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2012-6-8. USC-CSE. 2. Outline. BackgroundConstructive Product Line Investment Model (COPLIMO) The product line development cost modelThe annualized post-development life cycle extensionConclusions. 2012-6-8. USC-CSE. 3. Background. Benefits vs. Costs of product lineDoes product line pay? Tradi

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Presentation Transcript

    1. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 1

    2. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 2 Outline Background Constructive Product Line Investment Model (COPLIMO) The product line development cost model The annualized post-development life cycle extension Conclusions

    3. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 3 Background Benefits vs. Costs of product line Does product line pay? Traditional product line cost estimation models mostly underestimate the ROI for product lines by focusing only on development savings Apply RCWR surcharge to entire product not only to the reused portions If life cycle costs are considered, high payoff comes from a smaller code base to undergo maintenance COPLIMO life cycle model addresses the shortfalls, and helps to: Determine whether it pays to develop software product as a product line Estimate how many members of the product line family will be developed Compare ROIs from different scoping of a product line

    4. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 4 Outline Background Constructive Product Line Investment Model (COPLIMO) The product line development cost model The annualized post-development maintenance cost model Conclusions

    5. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 5

    6. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 6 COPLIMO - RCWR Development for Reuse (RUSE) In COCOMO II Database, 11 out of 161 projects rated as VH for RUSE, and 1 rated as XH Productivity range of 1.24/0.95 = 1.31 And two other contributing variables Required Reliability (RELY): At least Nominal for Nominal and High RUSE ratings, At least High for Very High and Extra High RUSE ratings Degree of Documentation (DOCU):

    7. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 7 COPLIMO – RCWR (Cont.)

    8. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 8 COPLIMO – RCR Reused, or Black Box (unmodified code) RCR model Assessment and Assimilation (AA) factor Adapted, or White Box (modified code) RCR model AA Non-Linear Model

    9. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 9 Guidelines for Quantifying Adapted Software

    10. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 10 Outline Background Constructive Product Line Investment Model (COPLIMO) The Basic product line development cost model The annualized post-development life cycle extension Conclusions

    11. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 11 Basic COPLIMO – Development Cost Model (1) Simplifying assumptions about uniformity and stability Every product roughly the same size (PSIZE) Roughly the same fractions of product-specific (PFRAC), adapted (AFRAC), and reused (RFRAC) software Inputs and outputs

    12. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 12 Basic COPLIMO – Development Cost Model (2) RCWR: RCWR = RUSE * DOCU * RELY 1 product development effort: Non-PL Effort for developing N similar products: PMNR (N) = N ? A? (PSIZE)B ? ? (EM) Where PSIZE is the general software product size, A and B are the COCOMO II calibration coefficient and scale factor, and ? (EM) is the product of the effort multipliers for the COCOMO II cost drivers PL Effort (the first product): PMR (1) = PMNR (1) * [PFRAC + RCWR*(AFRAC+RFRAC)] Note: RCWR not applied to non-reused portion, where many other models overestimate RCWR

    13. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 13 Basic COPLIMO – Development Cost Model (3) Determining RCR Equiv. size of product- specific portion: Equiv. size of reused portion: Equiv. size of adapted portion: Total EKSLOC: Effort: ROI = (PL Effort Savings for K products - PL Reuse Investment) / PL Reuse Investment

    14. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 14

    15. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 15 Outline Background Constructive Product Line Investment Model (COPLIMO) The product line development cost model The annualized post-development life cycle extension Conclusions

    16. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 16

    17. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 17 Basic COPLIMO – Annualized Life Cycle Cost Model (1) Annual Change Traffic (ACT) Relative fraction of a product’s software that is modified per year Life cycle effort without reuse Annual maintained software L times maintenance effort Life cycle effort with reuse Three categories of annual maintenance and AMSIZE

    18. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 18

    19. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 19

    20. 2012-6-8 USC-CSE 20

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