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The South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society

The South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society. Is this a society you should belong to?. Who are we?. A group of doctors and allied professionals with a shared interest in Diving and diving medicine Hyperbaric medicine The marine environment Membership around 550 at present

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The South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society Is this a society you should belong to? SPUMS promotion slides

  2. Who are we? • A group of doctors and allied professionals with a shared interest in • Diving and diving medicine • Hyperbaric medicine • The marine environment • Membership around 550 at present • The majority are general practitioners who dive or have a specific interest in the field • Diving physicians – military and civilian • Hyperbaric physicians – approximately 80% of all hyperbaric physicians in Australia and New Zealand • Most of us are from Australia and New Zealand, but moderate numbers from Asia and the USA December 2012 SPUMS promotion slides

  3. What is the purpose of our society? • To promote and facilitate information and research on all aspects of underwater and hyperbaric medicine • To provide information to all interested groups (diving organisations, industry, the military, individual divers) • To promote exchange of information between members and to publish a quarterly Journal • To convene members annually at a Scientific Conference SPUMS promotion slides

  4. What do we do? www.spums.org An annual scientific meeting – a week long meeting, usually at a dive location The journal and the SPUMS diving medical advice An up-to-date list of trained dive physicians Training and a diploma in Diving and Hyperbaric medicine SPUMS promotion slides

  5. The journal ‘Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine’ is the official journal of both SPUMS and the European Undersea and Baromedical Society (EUBS). It is indexed on the ISI web of science (SciSearch™) and Embase/Scopus. SPUMS promotion slides

  6. SPUMS promotion slides

  7. SPUMS promotion slides

  8. A list of available courses Details of the College of Anaesthetists certification SPUMS promotion slides

  9. SPUMS members get to dive in all sorts of places…(The President in Antarctica) SPUMS promotion slides

  10. …and meet all sorts of interesting divers SPUMS promotion slides

  11. You too can be a SPUMS member for only $175.00 a year Fill out an on-line membership application at spums.org, or email our secretary at spumssecretary@gmail.com or e-mail admin@spums.org.au SPUMS promotion slides

  12. Why aren’t you here with us? SPUMS promotion slides

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