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Experimental Design Crossword

Experimental Design Crossword. Objectives (Pg. 8) . The students will be reviewing important experimental design vocabulary. The students will be able to use each word in a complete sentence. The students will be able to make a crossword puzzle using at least 10 of the vocabulary words.

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Experimental Design Crossword

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Experimental Design Crossword

  2. Objectives (Pg. 8) • The students will be reviewing important experimental design vocabulary. • The students will be able to use each word in a complete sentence. • The students will be able to make a crossword puzzle using at least 10 of the vocabulary words. • The students will be able to provide accurate clues necessary to identify each word in the crossword puzzle.

  3. Experimental Design Vocabulary/Glossary Instructions • You should feel comfortable doing this activity. I have attached a vocabulary/definition page because some of these words are not in their textbook. • If you need a textbook, you can use the green textbooks on the shelf in the back. Please do not allow use the blue text books behind my desk. • If get get stumped, use your Science Notebook, not their lab book. We discussed most of these words in class. • An example of “Control Group” follows this page.

  4. Example of a Control Group • Here is a good example. “Can an Egg Float?” • You have three containers filled with an equal amount of water. • In the first container, you place one egg inside. • In the second container, you add 40 ml of salt and place one egg inside. • In the third container, you add 80 ml of salt and place one egg in side. • Which group or container went untested? (The first container) • Why? (Because we did not add any salt.)

  5. Making the Crossword Puzzle: Extra instructions (write these down in your Science Notebook on page 8. • Use a blank sheet of paper (preferably graph paper) to create a crossword puzzle blueprint, using the words. (If you have the internet at home, you can use puzzle maker atwww.puzzlemaker.com to help. (They only need to use 10 of the 13 words) • Use a highlighter or marker to highlight the appropriate spaceson the crossword puzzle worksheet.(Count the letters carefully. I don’t have extra copies) Do not add the letters to your final crossword puzzle. (Use your blueprint as your answer sheet.) • Lastly, remind them that once they finish this, they need to create your crossword clues and complete the rest of the packet. • This is due on Friday with their science lab.

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