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Teen Shoplifting and Stealing Crimes

Teen Shoplifting and Stealing Crimes. By: Jose Luis Villavicencio Jr. Stealing. A lot of teenagers are stealing in their lives because they don’t want to pay full price for the things they still.

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Teen Shoplifting and Stealing Crimes

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  1. Teen Shoplifting and Stealing Crimes By: Jose Luis Villavicencio Jr

  2. Stealing • A lot of teenagers are stealing in their lives because they don’t want to pay full price for the things they still. • Everything is so expensive in life instead of them working they are stealing to make life easier for them. • Teenagers are so lazy to get a job that they don’t want to earn things the right way. • They just want to earn money and buy things without doing anything to earn the things they have.

  3. Stealing Crimes • Teenagers are stealing to make trouble for themselves in the streets. • They are stealing weapons and fighting just to make problems because they are bored. • Want to hurt people with the weapons and when they are fighting to make themselves feel better.

  4. Fighting • The teenagers like to steal bats, brass knuckles, and any weapon that they can beat you up while they are fighting with you. • Just want to look for trouble and make themselves feel better beating someone else up with a weapon to see someone else in pain. • Want to prove to people that they are the best at fighting and no one can beat them.

  5. Gun Stealing • Teenagers are stealing weapons such as guns to kill people. • They are probably are in gangs shooting other people that don’t deserve to die. • Some of them might just use it for protection because they are scared to die or something.

  6. Knife Stealing • Teenagers are stealing knifes because that is a very useful weapon to use when they are getting in fights. • When they are fighting and they are losing they will take the knife out to scared the other person or kill them just to win. • It is a very dangerous weapon because it can kill you right way depending on where they stab you.

  7. Electronics Stealing • Teenagers love to steal a lot of TV’s, movies and video games because they are very expensive. • Are to lazy to go to school get a good job and make good living in their life. • Since they are stealing all these good things they never have to worry in their lives. • They feel good owning a lot of things they didn’t pay for.

  8. Clothes Stealing • Clothes is very expensive the prices are so high just for a single shirt and pants. • Teenagers like to look good with the type of brand they wear to show off that they got money and everything. • Want to impress people because they have popular clothes and want to get peoples attention like girls or boys depends on your gender.

  9. Shoes Stealing • The prices on the shoes are so high and expensive but they are nice cause of the way they look plus made by the logo on the shoes. • Boys and girls love to have nice shoes because it matches with whatever type of clothes they have on. • Teenagers want have the latest new shoes out there as soon as it hits the stores.

  10. Money Stealing • Teenagers still a lot of money from their own parents and family members without them even noticing because they are to lazy to get a job. • They don’t want to earn it the hard way just want the easy way when life in reality is never easy. • Just want to buy whatever they want with the money they steal when they have a chance.

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