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Initial Impact Assessment of CORS Technology for Land Surveying at BPN RI

Initial Impact Assessment of CORS Technology for Land Surveying at BPN RI. Imam Mudita 1 , Rowland P. Sidjabat 2 , Agustan 1 , Heri Sudiarto 2 , Farid Hendro Adiyanto 2 , Swasetyo Yulianto 1 , Xerandy 1 , Suryanto 1 , Ruki Ardiyanto 1 , Hari Priyadi 1 , Sri Handoyo Mukti 1 , Wawan Rusiawan 1

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Initial Impact Assessment of CORS Technology for Land Surveying at BPN RI

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  1. Initial Impact Assessment of CORS TechnologyforLand Surveying at BPN RI Imam Mudita1, Rowland P. Sidjabat2, Agustan1, Heri Sudiarto2, Farid Hendro Adiyanto2, Swasetyo Yulianto1, Xerandy1, Suryanto1, Ruki Ardiyanto1, Hari Priyadi1, Sri Handoyo Mukti1, Wawan Rusiawan1 1) BPPT, 2) BPN RI Footer

  2. CORS Technology • Studying movement of the earth’s crust • Reference datum research and precise orbit determinations, • Augmentation services of GNSS for navigation, surveying and mapping (Source : Leica) Footer

  3. Technology Management • Technology Impact Assessment a systematic attempt to foresee the consequences of introducing CORS technology in all spheres it is likely to interact with • Strategic Environments • Opportunities • Challenges • Threats • Surveyors are user • Equipment costs are decreasing • Other services of survey business • Education. New jargon, new concepts. Requires effort to keep up- to-date with changes • Danger that GNSS will become too easy. What else can the modern surveyor offer clients to maintain an advantage over competing professions? Footer

  4. Assessment Activities • Collect and analyze existing documents/literatures • CORS systems and equipments • BPN RI’s internal documentations • BPN RI Cadastral Measurement Technical Standardization • BPN RI Surveying Technical Manual and Instruction Guide • Institutional Strategic Plan and Website of BPN-RI • Survey and Interview • Local Land Title Offices (Kantah) Kabupaten Tangerang, Kota Bogor and Kota Bekasi • Data Center and Central Office of Survey, Survey and mapping of BPN RI Footer

  5. STIP Methodology • Scope Topic, Scope, Time Horizon • Technology • Performances; methods/algorithms (standardized or non standardized), accuracies, minimize distance dependent error, maximize use of satellite data, server or rover controlled network solution, traceability and repeatability, consistencies, cost of its development strategy (station distribution, scalability and hardware material component flexibility) and also business model between provider who supply the data and information and the user. • Information and telecommunication technology which feasible and performed practical, efective and reliable. • Alternative technology assessment could also be done to prevent technology failure so that we still have subsitute technologies. Footer

  6. STIP Methodology • Impact • what benefits are to be expected from CORS/JRSP technology economic and commercial, or environmental improvement, health benefits, or improvements in the social or political fabric of society • what needs does it satisfy, and • why is it superior to present, or rival technologies? • Policy measures such as how much money invested, how much grant and subsidies given by the government during the development stage. Tax holiday offered in the services of the land titling. Training and program socialization, regulations and supporting facilities, even direct administrative support such as Program Larasita from BPN-RI. Footer

  7. Fact Findings Technical Base Point (TDT) at BPN RI (BPN-RI, 2010) Furthermore, up to 2007 only ± 9.000.000 ha from total ± 94.000.000 of land parcel have been mapped, so the remaining ± 85.000.000 ha have not been mapped (Rozak, 2010) Footer

  8. Pilot Project Data streaming (minimal) 4800 bit per seconds. Up to 1.4 Mb within an hour Land Title Offices have interstation distance around ± 30 – 70 km. Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol (NTRIP). Kantah Kab. Tangerang experiencing an average of survey speed 100 land parcels and 30 control point per day using CORS technology Footer

  9. Existing & Expected Architecture Existing bandwidth allocated for each Local LTO 128 kbps, and bandwidth allocated for Deputi 1 BPN-RI (including master controller) 512 kbps. Around 400 of 500 Local LTO all over Indonesia have established data communications. Data communication provider depend on available local provider and their geographical location Footer

  10. Data Communication Aspect Theoretical bandwith of the main RTCM 3.1 messages for 12 satellites (GPS only) and including a transport layer of 48 bits Footer

  11. Financial Aspect Footer

  12. Business Process Aspect Technoware Impact Footer

  13. Business Process Aspect Humanware Impact Footer

  14. Business Process Aspect Infoware Impact Orgaware Impact Footer

  15. Business Process Aspect Impact to Public Footer

  16. Summaries • CORS/JRSP technology could potentially support BPN-RI’s cadastral tasks and functions efficiently and effectively to survey and mapping land parcels challenges such as : • provide national cadastral reference point network, • accelerate land parcels survey and mapping problem solving • unifying coordinate reference system of land titling which is in turn to give certificate on a land parcel • There are many remaining infrastructure problems and constrains in applying CORS technology, such as Information and Data Communication infrastructure, which will be facing a high risk of failure especially in giving real time services. Therefore, in the near future it should need improvements and comprehensive actions to overcome those infrastructure problems before this technology is widely applied by BPN-RI Footer

  17. Recommendations • Need to have strategic plan, including scheduling and budgeting to implement CORS system all over Indonesia. The strategic plan should consider aspect such as: • Improvements and up-gradable of hardware and software of the system • Futuristic data security improvement • Improvement on data management, human resources development, defining business process and CORS system maintenance. Footer

  18. Thank You Footer

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