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Chapter 8 review A new nation

Chapter 8 review A new nation. The First President. The first President of the United S tates was. George Washington. The first vice president of the United States was. John Adams. D i d y o u k n o w ? ? ?.

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Chapter 8 review A new nation

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  1. Chapter 8 reviewA new nation

  2. The First President The first President of the United States was... George Washington The first vice president of the United States was... John Adams

  3. Didyouknow??? George Washington set a precedent for future presidents by only staying in office for two terms. A precedent is a tradition

  4. The First Congress During the summer of 1789 Congress set up 3 departments in the executive branch 1) The ___________ Department handled relations with other nations. State 2) Treasury The _____________ Department dealt with financial matters. War 3) The _____________ Department provided for the nation’s defense.

  5. The First Congress To head the departments, Washington chose prominent political figures of the day… Thomas Jefferson _________________________ as secretary of state Alexander Hamilton _________________________ as secretary of the treasury Henry Knox _________________________ as secretary of war Edmund Rudolph _________________________ was appointed as attorney general Together, these four make up the President’s CABINET.

  6. Judiciary Act of 1789 This act created our federal court system Washington nominated ________________ as the CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN JAY

  7. Hamilton’s Plan Hamilton’s plan proposed that the new government pay off debt owed by the confederation. Some who opposed the plan had BONDS (or paper notes that pay money) from the American Revolution and Hamilton proposed that these bonds be paid off at their original value. To compromise, Hamilton agreed to move the new capital to the _____________ SOUTH

  8. Building the Economy Hamilton made three other proposals for building a strong economy… 1) He asked Congress to create the Bank of the United States 2) He proposed a TARIFF – a tax on imports 3) He also proposed a creation of national taxes

  9. The Whiskey Rebellion Hamilton’s taxes led to rebellion in western Pennsylvania. Farmers were upset that they had to pay a special tax on whiskey. When Tax collectors stepped up the effort to collect the tax in July of 1794, a large mob of protestors armed with swords, guns, and pitchforks attacked the tax collectors. This incident was known as THE WHISKEY REBELLION.

  10. Struggle over the West THE BATTLE OF FALLEN TIMBERS saw government forces defeat over a thousand Native Americans. Anthony Wayne ________________________ led the attack against the Native Americans The Battle of Fallen Timbers halted the Native American’s hope of keeping their land. They signed THE TREATY OF GREENVILLE that surrendered most of modern-day Ohio to the United States.

  11. Problems with Europe When Britain and France went to war in 1793 Washington hoped that the nation would maintain its NEUTRALITY Neutrality means not taking a side in a conflict!!! On April 22 1793, Washington issued THE PROCLAMATION OF NEUTRALITY which prohibited American citizens from fighting in the war and barred French and British warships from American ports.

  12. Treaties Washington decided to send John Jay to find a peaceful solution with Britain. This led to JAY’S TREATY which made the British withdraw from American soil, pay damages to any warships they had seized, and allow some American ships to trade with British colonies in the Caribbean. After Jay’s treaty was made Thomas Pinckney was sent to settle the differences with Spain. In 1795 PINCKNEY’S TREATY gave Americans free navigation of the Mississippi River and the right to trade at New Orleans.

  13. Washington’s Farewell During Washington’s farewell address, he warned the American citizens about two things… 1) The evils of political parties 2) Entanglement in foreign affairs

  14. Political Parties Emerge By the mid 1790’s, two distinct political parties had taken shape… 1) Federalists 2) The Democratic - Republicans

  15. The Federalists 1) Strong federal government 2) Strong interest in banking and shipping 3) Ruled by the wealthy class 4) Strong national bank 5) Representative government 6) Loose interpretation of the Constitution 7) British Alliance 8) Protective Tariffs

  16. The Democratic - Republicans 1) Ruled by the people 2) Strict interpretation of the Constitution 3) Strong state governments 4) Emphasis on agriculture 5) French Alliance 6) State banks 7) Free trade 8) People’s government

  17. The XYZ Affair When Adams took office, he inherited the dispute with France. To avoid war, he sent a delegate to France to settle the dispute… When the French refused to meet with the Americans, three agents demanded a bribe for return of the agents. Adams deemed these agents X, Y, and Z When the President found out, he urged Congress to prepare for war. The incident became known as the XYZ Affair.

  18. The Alien and Sedition Acts The threat of war made Americans fearful of ALIENS – immigrants living in the country who are not citizens Many immigrants in the United States supported the ideals of the French Revolution. In 1798 Congress passed the Alien and Sedition Acts to protect the nation’s security. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions claimed that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional. States could _____________, or legally overturn the acts. NULLIFY

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