年 级 课 例 分 析

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  1. 九 年 级 课 例 分 析

  2. 教师的课堂内容组织(Teaching plan and implementation):导入、呈现、运用、呼应、总结等环节体现出教师对教材的把握程度和对学段教学总目标的理解程度。 • 教学的有效性:在活动设计、提问设计、作业设计、学用结合中体现师生情绪高昂互动有效、教学层次清晰层层递进、教学方法贴切、关注整班学生尊重个体差异等体现教学有效性。

  3. The night of the horse Chapter 3 (Period 1) --- Zhao Wei yu Pujiang No.2 Middle School

  4. See a short film: • What kind of film is it? 2.Whatwar is it? A war in history --- the Trojan War 特洛伊之战

  5. The City of Troy 特洛伊城

  6. Greece n. Greek a. Troy Sparta n. 斯巴达 Troy n. 特洛伊 Trojan n. 特洛伊人 Sparta

  7. How did the Trojan War start?

  8. Main Figures in Listening Part 主要人物 Gods and Goddesses: Aphrodite,阿芙罗狄蒂 女神 Goddess of Love 宙斯 Zeus, / zju:s/ King of the Gods

  9. Sparta KingMenelaus Queen Helen

  10. Troy King of Troy Paris (son)

  11. Group discussion:What can you see in each picture?

  12. Listen to the tape and do the picture sequencing

  13. Try towrite down the key words(关键词)and put them in the correct order (听力教学过程中教会学生听力方法:学会捕捉和记录关键信息)

  14. In this picture, you can see Paris and the three goddesses .

  15. In this picture ,you can see Paris giving her the prize, a golden apple.

  16. Sail away Troy 驶离 In this picture, you can see Paris’s ship sailing away from Troy.

  17. In this Picture, you can see Helen,Menelaus and Paris at dinner

  18. King Menelaus had to go away from Sparta for a few days. As soon as he went.,Paris took Helen to the ship. His men also stole a lot of gold from Sparta.

  19. The King of Troy was happy to see his son Paris again. In this picture , you can see Paris and Helen returning to Troy.

  20. towards prep. 朝…,向… In this picture , you can see the ships coming towards Troy.

  21. battle n. 战役 There were many battles in front of the walls of Troy. You can see one of the battles in this picture.

  22. correct order: d h a e b g c f

  23. Ask and Answer: 1.Paris was the prince of the Sparta, wasn’t he? 2.How did Paris go to Sparta? 3.Did Helen go with Paris to Troy as soon as King Menelaus left Sparta? No,he wasn’t By ship. Yes, she did. 充分利用和挖掘教材。听力训练之后对教材的进一步理解,培养学生阅读理解和说话能力。

  24. Ask and Answer: 4. What was King Menelaus ‘s feeling? 5. How did the Trojan War start? 6. How long did the battle last for? He was very angry. Because Paris took the queen of Sparta away. Forten years.

  25. Guess Did the Greeks win the war? And how?

  26. Learn some new words: plain n. 平原 A wide ,level area of land

  27. Learn some new words: giant a. --huge , very big Wood n. 木头 Wooden a. 木制的 A giant wooden horse A very big horse made of wood

  28. Learn some new words: celebrate v. 庆祝 citizen n. 市民,公民 celebration n.庆祝 All the citizens of Troy celebrated in the main square of the city

  29. Learn some new words: 夺取,俘虏 capture v.-- take control by force They are so happy to capture the hill. (也可以放在文章理解过程中设置成问题,让学生猜意)

  30. Learn some new words: dragged drag v. 拖 Pull something heavy roughly

  31. seizev.--- take hold of roughly 抓住,逮住 The job of the police is to seize the thief.

  32. Look and learn: seize v. capture v. plain n. celebratev. 庆祝 woodena. 木制的 citizen n. drag v. giant a.

  33. New words : 1. plain n. 平原 2. Troy n. 特洛伊(古城) 3. Trojan a. 特洛伊(人)的 n. 特洛伊人 4. Sparta n. 斯巴达 5. sail v. 航行 sail away 驶离 6 . wooden a. 木制的 7. giant a. 巨大的,庞大的 8. citizen n. 市民,公民 9. celebrate v. 庆祝 celebration n.庆祝 10. capture v. 夺取 11. seize v. 抓住 12. drag v. 拖 (dragged—dragged) 13.Roughly ad. 粗鲁地

  34. Choose the closest words or phrases • safely B.take control by force C. caught • D. made of wood E.pulled roughly ( )1.The Greeksseized the captain on the hill finally. ( )2.They have tried for ten years to capture our city. ( )3. Tom liked the wooden ship very much. ( ) 4. The Trojans dragged the giant horses into the city with ropes. ( ) 5. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened. C B D E 安全地 A 初步理解词汇之后的词汇检测方法。

  35. 1.the plain 2.seized 3.capture 4.wooden 5.securely 6.celebrated 7.dragged A. pulled roughly B. made of wood C. safely D. enjoyed themselves by singing dancing, eating, etc. E. make …their prisoners F. took hold of somebody roughly G. on the far side of Matching :

  36. Think: • 1.What do you think of the Greek soldiers? • 2.What can war bring us? • 3. What have you learned from it?

  37. Assignment • 1.Copy new words. • 2.Read the whole text The Night of the Horsecarefully 第1项作业:针对性强; 第2项作业:与课堂内容匹配度如何值得商榷; 思考:在文章理解教学之前让学生自己先读文章,第2课时的理解教学效果是否难以检测,有些阅读理解能力如何培养?

  38. Oxford English 9A chapter3 (Period2) The night of the horse Instructor Bruce Ma

  39. The night of the horse Vocabularies The great success has given them something to enjoy themselves by singing, dancing, eating, etc.. In one night, they were successful in capturing it by a trick. The Greeks took hold of the captain roughly and pulled him roughly away. We landed on an unexplored planet safely. Captain, they’ve gone,’ he cried. They could no longer be seen. • disappeared • capture • seized • succeed in (doing) • celebrate • dragged • securely 1. 在第一教时记忆词汇基础上的词汇复习检测方法,难度加大,有层次性。 2. 注意细节,为动词过去式构成和时态作铺垫。

  40. The night of the horse Greece has millions of soldiers in its army. citizens All the people live in this city must obey the laws or they will be punished. beyond If you travel to the far side of China, you will come to Mongolia.(蒙古) plain They came down from the mountains onto a wide area of land. army square People gather in an open area of the city to celebrate the festival.

  41. The night of the horse

  42. c.The soldier came down the stairs and announced that Greek army has left. d.His captain went to the top of the city’s wall to see the Greeks sail away. The soldier pointed out a huge, wooden horse that had been left. b. The captain ordered it to be moved into the city. The soldier wondered why the horse is on wheels and the captain repeated his order angrily. a. All the citizens of troy celebrated ,then went to sleep. f. By midnight, Greek soldiers opened the secret doors and climbed out to open the city gates and let in the Greek army. e. The Greek army entered the city . They captured Troy. The Plots of the night of the horse 1 4 3 6 2 5 大意配对,检测并培养学生阅读中整体理解文章大意的能力。

  43. The night of the horse Question & answer 深入阅读理解文章,在过程中培养学生理解选择信息能力、概括能力、猜测词义理解&指代的能力、理解并改编句子结构的能力、理解基础上的开放性思维的能力等。

  44. The night of the horse • Listen to the text and answer the question (paragraph 1 to 3)

  45. The night of the horse Paragraph 1--3 • The soldier came down the stairs three at a time . • The captain stood on the wall of the city himself. • The war broke out in the city of troy. • At that time the plain was empty. • There were still some ships at the sea. • There was nothing left but a metal horse. • All the Greeks left the city of troy. F F T T F F F

  46. The night of the horse Read Paragraph 4—7 and answer these questions • Was the horse very giant? • Do they need some help to move it into the city? • Did the Trojans move the horse to the city? How ? • Why was the horse on wheels? Maybe the Greeks wanted us to ___________. • What did the all the citizens do at night? • After celebrating, what did the Trojans do? Yes, i t was. Yes, they did. They dragged with ropes. move it to the city They celebrated, sang and danced. Yes, they did. They all went to sleep, including the gate guards

  47. Listen to the paragraph 8—10 and answer these questions Yes, it was. • When the city was empty? • How many Greeks waited in the horse? • Did they open the secret door and climbed down to open the gate of the city? • Who stood outside the city in the darkness when people celebrated inside? • The Trojans didn’t win at last, did they? Six. Yes, they did. The Greek army. Yes, they did.

  48. The night of the horse Paragraph 8--10 At m_ ____, the square was empty, e_ ___ for the g_____ horse. The six soldiers w_____ for another hour to m sure all the Trojans were a______. Then, they opened the s______ door of the horse and c____ _ out. No one s____ _ them as they opened the main g______. The Greek army r________ when the citizens celebrated at night. The army outside e_____ the city and s__ __ the captain and dragged him away. For 10 years, the Greeks couldn’t get i__ __ the gates of the city. In one night, they s_____ _ in capturing it by a t_______. idnight xcept iant aited ake sleep ecret limbed topped ate eturned ntered eized nside rick ucceeded 思考:文章细节内容理解过程较粗糙。较难的段落可以分层理解,问题设置加强坡度性。

  49. The night of the horse What is your favourite character in the story …?

  50. 1. The captain stood on the wall of the city himself. 2.The war broke out in the city of Troy. 3.At that time the plain was empty. 4.There were still some ships at the sea. Read the text quickly and do True or False: F T F F

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