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Impact of Orlando health & Rehab Expansion ON Holden Shores Neighborhood

Impact of Orlando health & Rehab Expansion ON Holden Shores Neighborhood. Notice map. Sec. 38-301. - Intent and purpose of district.

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Impact of Orlando health & Rehab Expansion ON Holden Shores Neighborhood

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Impact of Orlando health & Rehab Expansion ON Holden Shores Neighborhood

  2. Notice map

  3. Sec. 38-301. - Intent and purpose of district. The areas included within R-1-AA and R-1-A single-family dwelling districts are intended to be single-family residential areas with large lots and low population densities. R-1A, r-1aa

  4. Placeholder for aerial Natural Cul-de-sac

  5. Summary of Trip Generation Calculation for 420 beds of assisted living Source: Orange County Transportation Planning, 02/13/13

  6. Summary of Trip generation calculation for 72 senior adult housing/multi-family UNITS Source: Orange County Transportation Planning, 02/13/13

  7. Orlando Health & Rehab’s Service entrance currently brings into the neighborhood: • Ambulances • Passenger Vans • 18 Wheelers • Delivery Trucks of all Types • Waste Management • Lawn maintenance • Medical supplies and equipment • Medical Waste disposal • Shift Employees Service Entrance

  8. Westmoreland Drive as an alternative HOLDEN SHORES OHR PINELOCH ELEMENTARY

  9. On Feb. 21, OHR told the Planning and Zoning Commission they only received deliveries between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Commissioner Wear “Deliveries are not being made until after 8:00 am?” Facilities manager Dave Servney “Definitely be after 8:00 am” Impact on holden shores 02-22-13 5:15 am 02-25-13 6:34 am 02-25-13 5:17 am

  10. Commercial Vehicles 02-25-13 6:34 am 03-01-13 5:20 am 02-28-13 5:30 am 03-11-13 5:24 am 03-02-13 6:42 am 03-08-13 5:23 am

  11. Jeremiah Owens – “We chose the alignment trying to work around some of the nice trees, that is why we have certain islands in certain locations – to try to save as many of those trees as we possibly can – try to keep as much of the canopy these as possible” How OHR preserves trees (Day after P and Z Commission meeting)

  12. Place holder for construction and locates Project already underway

  13. Commissioner Wean “The burden is on the non-conforming use to show they are doing everything they can to mitigate the impact that they have having on these residents. I’m not hearing that that is being done” Commissioner Barrett (speaking on the ability to get truck through new parking lot to Service Entrance): “I was a truck driver and I could get through that parking lot” Commissioner Wean “ I think I know which of the 800 lb gorilla is in the room and it is not the neighbors. David Pearce of the DRC “ An atmosphere of distrust has been created with the neighborhood” Commissioner Wean” Pictures were very disturbing” Commissioner Wean “ The burden is on the facility to be a good neighbor – I don’t see that. That is not happening and that is very troubling to me. What Your colleagues are saying about Orlando health and rehab

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