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Indian entrepreneurships and Jignesh Shah – the mentor

u2018The Predicted Manufacturing Competitivenessu2019 index. In recent years projects India is rising up the ranks. which would requiring better placement under u2018ease of doing business.

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Indian entrepreneurships and Jignesh Shah – the mentor

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  2. ‘ThePredictedManufacturingCompetitiveness’index.InrecentyearsprojectsIndia isrisinguptheranks.whichwouldrequiringbetterplacementunder‘easeofdoing business. Sustained business reforms have managed to put India on the 100th spot in its globalranking.Butinvestorsneedto lookbeyondrankingsandconsider parameters like cost of logistics — for which India needs serious catching up — before entrepreneurs decide to make India a preferred manufacturing destination, saidPrimeMinisterNarendraModirecently.

  3. TheGovernmentiscommittedto charting a new path. Wherein business entitiesareextendedred carpet welcomeinaspiritofactivecooperation. India will guide foreign investors on all aspects of regulatory and policy issues. Andtoassisttheminobtaining regulatoryclearances.TheGovernmentis closelylookingintoallregulatory processes with a view to making them. Simpleandreducingtheburdenof complianceoninvestors.

  4. The PM’s continuous efforts to drive up the economy and industry growth. Has inspiredmanylikefintechentrepreneurandinnovator,JigneshShah,founderand now Chairman Emeritus of 63 moons technologies Ltd. Shah supports PM Modi fully in this venture since his technological contributions have had an immense impact on the growth and development of the financial sector and unveiled a differentsideofIndiainfrontoftheworld.Start-upIndustryhasalotofpotential. itwillbeabletoseelongtermsuccess.

  5. If the first-generation entrepreneurs. like, Jignesh Shah is abletoprovidethedesiredimpetusandmomentum. Tothisindustrywithhisrobustleadership. AccordingtohimtheideaistomakeIndiaa powerhouseinfinancialtechnologyandexchangesand related ecosystem development. The idea was borne out of the untiring efforts of Jignesh Shah and his colleagues. An engineer by education, an entrepreneur by aspiration, and an evangelist by interest for financial marketsdevelopment.Hisnumerouseffortsand endeavours led to the state of the financial market infrastructure that India could take pride in. Jignesh Shah has done path breaking work in the financial marketdevelopmentandpromotionofmultiassetclass marketsegments.Acrossmultiplegeographies.Anditis a welcome sign. That such tech evangelist innovators arecomingforwardtorealisethevisionofPMModi.

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