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Provincial Species at Risk Coordination Office Overview and purpose November 10, 2004

Provincial Species at Risk Coordination Office Overview and purpose November 10, 2004. The Challenges. @1000 species listed by Conservation Data Centre in BC Forest Practices Board reports on Marbled Murrelet and Mountain Caribou Species at Risk Act (SARA) @40 Recovery teams in BC

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Provincial Species at Risk Coordination Office Overview and purpose November 10, 2004

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  1. Provincial Species at Risk Coordination Office Overview and purpose November 10, 2004

  2. The Challenges • @1000 species listed by Conservation Data Centre in BC • Forest Practices Board reports on Marbled Murrelet and Mountain Caribou • Species at Risk Act (SARA) • @40 Recovery teams in BC • Limited funding and resources to support species at risk (SAR) • Lack of provincial SAR recovery policies

  3. Species at Risk Coordination Office • Two objectives: • Develop a proposed structure for an approach to provincial species at risk program • Develop recommendations for recovery to deliver to government for decision making within a 9-12 month timeframe for the three key species: • Mountain Caribou • Spotted Owl • Marbled Murrelet

  4. Species at Risk Coordination Office • Reports to the Deputy Minister’s Subcommittee for the Management of Species at Risk (WLAP, MOF, MSRM & LWBC) • Centralizes species at risk recovery and management costs in a single account • Coordinates the development of recovery options for government • 9-12 month pilot project • Kevin Jardine currently acting as Coordinator

  5. Activities to Date • Mountain Caribou • Funding allocated towards developing Habitat Supply Models to establish herd-based recovery targets • Working with government and tenure holders to obtain deferrals until modeling complete and recovery options developed • Spotted Owl • Funding allocated towards a Spotted Owl Habitat / Population Model • Working with government and licensees to undertake actions to mitigate and protect currently occupied spotted owl habitat • Marbled Murrelet • Investigate opportunities to slow and reverse the current population trend by developing habitat protection options • Policy Development • Development of an approach to evaluating and prioritizing species at risk programs

  6. Benefits of Provincial SAR Coordination • SAR issues can be quickly raised to DM and Cabinet levels • Complex inter-ministerial issues can be quickly resolved • Greater profile for SAR activities within and outside of government • Funding can be specifically allocated to SAR projects (i.e. no ‘diversion’ to other projects) • Opportunities for leveraged funding (e.g. ENGOs, industry) • Single window contact for liaison with Federal Species at Risk Act

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