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Thanks go also to Angela Gargano and coorganizers for the organisation of the 11th. Meeting.

I want thank Aldo Covello for the 11 Spring Seminars on Nuclear Physics in nice areas of the Sorrento Peninsula and the Islands. I was participating in 7 of them . . Thanks go also to Angela Gargano and coorganizers for the organisation of the 11th. Meeting. .

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Thanks go also to Angela Gargano and coorganizers for the organisation of the 11th. Meeting.

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  1. I wantthankAldo Covelloforthe 11 Spring Seminars on NuclearPhysics in niceareasofthe Sorrento Peninsula and the Islands. I was participating in 7 ofthem. Thanksgo also to Angela Garganoandcoorganizersfortheorganisationofthe 11th. Meeting. Atplaceslike: Sorrento, Ischia, Capri, Amalfi, Ravello, Paestum

  2. Search fortheCosmicNeutrino Background Amand Faessler, Ischia 15. May 2014 Withthanksto: RastislavHodak, Sergey Kovalenko, Fedor Simkovic; Publication: arXiv: 1304.5632 [nucl-th] 11. Dec. 2013.

  3. CosmicMicrowave Background Radiation Cosmic Neutrino Background CosmicGravitational Wave Background 1) Decouplingofthephotonsfrom matter about 380 000 years after the Big Bang, whentheelectronsarecapturedbytheprotonsand He4 nucleiandtheuniversegets neutral. Photons movefreely.

  4. Planck SatelliteTemperatureFluctuationsComic Microwave Background (Release March 21. 2013)

  5. On 18. March 2014 theBICEP2 Collaborationpublished in thearXiv: 1403.3985v2 [astro-ph.CO] Fingerprint oftheGravitationalWavesoftheInflationary Expansion ofthe Big Bang in theCosmic Background Radiation. GravitationalWavesareQuadrupole OscillationsofSpace not in Space.

  6. BICEP2 Detector at the South-Pole

  7. 1.5 to 4 degrees;

  8. 2) Estimateof Neutrino Decoupling Universe Expansion rate: H=(da/dt)/a • ~ n Interaction rate: G= ne-e+<svrelative> • H = = O( T2) [1/time] • ~ (1/a3) <GF2p2 c=1> ~ T3 <GF2T2c=1> ~ GF2T5[1/time] • with: Temperature= T ~ 1/a = 1/(lengthscale); = h/(2p) = c = 1 Stefan-Boltzmann

  9. (Energy=Mass)-DensityoftheUniverse Radiation dominated: r ~ 1/a4 ~ =Stefan-Boltzmann log r Matter dominated: r ~ 1/a3 ~ T3 Dark Energy a(t)~1/T 1/Temp 8x109 y 1 MeV ~1sec ndec. g 2.7255 K n 1.95 K 3000 K 380 000 y gdec. 1 eV 5x104y today

  10. HowcanonedetecttheCosmic Neutrino Background? Electron-Neutrino capture on Tritium.

  11. 3. Search forCosmic Neutrino Background CnBby Beta decay: Tritium Kurie-Plot of Beta andinduced Beta Decay: n(CB)+ 3H(1/2+)  3He (1/2+) + e- Infinite goodresolution Q = 18.562 keV Resolution Mainz: 4 eV  mn < 2.3 eV Emittedelectron Resolution KATRIN: 0.93 eV  mn < 0.2 eV 90% C. L. ElectronEnergy Fit parameters: mn2andQ valuemeV Additional fit: onlyintensityofCnB 2xNeutrino Masses

  12. Tritium Beta Decay: 3H 3He+e-+nce

  13. Neutrino Capture: n(relic) + 3H 3He + e- 20 mg(eff) of Tritium  2x1018 T2-Molecules: Nncapture(KATRIN) = 1.7x10-6nen/<nen> [year-1] Every 590 000 years a count! for <nen> = 56 cm-3

  14. Problem: 56 e-Neutrinos cm-3toosmall • Gravitational Clustering of Neutrinos estimatedby Y. Wong, P. Vogel et al.: nne(Galaxy) = 106*<nne> = 56 000 000 cm-3 1.7 counts per year Increasethsourcestrength: 20 micrograms 2 milligrams 170 counts per year everysecondday a count Speakersof KATRIN: Guido Drexlin and Christian Weinheimer

  15. 20 microgram 2 milligram Tritium • Such an IncreaseoftheTritium Source Intensityiswith a KATRIN Type Spectrometerisdifficult, if not impossible!

  16. ThreeimportantRequirements: • The Tritium DecayElectronsare not allowedtoscatterwiththe Tritium Gas. 2) The MagneticFlux must beconserved in the wholeDetection System. 3) The Energyresolution must beofthe order of 1 eV.

  17. The decayelectronsshould not scatterbythe Tritium gas. Only 36% have not scattered Source Beam Magnetic Field 3.6 Tesla Columnlength d Base 1 cm2 Numberof Tritium-Atoms in Column d = Column-Density Optimal ColumnDensityslightlybelowr*dfree/2 Tritium Gas Troitsk: 30%; Mainz: 40%; KATRIN: 90%

  18. 2) ConservationofMagneticFlux Ifonecantincreasetheintensity per area, increasethe areabyfactor 100 from 53 cm2to 5000 cm2. MagneticFlux: (Ai=5000 cm2) x (Bi=3.6 Tesla) = 18 000 Tesla cm2 = Af x (3 Gauss); Af= 6 000 m2 diameter = 97 meters

  19. 3) EnergyresolutionofDE~ 1 eV Energyresolution:Ef(perpend.) = Efp= DE

  20. Angular MomentumoftheSpiralingElectrons must beconserved Energyresolution:Ef(perpend.) = Efp= DE = 1 eV L = |rm = const = L ~ []i =[  Bf = 3 Gauss

  21. 20 microgram 2 milligram Tritium • Such an IncreaseoftheTritium Source Intensitywith a KATRIN Type Spectrometerisdifficult, if not impossible.

  22. Summary 1 • The CosmicMicrowave Background allowstostudytheUniverse 380 000 years after the BB. • The Cosmic Neutrino Background 1 sec after the Big Bang (BB). • The Cosmic Background ofGravitationalWaves 10-31 Seconds in the Big Bang

  23. Summary 2: CosmicNeutrino Background Average Density: nne= 56 [ Electron-Neutrinos/cm-3] Katrin: 1 Count in 590 000 Years Gravitational Clustering of Neutrinosnn/<nn> < 106 and 20 micrograms Tritium  1.7 counts per year. (2 milligram3H 170 counts per year. Impossible ?) THE END 2. Measureonly an upperlimitofnn Kurie-Plot Emittedelectron ElectronEnergy 2xNeutrino Masses

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