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Bai thi GVDG PTCS Phuong Mai, Dong Da, Ha noi

Bài giảng thi GVDG năm 2015. Giáo viên: Phạm Ngọc Trâm

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Bai thi GVDG PTCS Phuong Mai, Dong Da, Ha noi

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  1. Class: 6A1


  3. The game “Speed up”:RULE OF THE GAME There are 3 pictures about natural wonders of the world covered. Each picture has 2 suggestions. If you guess correctly the first suggestion, you will get mark 20. If you guess correctly the second one, you will get mark 10. After guessing three pictures, the team that earns more marks will be the winner.

  4. Guessing game: Which place is it? - North-east of Viet Nam. - The World Heritage Site in 1994. 1 - It is 8.848m high. - The highest mountain in the world. - In Northern Africa. - The hottest desert in the world. 3 2

  5. I. Extra vocabulary ngọnđuốc 1. Torch (n) /tɔ:ʧ/ : áo khoác chống thấm nước 2. waterproof coat (n) /`wɔ:təpru:fkəʊt/ : gậy 3. cane (n) /keɪn/ :

  6. Rub out and remember 1. Torch : ngọnđuốc áo khoác chống thấm nước 2. waterproof coat : gậy 3. cane :

  7. II. Reading:1. Fill each gap with “must” or “mustn’t” in a suitable place. a. You ………… follow the guide’s rules. b. You ……….. ask the rules before your trip. c. You ……….. travel alone. Always go in a group. d. You ……….. go in a group. e. You ……….. tell people where you are going. must must mustn’t must must

  8. 2. Match the English words with the suitable meaning of Vietnamese words phongphú, đadạng a. contain (n) /kən`teɪn/ b. diverse (adj.) /daɪ`vɜ:s/ gồmcó, chứa c. experience (n) /ɪk`spɪərɪəns/ trảinghiệm d. globetrotter (n)/`gləʊbtrɒtə/ cầnthiết e. necessary/`nesəsəri/ người du lịchnhiềunơi

  9. /st/ /t/ /st/ /sts/ /s/ /s/ /t/ /st/ /t/ /st/ /t/

  10. 3. Now make a list of the things you must take to the Himalayas. Then add things you mustn't take. (act.2, page 53)

  11. III. Speaking:1.Choose a suitable word to complete each sentence. waterproof coat 1. you must take a ………………. ….with you because it's cold and rainy in the mountain. compass 2. You must take a …………….. with you because it can be useful for finding direction. weapon 3. You mustn’t take a …………….. with you because we mustn’t take it to the plane. shorts 4. You mustn’t put on ………….because the weather is too cold. It makes you be sick.

  12. 2. Role-play being a tour guide and a tourist. TELL YOUR PARTNER WHAT TO PREPARE FOR THEIR TRIP TO THE HIMALAYAS. TRY TO GIVE REASONS. (ACT.3, P53) Example: A: I want to go to the Himalayas. B: OK. I think you must take a waterproof coat. It's the highest mountain in the world. It's cold and rainy there! A: Yes. Anything else? B: …..

  13. 4. Perform your role-play for the class.

  14. Period 35. Unit 5. Lesson 4. Communication Homework • Write about things you must/ mustn’t • take to the beach. Give reasons. • 2. Prepare Unit 5 – Lesson 5: Skills (page • 54)

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