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We like to have fun during the break. It's the same as to swim in the lake. It's funny,

We like to have fun during the break. It's the same as to swim in the lake. It's funny, The weather is sunny, Let ' s eat our wonderful cake. ПОБЕДИТЕЛЬ. ПРИЗЕР. Соколов Сергей, СОШ №18. ПРИЗЕР. Кургузкин Михаил, СОШ №17. 5 классы. Фомина Ирина, Фаустовская СОШ.

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We like to have fun during the break. It's the same as to swim in the lake. It's funny,

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Presentation Transcript

  1. We like to have fun during the break. It's the same as to swim in the lake. It's funny, The weather is sunny, Let ' s eat our wonderful cake. ПОБЕДИТЕЛЬ ПРИЗЕР Соколов Сергей, СОШ №18 ПРИЗЕР Кургузкин Михаил, СОШ №17 5 классы Фомина Ирина, Фаустовская СОШ

  2. There was a good student named Kate. Who liked to play after school with her mate. They played in the yard. They worked very hard/ So it was a very smart story and fate. ПРИЗЕР ПРИЗЕР ПРИЗЕР Шевченко Елена, Лицей №6 Шепелькова Альбина, Лицей №6 Самойлова Марина, СОШ №2 6 классы

  3. Романова Юлия, Школа «Гармония» ПРИЗЕР ПОБЕДИТЕЛЬ ПРИЗЕР Чернышева Юлия, Гимназия №1 7 классы Баженова Полина, Лицей №23

  4. Матвеева Алина, Школа «Гармония» ПОБЕДИТЕЛЬ ПРИЗЕР Щербакова Любовь, СОШ №11 ПРИЗЕР 8 классы Васякин Илья, Лицей №23

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