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The Push and Pull Factors

The Push and Pull Factors. Mexico and the United States 1890-1930. 1900-1904 1905-1909 1910-1914 1915-1919 1920-1924 1925-1929 1930-1934 1935-1939. 2,259 21, 732 82, 588 91, 075 249, 248 238,527 19,200 8,737. Mexican Immigration, 1900-1939. General Definition.

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The Push and Pull Factors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Push and Pull Factors Mexico and the United States 1890-1930

  2. 1900-1904 1905-1909 1910-1914 1915-1919 1920-1924 1925-1929 1930-1934 1935-1939 2,259 21, 732 82, 588 91, 075 249, 248 238,527 19,200 8,737 Mexican Immigration,1900-1939

  3. General Definition • Push factors are those factors in Mexico that contributed to displacement and forced migrations • Pull factors are those conditions in the United States that magnetized the border region and attracted Mexicans to the region

  4. The Porfiriato defined • A ruler with virtually absolute power • One enjoying complete autocratic • control of leadership • One ruling absolutely, typically with brutality, oppression and ruthless suppression of opposition. • Dictatorship: A form of government in which a dictator or small clique has absolute power without effective constitutional limitations.

  5. Push Factors 1. Porfirio Diaz: 1876-1910 • Railroad Construction—mostly north/south • Anti-Indian policies, favors Europeanization of Mexico • Land Policies: abolished the ejido: favored modernization of Mexican agriculture, land ownership increasingly concentrated • Political policies: no political parties, anti-unionism, no freedom or independence of the press, Oligarchy • Favored Foreign investment

  6. Porfirio Diaz, cont. • Encouraged immigrants from the United States, Britain, Spain and China. • Sought immigrants to bring technical skills and intellectual capacity to modernize the Mexican economy. • Agricultural production declines in major Mexican staples. • Dependency on foreign capital in railroad, mining, agricultural, petroleum industries.

  7. Porfirio Diaz, cont. • Real wages of masses declines • Agricultural sector does not provide enough food for domestic consumption • Two-thirds of capital investment from foreign sources • Vast differences in standard of living between rich and poor • 80% illiteracy in 1900 • Catholic church: controls education, powerful politically

  8. Push Factors • 2. The Mexican Revolution • (1910-1921) • Destabilizes Mexico • Destroys the Mexican economy • Mass death and starvations • Out-migrations result • Around 1 million Mexicans flee and arrive in the United States between 1920-1930.

  9. Pull Factors • 1. Southwestern economic development • Railroad construction • Agricultural stimulus through: • The Dingley Tariff • The Newlands Reclamation Project • Labor intensive industries, agriculture, ranching mining.

  10. Pull Factors • 2. Proximity to Mexico and availability of Mexican cheap and surplus labor. • Availability of jobs. • Attractive wage scales—six to ten times the Mexican daily wage • Escape from Mexican political and economic chaos

  11. Immigration Legislation • 1. Restrictions on world-wide immigration to the United States through: • Chinese Exclusion, 1880s • Gentleman’s Agreement: 1907 agreement with Japan to curtail Japanese immigration • Immigration acts from 1917-1930: restrictions/quotas placed on immigration from Europe, primarily eastern and southern Europe • Mexicans excluded from provisions of the 1917 immigration act that required a literacy test and $8 head tax.

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