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CHAPTER THREE. Law as a Guide to Freedom. Look to the Law. Freedom, responsibility and law go hand-in-hand in the moral life. Freedom and Responsibility. Characteristics of Freedom. Freedom.

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  1. CHAPTER THREE Law as a Guide to Freedom

  2. Look to the Law Freedom, responsibility and law go hand-in-hand in the moral life

  3. Freedom and Responsibility Characteristics of Freedom Freedom “The power, rooted in reason and will, … to perform deliberate actions on one’s own responsibility” (CCC, 1731)

  4. Freedom and Responsibility Characteristics of Freedom The philosophy that holds that every event, action, and decision results from something independent of the human will. Determinism

  5. Freedom and Responsibility • Kinds of Freedom • External freedom freedom from factors outside of ourselves that threaten to destroy our power to exercise choice. • Internal freedom freedom from interior factors that limit choice.

  6. Freedom and Responsibility • Limits of Freedom • Human freedom is not absolute but limited. • True freedom is not license.

  7. Freedom and Responsibility • Abuses Against Freedom • Abuses of freedom results in sin. • Major impediments to the exercise of true freedom: • Ignorance – not knowing what we should do or not do • Inadvertence – not paying attention or being distracted while acting • Duress – freedom is impeded when someone tries to force us to do something • Inordinate attachments – money or other possessions enslave us and we do not act with full freedom • Fear – panic in the face of danger • Habit – repeated behaviors that are good (virtues) or bad (vices)

  8. Responsibility Ascribed, attributed, or definitely linked to a specific accountable person or entity imputable

  9. Responsibility Emotions and Morality Emotions are morally neutral. However, to the degree that they engage our reason and will, we can find moral good or evil in them.

  10. Responsibility In Union With Christ Source of norms are Scriptures, Tradition, and human reason. Belief Values Principles

  11. Responsibility In Union With Christ Jesus is the fundamental norm of Christian morality. Jesus is the standard or model on whom we should pattern our lives.

  12. Responsibility norms In Union With Christ Guidelines or laws that can help regulate human freedom

  13. Law and Morality Law “An ordinance of reason for the common good, promulgated by the one who is in charge of the community” (Saint Thomas Aquinas, in CCC, 1976).

  14. Law and Morality Elements of Law: Law is reasonable. Law is for the common good. Competent authority makes law. Law must be promulgated.

  15. Law and Morality natural law The reasoned participation of humans in God’s eternal law that reveals what God intends us to do and to avoid according to his wise and loving plan.

  16. Law and Morality Natural Law Natural law is our participation in the divine law. Natural law teaches us what to do and what to avoid. Natural law corresponds to three basic human drives and needs: Preserving life Developing as individuals and communities Sharing life with others Natural law is universal, permanent, and unchanging throughout history.

  17. Law and Morality The Old Law Also known as the Law of Moses Ten Commandments summarize the moral prescriptions of the old Law

  18. Law and Morality The New Law Divine Law has four purposes: It helps us stay on the right path on our journey to God. It helps us discern what is right when there are conflicting ideas of right and wrong. It speaks of motivation. It indicates what is sinful.

  19. Law and Morality New Law The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the new law. It helps us understand the core attitudes that precede our actions. Can be summarized in two Gospel teachings: “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you.” (Mt 7:12) “Love one another as I love you.” (Jn 15:12)

  20. The New Law The minimal obligations for members in good standing of the Catholic faith community Law and Morality precepts of the Church The full body of officially established rules governing the Catholic Church, which was last revised in 1983. canon law

  21. The New Law Vows taken to poverty, chastity, and obedience in order to live the Gospel more fully. The evangelical counsels were typically embraced by those in religious life. Law and Morality evangelical counsels

  22. Law and Morality Church Law Six Precepts of the Church: You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. You shall confess your sins at least once a year. You shall humbly receive your Creator in Holy Communion at least during the Easter season. You shall keep holy the holy days of obligation. You shall observe the prescribed days of fasting and abstinence. The faithful also have the duty of providing for the material needs of the Church, each according to his abilities.

  23. Vocabulary Freedom Determinism Imputable Law Natural law Evangelical counsels Precepts of the Church Canon law

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