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Body System Jeopardy!

Body System Jeopardy!. Respiratory Circulatory Digestive Urinary Nervous 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500. Sponsored by: Gavin Wisdom, Nicholas Grayson, Laney Hatchings and Bailey Stewart. Breathing in and out.

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Body System Jeopardy!

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  1. Body System Jeopardy! RespiratoryCirculatoryDigestiveUrinaryNervous 100100100100100 200200200200200 300300300300300 400400400400400 500500500500500 Sponsored by: Gavin Wisdom, Nicholas Grayson, Laney Hatchings and Bailey Stewart

  2. Breathing in and out. What is inhale and exhale? Respiratory for 100 Incorrect

  3. A Harmful Waste. Respiratory for 200 What is Carbon Dioxide? Incorrect

  4. The dome shape muscle which contracts and expands to bring air into the lungs. What is the diaphragm? Respiratory for 300 Incorrect

  5. What is emphysima Respiration for 400 A disease that makes it difficult to breath? Incorrect

  6. Tiny sacks surrounded by blood vescles called capillaries . Respiration for 500 What is alveoli? Incorrect

  7. A muscle that pumps blood through your body.. Circulatrory Facts for 100 What is the heart? Incorrect

  8. What uses the major arteries and veins to move oxygen and rich blood. Circulatory Facts for 200 What is System Circulation? Incorrect

  9. What is Aorta. Circulatory Facts for 300 Providing cells for your fuel? Incorrect

  10. Flow of blood from the heart to the lungs. Circulatory Facts for 400 What is coronary circulation? Incorrect

  11. What is Superior Vena Cava. Circulatory facts for 500 Blood returns from the heart to the lung through the SVC? Incorrect

  12. It gets nutrients from the food and brings it to the body. Digestivefactsfor 100 What is absorbtion? Incorrect

  13. This is when an enzyme in your spit breaks down carbohydrates. Digestivefactsfor 200 What is Salivary Amylase? Incorrect

  14. This protects your stomach from your acids. Digestivefactsfor 300 What is mucus? Incorrect

  15. What squeezes food down into the stomach. Digestivefactsfor 400 What is Esophagus? Incorrect

  16. Digestive Facts for 500 • Phyiscal thing that does action chewing What is Mechanical Digestion

  17. Urinary for 100 • Shaped like a balloon and stores urine • What is Bladder

  18. Urine leaves the bladder to the outside world in a certain tube called________ Urinaryfor 200 What is Urethra? Incorrect

  19. A poison from the blood Stream. Urinaryfor 300 What is urea? Incorrect

  20. Part of your body that removes waste products. Urinaryfor 400 What is Excretory System? Incorrect

  21. What is Kidneys. Urinaryfor 500 Two organs in your lower back that filter Waste. Incorrect

  22. The voluntary movement of a muscle with the brains control. Nervous for 100 What is Somatic? Incorrect

  23. A pathway that transmits stimuli. Nervous for 200 What is nerve? Incorrect

  24. The major nerve pathway that connecs your body to your brain. Nervous for 300 What is spinal cord? Incorrect

  25. Automatic muscular movement without the brains control. Nervous for 400 What is Autonomic? Incorrect

  26. What is Coordinate. Nervous facts for 500 To manage a group of variables at once? Incorrect

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