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The Greatest Save Program - Promoting Safety and Self-Esteem through Education

The Greatest Save Program is a national personal safety education program that promotes safety and self-esteem in children and teenagers through various on-site, online, and classroom events. It offers free child safety videos, quizzes, and grade-specific materials to enhance personal safety knowledge. The program also includes discussion guides based on popular stories like Little Red Riding Hood, teaching important safety lessons to children.

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The Greatest Save Program - Promoting Safety and Self-Esteem through Education

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  1. “The Greatest Save” Program KinderVision Foundation www.TheGreatestSave.org promoting safety and self esteem through education

  2. “The Greatest Save” Program WE ARE - a 501c3 national personal safety education program begun in 1991; - continuously updated with input from law enforcement; - on line resources including student PSAs and classroom materials; - on site events where children receive free personalized safety videos; - law enforcement training on child abduction/child homicide cases; - recognized charity of Major League Baseball. OUR MISSION The goal of The Greatest Save is to teach personal safety in a manner that heightens awareness in children and teens so they respond instinctively to circumstances and behaviors that put them at risk from sexual predators.

  3. “The Greatest Save” Program On site, on line, in the classroom and community EVENTS on site (in the community) Free Child Safety Videos in English & Spanish that are shared everywhere QUIZZES on site and online and with TGS app Questions that test the personal safety knowledge of parents, children, and teens CLASSROOM MATERIALS on line Grade specific material (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) containing group activities and community service components TGS TEEN PSA CONTEST nationwide Safety information for young people, high school through college – visit www.TheGreatestSave.org click on Teens page to see current winning PSA

  4. “The Greatest Save” Program Safety Education Assessment Tools Safety quizzes on TGS website to test what’s known: 6 and under, 12 and under, teens, parents

  5. “The Greatest Save” Program CLASSROOM MATERIALS K-12 CLASSROOOM DISCUSSION GUIDES: - K.I.N.D.I. (Kids In Need of Developing Instincts) - Little Red Said (Safety Tips for Tweens) - Middle Red (Mock Trial for Middle Schoolers) - Wolf Traps – (Safety Tips for Teens) Each unit contains videos, discussion guides, worksheets, assessment tools, and service learning options – all available on line.

  6. “The Greatest Save” Program

  7. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Guide Objective: To teach personal safety using the Red Riding Hood story Skills: Communication, Critical Thinking, Group Processing, Community Service Opening Discussion: (5 minutes) Read excerpt on resources page from the Grimm’s Fairy Tale: “Snow White.” See if students can guess the title. What is this type of story called? How are most fairy tales alike? (Write on board: innocent/damsel in distress versus antagonist/villain, hero, deception, challenge, rescue, happy ending – good triumphs over evil, etc.)  Read excerpt from Aesop’s Fable, “The Hare and the Tortoise.” See if students can guess the title. This type of story is called a fable. Can you guess how fables are different from fairy tales? (Fables also often have good triumph over evil but are different in that they make animals appear human and they teach a lesson.) Which type of story is Little Red Riding Hood? How does the story of Little Red Riding Hood fit the elements of a fairy tale……a fable?

  8. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Guide cont. 2 (It appears to be a combination of both: damsel in distress, deception, hero, etc. but the villain is an animal with human qualities and the story teaches a lesson.) RRH is unique in other ways. This story started as an oral tale and has a version in almost every culture. People throughout time have obviously been concerned about protecting their children from people who would harm them and the lessons in this story still apply today. Let’s take a closer look at the main characters. How would you describe RRH at the beginning of the story? At the end? What changed Little Red Riding Hood? (experience) How would you describe the wolf when he first meets RRH? At the end? What changed the wolf’s behavior? (opportunity – got her alone) What lesson do you think this story was trying to teach? Don’t be deceived by what appears to be; don’t trust your life with those you barely know; don’t talk to strangers; don’t give out personal information; don’t go anywhere alone; don’t take shortcuts, etc. (Write all on the board.)

  9. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Guide cont. 3 Read the moral included in an early version of RRH: “Children, especially attractive well-bred young ladies, should never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a wolf. I say ‘wolf’, but there are various kinds of wolves. There are also those who are charming quiet, polite, unassuming, complacent and sweet, who pursue young women at home and in the streets. And unfortunately, it is these gentle wolves who are the most dangerous ones of all.” Charles Perrault, Paris, 1697 !!! Is that still a good lesson for today? Why? Safety Tips Discussion: (15 minutes) A lesson learned from RRH is that you can’t always recognize someone dangerous by how they look – only by what they do. And what they do may change with opportunity. One way to keep yourself safe is to be aware of choices you make that put you in a situation that enables a “wolf” to trap you.

  10. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Guide cont. 4 Explain the Risk Meter…. RRH was at level one at home, Level three in the woods, Level five when she met the wolf, Level seven when she gave out personal information Level nine when she found herself alone with the wolf What choices could RRH have made that would have protected her? We all need at every age to be aware of choices we make that increase our risk – and our chances of being caught in a dangerous situation. Beware, and be aware. Stay alert so you don’t get hurt. Knowing what to do can keep you safe and protected. With that in mind, let’s see how many modern safety tips we can create and match to the age old story of RRH. Small Group Activity: (10 minutes) Divide class into groups – one for each story board.

  11. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Guide cont. 5 (If you have more time, give the class 5 minutes to brainstorm in small groups and write down as many safety tips as possible from the Red Riding Hood story. You might put on the board “Inside the home” and “Outside the home.” Call time and have the group with the most tips list them on the board under the correct heading. Add tips from other groups that are not on the list.) Assign each group one of the pictures from the Red Riding Hood story and ask them to pick the safety tip (or tips) from the list provided (and from the board if that activity was done) that goes with that part of the story. Attach the pictures to the blackboard and under the picture list the tips that apply to that part of the story. Go over the safety tips and discuss them as a class. Be sure to touch on internet safety – that’s like being alone in the woods AND blindfolded. Obviously this story is not really about a wolf. Why do you think a wolf was used in the story instead of a man? (To make a more lasting impression and to emphasize the danger…..)

  12. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Guide cont. 6 How could we tell the Red Riding Hood story in a way that would make a lasting impression on young people today? Group Activity (20 minutes) Divide class into two or three groups depending upon class size – each group has several large sheets of newsprint and markers or crayons. Give each group ten minutes to come up with a modern version of the scene in the RRH story where RRH meets the wolf – told in a way that will capture the attention of young people today like the wolf did in olden times. Keep in mind the following questions: a. Who is the innocent target? What’s he or she like? b. Who is the villain? What’s he like? c. Where do they meet? What is the trap? d. What is the lesson you want to teach? Draw a picture of the updated version of that scene – no skill required.

  13. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Guide cont. 7 Attach pictures to the wall and have someone from each group share their version of the story with the rest of the class. Discuss as a class which story would be most effective or combine elements to create a new version. Service Learning Opportunity: Have the story written by the class and then acted or told to younger classes or parents.) Closing Class Activity: (5 minutes) Watch the “Little Red Said” DVD as a class – then do the song as a class clapping the rhythm. One person says one verse and points to the person who will say the next verse; entire class says the chorus each time. Explore different rhythms and activities to do along with the rhyming so that it is said at least three times. Make new “Little Red Said” verses with additional safety tips. Post-test: Students take the quiz at www.TheGreatestSave.org.

  14. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Resources Excerpt from “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” (Grimm’s Fairy Tales): ….”.The King took another wife, a beautiful woman but proud and overbearing and she could not bear to be surpassed n beauty by anyone. She had a magic looking-glass, and she used to stand before it, and look in it, and say: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of us all?” Excerpt from “The Hare and the Tortoise” (Aesop’s Fables): “The Hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. “I have never yet been beaten,” said he, “when I put forth my full speed. I challenge any one here to race with me.” The Tortoise said quietly, “I accept your challenge.” (Moral: Then said the Tortoise: “Plodding wins the race.”)

  15. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Lyrics to “Little Red Said” song Wolves still prowl today looking for their prey But knowing how to “see” a wolf can keep a wolf away. Little Red said: Use your head. Little Red was cool; she did good in school, And on the street tho’ she was sweet she was nobody’s fool. Little Red said: Use your head. Whether walking in the wood or playing in the hood She stayed alert for anyone or anything not good. Little Red said: Use your head. When she was outside her eyes were open wide She kept a space around her and let no one get inside. Little Red said: Use your head. When visiting the mall she knew not to fall For one who said, “Please come with me to do a modeling call.” Little Red said: Use your head .

  16. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Lyrics to “LRS” song cont. She never took a ride from anyone outside ‘Cause once she left a public place her danger magnified. Little Red said: Use your head. If her parents didn’t know, she refused to go – No matter what the reason was, her answer still was no. Little Red said: Use your head. Little Red had always known to go nowhere alone But always take a friend with you – and not just on the phone. Little Red said: Use your head. Little Red already knew that friends weren’t always true And sometimes someone dangerous was someone close to you. Little Red said: Use your head. She’d babysit at home for people on the go But would not go in any car with dads she did not know. Little Red said: Use your head.

  17. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Lyrics to “LRS” song cont. While surfing on the net she would not forget To stay away from chat rooms and the folks she hadn’t met. Little Red said: Use your head. She knew that while on line the wolves would try to find Any info they could use to get inside her mind. Little Red said: Use your head. When in bed at night doors and windows were locked tight So she could sleep quite peacefully knowing all was right. Little Red said: Use your head. Wolves still prowl today looking for their prey But knowing how to “see” a wolf can keep a wolf away. Little Red said: Use your head. Be like Little Red!

  18. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Sheet #1 What safety tips for today would fit this picture?

  19. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Sheet #2 What safety tips for today would fit this picture?

  20. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Sheet #3 What safety tips for today would fit this picture?

  21. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Sheet #4 What safety tips for today would fit this picture?

  22. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Sheet #5 What safety tips for today would fit this picture?

  23. “The Greatest Save” Program Little Red Content Discussion Sheet #6 What safety tips for today would fit this picture?

  24. “The Greatest Save” Program LITTLE RED CONTENT(Safety Tips for Teens) What can we learn about staying safe from Red Riding Hood? How would you teach Red Riding Hood’s lessons to young people today?

  25. “The Greatest Save” Program LITTLE RED CONTENT(Safety Tips for Teens) Take the safety quiz at www.TheGreatestSave.org and see what you have learned about staying safe!

  26. “The Greatest Save” Program LITTLE RED SAID VIDEO (Safety Tips for Teens) Safety tips for tweens in song and dance SHOW LITTLE RED SAID VIDEO or View Little Red Said VIDEO online at www.TheGreatestSave.org !2 and under page – Chapter 4 of “Watch the Video”

  27. “The Greatest Save” Program Providing Education that Empowers and Protects since 1991 because “when it comes to kids, The Greatest Save is the one we never have to make” ~ Rollie Fingers, HOF ‘92

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