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Mountain Building

Mountain Building . Day 3 – 10/1/10. Objectives 10/1. I will be able to… DESCRIBE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF MOUNTAINS THAT FORM AT DIFFERENT ________________________ I will be able to… ____________THE TYPES OF MOUNTAINS CREATED BY THE DIFFERENT PLATE BOUNDARIES. Key Points.

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Mountain Building

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  1. Mountain Building Day 3 – 10/1/10

  2. Objectives 10/1 • I will be able to… DESCRIBE THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF MOUNTAINS THAT FORM AT DIFFERENT ________________________ • I will be able to… ____________THE TYPES OF MOUNTAINS CREATED BY THE DIFFERENT PLATE BOUNDARIES

  3. Key Points • Different plate boundaries produce different types of mountains because of how the lithosphere behaves • Convergent boundaries are associated with volcanic and folded mountains • Divergent boundaries are associated with fault block mountains • Non-boundary mountains- formed from hot spots • Fragments of crustal material can collide with continental plates and become wedged on in a process called accretion • Isostacy- the Earth’s crust is actually floating in a balance over the asthenosphere

  4. Mountains at Convergent Boundaries • _______ mountain building occurs at _______________ plate boundaries • _______________ forces from the colliding plates cause rock to _____, fault, and metamorphise • Three types of convergent boundaries • Ocean-ocean, Ocean-continental • Continental-Continental

  5. Mountains at Convergent Boundaries • __________________ Convergence • Produces mainly __________mountains • One oceanic plate __________under another • Examples: Aleutian Islands in Alaska, Islands of _____________

  6. Mountains at Convergent Boundaries • _________________ Convergence • Produces mountains in two, roughly _______belts • In-land: Volcanic mountains • Closer to the sea: accretionary wedge materials that produce _________mountains • __________: a process that occurs when crustal fragments collide with and stay connected to continental plates

  7. Mountains at Convergent Boundaries • Ocean-Continental Convergence (Continued) • Examples: ______Mountains of South America

  8. Mountains at Convergent Boundaries • ______________ Convergence • Since continental lithosphere is not dense enough to subduct, _______mountains are produced at C-C convergent boundaries • Examples: _________formed when India collided with the Eurasian plate • Ural mountains in Russia formed when European continent collided with the Asian continent

  9. Mountains at Divergent Boundaries • Divergent boundaries experience ____________ stress • This results in the formation of ___________ mountains • Examples: Mid-Atlantic Ridge

  10. Non-boundary mountains • Mountains can also be formed places other than plate boundaries • ____________can create volcanic mountains when lithosphere moves over them • Example: _______________Islands

  11. Continental Accretion • Pieces of crust can collide with and stick to continental landmasses • Accretion: a process that occurs when ______ _____________________________________ • Accumulation of different sedimentary and metamorphic rocks combined with scraps of ocean crust

  12. Continental Accretion • _________: crustal fragments with a geologic history that’s different from the fragments next to them • Example: The _________Coast of the US, India • Mountains may result from the compressional forces that bring accretionary wedges together with continents

  13. Check in Questions • Define accretionary wedge: • What type of stress is dominant at divergent plate boundaries? • What are the major types of mountain ranges that are formed at convergent plate boundaries?

  14. Isostatic Adjustment • When mountains are built or erode, the ____________will change ________in order to support it. • If a mountain is getting bigger, the earth’s crust has to get __________to support it. • If a mountain ___________and gets smaller, the earth’s crust will ______because it doesn’t have to support so much weight.

  15. Isostatic Adjustment • The force that controls isostatic adjustment is ____________! • According the principle of isostatic adjustment, ________________________ ___________________________________.

  16. Isostatic Adjustment Watch the demonstration and then complete the following: • Describe isostatic adjustment. • What force controls it? • When erosion occurs on the surface, what happens to the crust? • Which floats higher, thick or thin slabs of crustal material?

  17. Plate Tectonics and Mountains • You will spend the remainder of the class working on your review guides for the test on Tuesday. • The review guides will be worth a quiz grade, so don’t lose them and make sure to turn them in! • Remember, no work will be accepted after Tuesday for your REPORT CARD!

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