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Take a Break

Take a Break. From stress!. Nature of Stress. Some stress is good – it motivates us Chronic stress (worrying stress) - daily, low-grade anxiety and pressure we feel during trying times - is more likely to lead to health problems than a major crisis.

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Take a Break

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  1. Take a Break From stress!

  2. Nature of Stress • Some stress is good – it motivates us • Chronic stress (worrying stress) - daily, low-grade anxiety and pressure we feel during trying times - is more likely to lead to health problems than a major crisis. • 80% of workers feel stressed on the job and nearly half say they need help learning how to manage stress Attitudes In The American Workplace VI" Gallup Poll sponsored by the Marlin Company

  3. Nature of Stress • The body’s reaction to stress is the age-old fight or flight response. • In prehistoric times, fight or flight meant survival. • Today, daily stressors are rarely life or death situations. • Our bodies react in much the same way regardless of the source of stress.

  4. Ineffective coping leads to . . . • Irritability, moodiness • Insomnia and exhaustion • Difficulty concentrating • Substance Abuse • Overeating •  Heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar • What else?

  5. How can we take a break? Our program will focus on a few strategies that are simple yet VERY effective. • Simple stretching exercises and deep breathing • Tips for dealing with negativity • Manage added pressures of the holiday season

  6. When you are stressed….. Ask yourself…. • Is it important? • Can I control it? If the answer to either question is no, is it worth spending your energy on it?

  7. Take A Break…by Stretching • Incorporate stress-reduction techniques to break up the monotonous workday. • Avoid tension that accumulates in your muscles and help youself feel relaxed and recharged. • Catch your stress response early — before it has a chance to turn into something painful like neck and back pain. • Let’s give it a try!

  8. Take A Break…by Stretching Neck rolls Please use caution if you have any current medical issues and be sure to work within your own physical limitations. Listen to your body!)

  9. Take A Break…by Stretching Shoulder rolls

  10. Take A Break…by Stretching Chest stretch

  11. Take A Break…by Stretching Back stretch

  12. Take A Break…by Stretching Calf stretch

  13. Take A Break…with Deep Breathing • Focus on your breathing. • When stressed, we take quick, shallow breaths from the chest. • Instead, breathe from the belly. As you inhale expand your abdomennot your chest. • This allows you to breathe in more air and the oxygen your body is craving. • This may help you to focus, relax and feel re-energized. • Let’s try it. • How do you feel?

  14. Take A Break…for your health • Our work days are filled with pressures, competing demands and things just not always going as planned. • Lefted unchecked stress can lead to a host of symptoms that interfere with our ability to perform or even be nice. • Practicing these simple exercises may help you feel better.

  15. Remember, when you are stressed….. Ask yourself…. • Is it important? • Can I control it? If the answer to either question is no, is it worth spending your energy on it?

  16. Take A Break…From Negative Thinking Believe it or not… People are naturally enthusiastic, positive and creative. Enthusiasm is just as contagious as negativity!

  17. Take A Break…be Positive • Say it with a smile –make people laugh or smile. A compliment always works well. • Let them vent – Provide a listening ear when someone needs it. Releasing negative feelings can help a person’s mood. • Offer to help – Set reasonable limits before getting involved, but offer objective advice or even refer them to someone who can help resolve their issue. • Stay objective – offer positive advice while understanding that whatever the person is angry about has nothing to do with you. • Avoid it – intentionally stay away from negative people and situations. Don’t let someone else’s bad day become your bad day!

  18. Got Holiday Stress????

  19. Take A Break…this holiday season The holidays may present additional stressors… …. emotional, physical and financial • Focus on what’s really important..... quality time with family and friends. • Don’t get worked up about every little thing that may or may not happen and choose quality over quantity. STOP AND SMELL THE ROSES (ok, Poinsettias)

  20. Once again, when you are stressed….. Remember to ask yourself…. • Is it important? • Can I control it? If the answer to either question is no, is it worth spending your energy on it?

  21. Take a Break …..Holiday Stress Therapy

  22. Take A Break… Keep Holiday Finances Simpler • Set a limit on gifts - draw names or donate to a charity instead. • Work smarter, not harder - do not wait until the last minute. Do as much as you can ahead of time. • Shop for next year during the holiday clearance this year. Stock up on supplies and decorations at lower prices as well.

  23. Take A Break…Keep Holidays Simple • Give the gift of time - meet an old friend for coffee or give tickets to events you both like. • Be choosy with your time - it’s okay to say no to party invitations. • Watch a child to remind yourself of the simple joys. • Look out for those who may need a little extra attention over the holidays.

  24. Take A Break…Keep Holidays Simple • Get back to your roots – bring back lost traditions and stories. • Stay local - chances are you live near an historic or cultural area. • Learn about another culture and the holidays they celebrate. • Take the family on a field trip and if you have out of town guests, invite them along.

  25. Questions?

  26. For more ….. Visit your wellness website at www.commonhealth.virginia.gov for more great resources.

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