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Hip Hop and Rap Music in Germany

Hip Hop and Rap Music in Germany. Christine Rapp Dombrowski, Ph.D., SCSU and Christine Kochefko , Ridgefield Schools. Hip Hop and Rap Music in the German Classroom. History of Hip Hop and Rap in U.S. and Germany Introduction of some of the most well-known artists and groups

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Hip Hop and Rap Music in Germany

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  1. Hip Hop and Rap Music in Germany Christine Rapp Dombrowski, Ph.D., SCSU and Christine Kochefko, Ridgefield Schools

  2. Hip Hop and Rap Music in the German Classroom • History of Hip Hop and Rap in U.S. and Germany • Introduction of some of the most well-known artists and groups • Sample lessons for the secondary and university-level classroom

  3. Origins in the U.S.: • Rap and Hip-hop have existed since 1980s in Germany • The film “Beat Street” (1984) was influential • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_DZoCiPnOc • “Wild Style”also brought graffiti and hip- hop

  4. The 90s – Rap in Eastern Germany Germany’s groups such as “Die Toten Hosen” and “Die Ärzte” tried to preach anti-violent messages in their music.

  5. Centers for Hip Hop and Rap Hamburg Berlin Ruhrgebiet Heidelberg München Stuttgart

  6. History of Hip Hop and Rap: A PowerPoint by German Students

  7. Culcha Candela Eko Fresh Samy Deluxe Baba Saad Fanta 4 Musik Digger Dance Tyron Ricketts Xavier Naidoo Muhabbet doppel-u Advanced Chemistry Tic-Tac-Toe Flec Catee Bushido 17 Hippies

  8. VS.

  9. Turkish-German singer • fan-base that is primarily immigrant kids who need someone like Muhabbet • He sings about his life in the Boecklemund district in Cologne where he grew up and Neukoeln, Berlin where he lives Muhabbet

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0KChuPWqiU -French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner (L) and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier visit the German-Turkish music label P.L.A.K. Music -Kouchner and Steinmeier recorded a song about respect, acceptance and appreciation of different cultural backgrounds in Germany with the singer Muhabbet BERLIN - NOVEMBER 12, 2007:

  11. Culcha Candela http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDpwiADy-GQ • -a group from Berlin • -their lyrics range from political issues, such as "UnaCosa" or "Schöne, neue Welt" to party songs, such as "Partybus“ • The name Culcha Candela can be translated into roughly as "hot" or "bright" culture • They sing in German, English, Spanish, and Patois and multiculturalism is evident

  12. Christie’s 5-day Sample Unit ----Thema: Nationalbewusstsein---- Lesson 1: Focus: Wiesehenwir die DeutschenalsAmerikaner? Wiesehen die DeutschenunsalsAmerikaner? Was sindVorurteile? Activity: Word Web and Germany map with images & lyrics “Deutschland” Die Prinzen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uI7ncxV9Q9c Lesson 2: Focus: “Wegmit den Vorurteilen!” Activity: Story “TuerkenPflanzennurBohnen” von: Gisela Schalk Lesson 3: Focus: “TuerkenDeutscherSprache” Activity: Comparison of the two readings“MeineNichte Kismet” and “Ichkannnichtseinwie du” using a Venn Diagram Lesson 4: Focus: “Multi-Kulti Deutschland” Activity: SamyDeluxe’s lyrics “Dies istmein Deutschland” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NegJuW2BNI Lesson 5: Focus: “Embracing Diversity” Activity: Ich & Ich’s lyrics “Vomselben Stern” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9VOo112F7M

  13. Das Alphabet “MfG” by Die FantastischenVier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD56S7uPQyY

  14. ImJuli – Fatih AkinandHip Hop Duo Digger Dancehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLnN-nGWPcc

  15. Samy Deluxe -“Dies is woichherkomm“ http://www.hiphoparchive.org/about/germany

  16. Doppel-u and “Die Klassiker – Goethe und Schiller” Hallo Kapitel 1 Goethe “Gefunden”

  17. More ideas …. Your ideas?? Contact: Christine Rapp Dombrowski christinedombrow@aol.com Christie Kochefko ckochefko@gmail.com

  18. “Dennichglaube, dasswirJugendlicheandersansprechenmüssen, wirmüssensiemitihrerSprache, in ihrerLebenswirklichkeitabholen.”Staatsministerin, Maria Böhmer

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