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Video Motion Interpolation for Special Effect Applications

Video Motion Interpolation for Special Effect Applications. Timothy K. Shih , Senior Member, IEEE , Nick C. Tang, Joseph C. Tsai, and Jenq-Neng Hwang , Fellow, IEEE. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART C: APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS, VOL. 41, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 2011.

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Video Motion Interpolation for Special Effect Applications

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  1. Video Motion Interpolation for Special Effect Applications Timothy K. Shih, Senior Member, IEEE, Nick C. Tang, Joseph C. Tsai, and Jenq-Neng Hwang, Fellow, IEEE IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART C: APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS, VOL. 41, NO. 5, SEPTEMBER 2011

  2. Outline • Introduction • System Overview • Motion Layer Segmentation and Tracking • Motion Interpolation Using Video Inpainting • Experimental Results • Conclusion

  3. Introduction

  4. Background • Video forgery (video falsifying): • Atechnique for generating fake videos by altering, combining, or creating new video contents • For instance, the outcome of a 100 m race in the olympicgame is changed.

  5. Introduction • Example of video forgery : Falsifying result Originalvideo frame

  6. Objective • To create a forged video, which is almost indistinguishable from the original video • To create special effects in video editing applications

  7. Introduction • To change the content of video, the following techniques are commonly used: • object tracking • motion interpolation • video inpainting • video layer fusing

  8. Introduction • Contributions of this paper: • 1) It is the first time that video forgery is attempted based on video inpaintingtechniques. • 2) A new concept called guided inpaintingformotion interpolation of video objects is proposed. • 3) A guided quasi-3-D (i.e., X, Y, and time) video inpainting mechanism is proposed.

  9. System Overview

  10. System Overview

  11. System Overview • 1) Motion Layer Segmentation: • Separates background and tracked object • 2) Motion Prediction: • Finds Reference Stick-Figure to predict cycle of motion • 3) Motion Interpolation: • Motion analysis • Patch assertion • Motion completion via inpainting.

  12. System Overview • 4) Background Inpainting: • Inpaintsbackground of different camera motions • 5) Layer Fusion: • Merges an object layer and a background layer

  13. Motion Layer Segmentation and Tracking

  14. Motion Layer Segmentation and Tracking • Separate target objects from the background • Adopt Mean Shift Feature Space Analysis Algorithm[2] for color region segmentation [2] D. Comaniciu and P.Meer, “Mean shift: A robust approach toward feature space analysis,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 603–619, May 2002.

  15. Initial segmentation of objects from their background

  16. ALGORITHM: REFERENCE STICK FIGURE TRACKING Mean Shift Algorithm Manually Selected C0’ C0 Frame 0

  17. ALGORITHM: REFERENCE STICK FIGURE TRACKING Bounding Box B1 Revised Fast Tracking Mechanism[6] [6] K. Hariharakrishnan and D. Schonfeld, “Fast object tracking using adaptive blockmatching,” IEEE Trans.Multimedia, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 853–859, Oct. 2005. Frame 1

  18. ALGORITHM: REFERENCE STICK FIGURE TRACKING Comparing Color Segments of C0’ andB1’ Mean Shift Algorithm C1’ B1’ Frame 0 Frame 1


  20. ‧Set L2 = 2 ‧Using L in LUV color space • ALGORITHM: REFERENCE STICK FIGURE TRACKING Comparing corresponding pixel p C1* Co If (p in C1*) - (p in C0) > L2 Exclude p in C1’ Else Keep p in C1’ Frame 1 Frame 0

  21. Motion Segmentation • Different parts of the target may move in different directions • Decomposing an object into different regions • Using revised block searching algorithm[10] to compute motion map [10] J. Jia, Y.-W. Tai, T.-P.Wu, and C.-K. Tang, “Video repairing under variableillumination using cyclic motions,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach.Intell., vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 832–839, May 2006.

  22. Motion Segmentation • The Mean Shift color segmentationcan also be revised to deal with motion segmentation: • Based on blocks, not pixels • Important for video inpainting • Ghost shadows can be eliminated

  23. Original Video Frame Corresponding result of color segmentation by using [2] The example of tracked object and estimated vectors

  24. Motion Interpolation Using Video Inpainting

  25. Motion Interpolation Using Video Inpainting • Motion Interpolation : • Motions of the target object need to be interpolated. • Video Inpainting : • In order to obtain the interpolated figures • Motion interpolation may create background holes.

  26. Motion Interpolation of Target Objects • A target object can be segmented into a layer. • Motion interpolation is required to produce a slow motion of the target layer. Original Original Interpolated Interpolated tn+1 tn+2 tn+3 tn

  27. General Inpainting Strategy • In order to obtain the interpolated figures • Using a rule-based thinning algorithm[1] : • To obain the stick figures of target objects • Stick figures: • Used to guide the selection of patches • Copied from the original video [1] M. Ahmed and R. Ward, “A rotation invariant rule-based thinning algorithm for character recognition,” IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell., vol. 24, no. 12, pp. 1672–1678, Dec. 2002.

  28. General Inpainting Strategy • Quasi-3-D video space (2-D plus tIme) • Using 3-D patches in quasi-3-D video inpainting • produce a smooth movement

  29. Prediction and Interpolation of Cyclic Motion • Consider the following scenario: • 1) It’s common for target objects to perform actions in a repeated cycle . • 2)A stick figure can be used to estimate the relative positions of patches . • (e.g., head, body, and legs).

  30. Prediction and Interpolation of Cyclic Motion • Stick figures and the contours of target objects can be used to predict repeated cycles.

  31. Prediction and Interpolation of Cyclic Motion • Missing stick figure can be reproduced by: • 1) Searching for similar reference stick figures in a repeated motion cycle • 2) Interpolation of two known stick figures


  33. ALGORITHM: REFERENCE STICK FIGURE SEARCHING x-r …… x+r …… x • r : the number of frames in a repeated cycle • index range function of a given frame number x as idx(x) = [x + r − 2, x + r − 1, x + r, x + r + 1, x + r + 2] ∪ [x − r − 2, x − r − 1, x − r, x − r + 1, x − r + 2].

  34. STICK FIGURE INTERPOLATION Thinning result Ob Oa Union of Oaand Ob

  35. Motion Interpolation Alogorithm • extendingour image inpaintingalgorithm for motion interpolation • consider a video as a 2-D plus time domain

  36. Motion Interpolation Alogorithm • I3 = Φ3∪ Ω3 • Φ3is a source space • Ω3is a target space • Φ3∩ Ω3= ∅ (an empty set)


  38. ALGORITHM: PATCH ASSERTION • Example for patch assertion: Patches on stick figure Result of patch assertion Contour ω of (a) (searched in the nearby motion cycle)

  39. ALGORITHM: MOTION INTERPOLATION 3 Source Region • The main algorithm • Let ∂Ω3be: • a front surface on Ω3 • adjacent to Φ3 3 3 3 Target Region

  40. ALGORITHM: MOTION INTERPOLATION 3 • Given a 3-D patch Ψp centered at the point p • LetΨp‘s priority P(p) = C(p) × D(p) 3 3 Source Region 3 3 3 Target Region

  41. ALGORITHM: MOTION INTERPOLATION • C(p) : Confidence term: • The percentage of useful information inside a patch centered at p the size of 3-D patch is denoted as |Ψ3| = 27 pixels

  42. ALGORITHM: MOTION INTERPOLATION • D(p) : Data term • Compute the percentage of edge pixels in the patch ( Instead of computing the isophote[3] ) var(Ψp) :the color variation of the patch [21] 3 [21] T. K. Shih, N. C. Tang,W.-S. Yeh, T.-J. Chen, andW. Lee, “Video inpainting and implant via diversified temporal continuations,” in Proc. 2006 ACM Multimedia Conf., Santa Barbara, CA, Oct. 23–27, 2006, pp. 133–136. [3] A. Criminisi, P. Perez, and K. Toyama, “Region filling and object removal by exemplar-based image inpainting,” IEEE Trans. Image Process., vol. 13, no. 9, pp. 1200–1212, Sep. 2004.

  43. ALGORITHM: MOTION INTERPOLATION • Example of motion interpolation via inpainting

  44. Inpainting Camera Motions • Using mechanism proposed in [22] • Ensures that there is no “ghost shadows” created in the background • Segment motions into different regions • The inpainted area in the previous frame needs to be incorporated. [22] T. K. Shih, N. C. Tang, and J.-N. Hwang, “Ghost shadow removal in multilayered video inpainting,” in proc. IEEE 2007 Int. Conf.Multimedia Expo, Beijing, China, Jul. 2–5, pp. 1471–1474.

  45. Layer Fusion • Need to merge video layers to produce forged video. • The fusion process merges an object layer and a background layer. (With contour of object layer computed based on the object tracking)


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