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Amines. Nomenclature of amines :. A) By IUPAC system:. تشتق amines من NH3 وتنقسم إلى : 1° amine R-NH2. 2° amine R2NH 3 t-amine R3N. نعتبر NH2 فرع في السلسلة ونسمي المركب كـ amino alkane. في حالة اتصال مجموعة alkyl بـ amino نحدد بأنها متصلة بـ N بأن نسبق اسم alkyl بـ N.

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  1. Amines • Nomenclature of amines: A) By IUPAC system: تشتق amines من NH3 وتنقسم إلى : 1° amine R-NH2. 2° amine R2NH 3 t-amine R3N • نعتبر NH2 فرع في السلسلة ونسمي المركب كـ amino alkane.

  2. في حالة اتصال مجموعة alkyl بـ amino نحدد بأنها متصلة بـ N بأن نسبق اسم alkyl بـ N. B) Common name: -نذكر أسماء R حول ذرة N ثم نكتب كلمة.amine

  3. - Methods of preparation: (1) From alkyl halide: (2) Gaberial reaction: It can be used in synthesis of 1ry amine. Question: Convert phathilimide to methyl amine?

  4. (3) Reduction of nitro compounds: A- In acidic medium: B- In neutral medium: C- In alkaline medium:

  5. C)Some common names: Examples of heterocyclic amines.

  6. (4) Reductive amination: e.g. convert acetone to 2-aminopropane (isopropyl amine)

  7. Convert benzaldehyde to benzylamine Conversion of cyclohexanol to cyclohexylamine

  8. Important observation If we cyclohexyl bromide with NH3, it loss HBr (5) From nitrile: We can use the above method to increase number of carbon atoms as follow

  9. Conversion of ethanol to a-Ethylamine ( same number of atoms) b-propylamine (one carbon excess) Answer

  10. (6) Hofmann degradation: Examples

  11. This method is used for shorting chain one carbon, for example conversion of ethanol to methylamine

  12. - Chemical reactions of amines: (1) Reaction with alkyl halide: 2)acylationof amines

  13. 3) Hofmann exhaustive methylation of amines

  14. Oxidation of aniline Q: Show how could you differentiate between 1ry, 2nd and t-amines? Soln. 1-Hinesberg method:

  15. 2- By using nitrous acid (HNO2): HNO2 can formed as follow A) Aromatic: 1- 1ry amine

  16. 2- 2nd amine 3- t-amine

  17. B) Aliphatic: 1- 1ry amine 2- 2nd amine 3- t- amine

  18. Ring substitution of benzene: ملحوظة هامة: لإدخال مجموعة واحدة علىaniline نتبع الآتي:

  19. Aromatic diazonium salts Preparation: Chemical reactions: (1) Sandemeyer reaction: • لاحظ أن ما يحدث هو خروج N2 ويحل محلها الشق السالب Nucleophile.

  20. يمكن تحويل Ph-N=N+Cl- إلى بنزين كالآتي:

  21. Q: Convert aniline to: 1- Phenol 2- Benzene. Question: convert toluene to 3,5-dintrotoluene Answer

  22. (2) Coupling reactions with phenols: This reaction is used for preparation of dyes.

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