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Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02

Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02. 2. Summary. Initial Situation in the BCWhy apply for a Twinning Project?How?Project FichePublication by EUApplicantsDecision of BCContractStart upGeneral Aspects of a TwinningStructure of the contract. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02. 3. 1. Initial Situation

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Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02

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    1. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 1 TWINNING PROJECT EE05 IB AG02 Institutional Building for the Design and Implementation of the European Fisheries Fund (2007 – 2013) Juhani Papp, Counterpart of RTA Carlos Aldereguía, Spanish RTA

    2. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 2 Summary Initial Situation in the BC Why apply for a Twinning Project? How? Project Fiche Publication by EU Applicants Decision of BC Contract Start up General Aspects of a Twinning Structure of the contract

    3. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 3 1. Initial Situation in the BC Lack in the alignment of the Acquis Communitaire 2. Why apply for a Twinning Project? Looking for the experience of another MS

    4. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 4 3. How? Elaboration of a Project Fiche Send it to Brussels looking for its approval Publication in the Official Journal of European Community Applications from “old” MS Presentations Election of Partner

    5. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 5 4. GENERAL ASPECTS OF A TWINNING PROJECT Twinning Fundamentals Twinning Philosophy Regular Reporting Steering Committee Changes to the Contract

    6. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 6 Twinning Fundamentals 1. MAIN REGULATION FOR MANAGING TWINNING PROJECT: Common Twinning Manual as of June 2005 Covers instruments financed out of the Community budget: Transition Facility, PHARE, CARDS,MEDA,TACIS 2. TWINNING CONTRACT Joint project of a grant nature aimed at achieving a concrete operational result – mandatory result Close partnership with specific commitments by the beneficiary institution Catalyst of the reform process – not a replica of MS systems

    7. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 7 The Twinning Philosophy

    8. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 8 Regular Reporting REPORTS: Submitted by the MS project leader and co-signed by the BC project leader. In practice the preparation of reports is done by the RTA. CONTENT: Described in the Twinning Manual: Two parts technical and financial FREQUENCY: Every project quarter (3 months), + final report

    9. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 9 Steering Committee Quarterly Project Steering Committees are an important tool. They are one of the few occasions when all key players are in one room and important issues can be discussed and decisions made PURPOSE : Discuss progress; decide on corrective measures; approve and sign quarterly reports TIMING: Within the month following a project quarter. Participants should receive an electronic draft of the report before the meeting. PARTICIPANTS: Chair: MS and BC Project Leader. RTA, RTA counterpart, EC Delegation, CFCU/AO. Assistant to take minutes ORGANISATION: RTA with the help of the assistant. VENUE: Provided by the BC. Invitations sent out by both project leaders

    10. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 10 Changes to the Contract General principles justified reason for any modification; within the period of validity of the contract; no retroactive effect ; no change of unit costs maximum amount of contract cannot be increased Procedure depends on nature of changes: SIDE LETTER Signed by Project Leaders. ADDENDUM Signed by the signatories of the contract and submitted in four originals to the EC Delegation.

    11. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 11 Contract negotiations between Spain and Estonia Endorsement of the Twinning Contract with the approval of EC, (DG Enlargement) Start up

    12. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 12 5. STRUCTURE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE TWINNING PROJECT EE 05 IB AG 02 Institutional Building for the Design and Implementation of the European Fisheries Fund (2007 – 2013)


    14. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 14 1. OBJECTIVE Securing the sustainable and successful implementation of Common Fisheries Policy.

    15. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 15 How? Through assistance of Spanish authorities to: Preparation for the full application of the European Fisheries Fund To improve the administrative systems of fisheries data gathering Strengthening of the fisheries administration in Estonia

    16. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 16 2. CONTENT OF THE PROJECT The project will be developed during 2 years (2006-2008) The foreseen budget is 790.000 € ( 12.360.814 Eesti Krooni) 53 week/men experts visits (365 working days). 7 Seminar for officials and stakeholders foreseen.

    17. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 17 1. EFF PREPARATIONS: Analysis of the fish production, fish processing, fishing fleet, fishing ports and infrastructures, inland fishing and aquaculture in Estonia Analysis of the 2002-2004 program results. Discussion with partners in EFF preparation. Support the preparation of the National Strategic Plan for Fisheries, ex-ante evaluation and Operational Program. Establishment of financial control and monitoring. 3. ACTIVITIES OF THE PROJECT

    18. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 18 2. DATA COLLECTION Analysis of the Estonian data collection system. Preparation of a National Plan for a scientific data collection program Support and training on design of integrated information database system. 3. ACTIVITIES OF THE PROJECT

    19. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 19 3. Training Preparation of a training program Organization of 5 Seminars on the application of the CFP, for stakeholders and officials. Support to the IT development Preparation “on the spot”. 3. ACTIVITIES OF THE PROJECT

    20. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 20 4. SCHEDULE

    21. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 21

    22. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 22 5. SPANISH TEAM Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Secretary General of Maritime Fisheries FIIAPP (International Iberoamerican Foundation of Administration and Public Policies of Spain) Autonomous Governments Maritime Fisheries Department

    23. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 23 6. BODIES INVOLVED Ministry of Agriculture of Estonia Department of Fisheries Economics ARIB (Agricultural Registers and Information Board) Ministry of Environment of Estonia Ministry of Finance of Estonia CFCU Estonian Fisheries Associations

    24. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 24 WORKING METHODS Cooperation on the ground Experience in Fisheries and cooperation of the Spanish fishing experts: 14 Twinning Projects developed in 9 new Member States. Experience in Data collection and FIFG: Full compromise of the Spanish authorities

    25. Twinning project EE05 IB AG 02 25 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

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