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Which of the following represents Georgia’s latitude?

Which of the following represents Georgia’s latitude?. A. The state’s distance from the prime meridian B. The state’s distance from the equator. C. 32 degrees, 02’ – 34’W D. 80 degrees, 50’ – 85 degrees, 36’ W. Georgia is located in which of the following?. A. The prime meridian

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Which of the following represents Georgia’s latitude?

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  1. Which of the following represents Georgia’s latitude? A. The state’s distance from the prime meridian B. The state’s distance from the equator C. 32 degrees, 02’ – 34’W D. 80 degrees, 50’ – 85 degrees, 36’ W
  2. Georgia is located in which of the following? A. The prime meridian B. The U. S. fall line C. The Western Hemisphere D. The Southern Hemisphere
  3. Which of the following statements best describes the effect of Georgia’s climate on the economic development A. Its climate has discouraged businesses from locating in Georgia because they view the state as primarily a tourist attraction B. The state’s mild climate has helped to attract new industries and residents to Georgia. C. The state’s population and economic growth is decreasing due to the tornadoes and thunderstorms that are common in the spring and summer. D. Since climate deals with long-term weather patterns, it has very little effect on the state’s economy.
  4. In less than 45 minutes Jeff rode his motorcycle through parts of Alabama and Tennessee before stopping at a restaurant in Georgia. The restaurant Jeff stopped at is most likely located in which of the following regions? A. Blue Ridge B. Appalachian Plateau C. Ridge and Valley D. Coastal Plain
  5. Emily hates living in a crowded place and can’t stand snow. She prefers wide-open, flat spaces with lots of farm land and warm weather. Which of Georgia’s regions would Emily most like enjoy living in? A. Appalachian Plateau B. Coastal Plain C Piedmont D. Ridge and Valley
  6. Which of the following projects would Georgia and South Carolina most likely work together on? A. Building a dam on the Chattahoochee River B. Starting a project to ensure that the Savannah River stays clean C. Trying to protect the Okefenokee Swamp D. Developing a plan to help the Seminoles
  7. A rural settler in the early 1800s would have been least likely to start a new town in which of the following areas? A. The fall line B. Along the Chattahoochee River C. Where the piedmont and Coastal plain meet D. The Okefenokee Swamp
  8. What two hemispheres is Georgia located in? A. Northern and Eastern B. Western and Southern C. Western and Easter D. Northern and Western
  9. Which region of the United States is Georgia located in? A. South B. North C. Sun D. Confederate
  10. Which of the following regions gets the most snowfall? A. Piedmont B. Blue Ridge C. Coastal Plain D. Atlanta
  11. A. The barrier islands B. Amicalola Falls C. Tallulah Gorge D. The Fall Line The area where the Piedmont and Coastal Plain meet that features a drop in elevation and beautiful waterfalls is called what?
  12. A. They protect the mainland from erosion B. They feature most of the state’s waterfalls C. The public is not allowed to visit any of them because they are wildlife reserves D. They receive more snowfall than any other region Which of the following is true regarding Georgia’s barrier islands?
  13. A. They were farmers B. They hunted mostly small game, like rabbits C. They built lots of mounds D. They were migratory people Which statement best describes the Paleo Indians?
  14. A. Paleo period B. Archaic Period C. Woodland Period D. Mississippian Period Which period in Native American history included a significant change in climate and the development of horticulture?
  15. A. The Paleo Indians B. The Archaic People C. The Mississippians D. The Woodland Peoples The last Native American to live in what is today Georgia before the arrival of any European explorer were?
  16. A. Conquistadors B. Friars C. Archaeologists D. Atlatls Which of the following have contributed a great deal to what we know about pre-European explorers were?
  17. A. Machinery was too expensive to buy B. Sharecropper labor was no longer needed C. Farmers were able to produce more crops in less time D. Cotton crops became the predominate agricultural export During World War II, Georgia farmers experienced much prosperity. After the war, the demand for agricultural products decreased and many left their farms for opportunities in the cities. How did the mechanization of farming further contribute to the migration from rural areas?
  18. A. To establish a silk industry in Georgia B. To enhance the landscape beauty of early homes C. To provide mulberries as a needed source of fruit D. To provide badly needed lumber for building homes Why were early Georgia colonists urged to plant mulberry trees?
  19. A. The practice of requiring citizens to pass a literacy test in order to vote B. The practice of using state tax money to fund public schools C. The practice of “separate but equal” schools for black and white students D. The practice of integrating Georgia’s public colleges and universities The Supreme Court’s decision in Brown v. Board of Education (1954) struck down which practice that had been in place since Reconstruction?
  20. A. Improved weapons meant that more animals could be killed efficiently B. The Native Americans began to trade throughout eastern North America C. Improvements in agriculture meant food could be grown and stored D. The tribes established more complicated social structures and ceremonies Which development resulted in increased population and permanent settlements among Georgia’s prehistoric Native Americans?
  21. A. Most farmers were self-reliant and did not need cash B. The Great Depression had little impact upon the state C. Many citizens had been struggling economically for years D. Agricultural areas continued to prosper through the depression Why is it sometimes said that some rural Georgians never realized there was a Great Depression that occurred during the late 1920s and 1930s?
  22. A. Before Reconstruction B. During the late 1800s C. After World War I D. During the Depression The phrase “the New South” refers to an important period in Southern history that occurred at what time?
  23. A. Amendments B. Bill of Rights C. Court Case Summaries D Voting and Elections All of the following are sections included in the Georgia state constitution EXCEPT?
  24. A. Because it was important to their religion B. Because they were famous for their ability to swim C. Because they needed to have water to farm and fish D. Because they were called “Creek,” which is a small river Why did the Creek people settle near water sources?
  25. Which of the following statements most accurately describes Georgia at the beginning of the Revolutionary War? A. The royal governor was very popular B. Georgia relied heavily on trade with England C. A strong tradition of self-government had developed D. Most Georgian strongly favored independence from England
  26. Which event led to a special legislative session in Georgia to consider seceding from the Union? A. John Brown’s Raid B. The Kansas-Nebraska Act C. The firing upon Fort Sumter D. Lincoln’s presidential election
  27. Why were counties originally created in Georgia? A. To provide one certain special service not provided by cities B. To serve as districts for carrying out state laws and programs C. To collect taxes and finance local government D. To be responsible for education across the state
  28. Although the Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Georgia have the same qualifications for election, A. The Governor serves as Speaker of the House B. The Lieutenant Governor serves as President of the Senate C. The Senate must approve the successor to the office of Governor by a two-thirds majority vote D. Persons holding the office of Lieutenant Governor may succeed themselves, while the Governor cannot
  29. Which of these is required to be a state court judge in Georgia? A. Candidates must be at least thirty-five years old B. Candidates must be elected in countywide elections C. Candidates must have practiced law in another state D. Candidates must have been born in the state of Georgia
  30. What is Georgia’s largest source of state revenue? A. Poll tax B. Sales tax C. Income tax D. Inheritance tax
  31. After World War II in the United States, which of these trends contributed to the growth of Georgia? A. A loss of confidence in exploring new scientific methods B. A rapid increase in technological and industrial development C. A renewed focus on the importance of farming and agriculture D. A turning away from cooperation between business and government
  32. A key part of Henry Grady’s definition of the “New South” was A. A refusal to trade with the North B. Providing free college education to all C. An increase in the amount of manufacturing D. Guaranteeing equal rights for African Americans
  33. In the judicial system, appellate jurisdiction is the authority of a court to hear a case appealed from a lower court. In the Georgia judicial system, the court MOST LIKELY to hear an appeal from the Juvenile Court is the A. Probate Court B. Superior Court C. Appeals Court D. Supreme Court
  34. What is the main reason that the authors of Georgia’s Constitution of 1777 created a week executive branch of Government? A. They believed that the judicial branch should be the most powerful B they were following the British tradition of a strong legislature C. They were reacting to the tradition of powerful royal governors D. They were trying to avoid conflict between the executive and judicial branches
  35. What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? A. To serve as a preamble to the Constitution B. To demand that the colonists be given the same rights as British citizens C. To dissolve the political connection between the colonies and Great Britain D. To inform King George III that the colonies had ratified the Articles of Confederation
  36. Which is the reason many Georgia plantation owners favored secession? A. A desire for increased markets in the North B. The need to import large numbers of new slaves C. Fear that abolition would end their way of life D. Trouble getting agricultural loans from Northern banks
  37. How did the federal New Deal programs of the 1930s have a lasting effect on the Georgia economy? A. Roads, public buildings, and other facilities were constructed using federal money B. Georgia’s citizens were provided with federal income tax relief C. The federal government provided money to attract new industries to Georgia D. The federal minimum wage was repealed, allowing wages to respond to supply and demand
  38. Why did the book Uncle Tom’s Cabin increase tension between the North and South over the issue of slavery? A. It described the cruelty and suffering experienced by slaves B. It caused many slave owners in the South to free their slaves C. It described the routes of the Underground Railroad and helped slaves escape D. It was read by many slaves and caused them to revolt against their owners
  39. Why is Georgia less likely to feel the devastating impact of hurricanes than Florida and the Carolinas? A. Georgia has no large cities or industries on the coast B. Large, man-made sand dunes keep hurricanes from moving inland C. The wide expanse of the continental shelf off Georgia’s coast helps move hurricanes northward D. Georgia has developed sophisticated hurricane-tracking equipment that other coastal states do not have
  40. Which of these natural resources is the scarcest in Georgia? A. Fossil fuels B. Water C. Fertile soil D. Timber
  41. Which was a major contribution of Georgia during World War II? A. Radar technology was developed and tested at Georgia army bases B. Hospitals trained large numbers of doctors and nurses for the Medical Corps C. Military bases were established that trained large numbers of U. S. troops D. Research sites developed the technology for a prototype of the atomic bomb
  42. The Piedmont region of Georgia has no major, natural, underground water sources. Most of the water used in this heavily populated region of the state comes from A. Artesian wells B. Desalinization plants along the Atlantic coast C. Neighboring states through irrigation pipelines D. Reservoirs and surface water
  43. Which person served as a royal governor of Georgia? A. James Wright B. Alexander Stephens C. Zell Miller D. Button Gwinnett
  44. The invention of the cotton gin and the grain reaper during the antebellum period brought significant changes to Georgia. Farmers grew richer because the inventions made harvesting and processing more efficient. Their new prosperity and status led to Georgia’s first political scandal, known as the A. Land Fight of 1820 B. Yazoo Land Fraud C. Land Grab of Georgia D. Land Rush of the 1800s
  45. Since WWII, advances in which field have contributed MOST to the growth of Georgia’s economy? A. Agriculture B. Education C. Entertainment D. Technology
  46. Which Georgian and his description are matched correctly? Tom Watson – civil rights leader Hoke Smith – inventor of the steam engine Henry Grady – editor of The Atlanta Constitution Robert Toombs – mayor of Atlanta after the Civil War
  47. In which two ways are the Georgia Constitution and the Constitution of the United States Similar? A. They both have a preamble and a bill of rights B. They both focus on city and county government C. They are the same length and give the same details D. They have been amended the same number of times
  48. What was the main weakness of the Georgia Constitution of 1777? A. It gave too much power to the legislative branch B. It placed too much importance on checks and balances C. It created an independent executive branch D. It established two parts in the legislative branch
  49. Which of the following is a characteristic of the Okefenokee Swamp? A. It is located in the Piedmont region B. It has the most precipitation in the state C. It is famous for its hydroelectric potential D. It is the largest freshwater marsh in the state
  50. In the early 1800s Georgia’s policy of giving land to citizens through lotteries was mainly meant to A. Introduce new crops and farming methods B. Ensure peaceful relations with Native Americans C. Increase the state’s population D. Encourage the development of large cities
  51. Why was there a trend toward small farms in Georgia after the Civil War? A. Plantations were declared illegal B. There was a shortage of cash and labor C. The port of Savannah had been destroyed D. Former slaves received 40 acres of land from the U. S. government
  52. Like most colonists, Georgians were divided on the issues of the Revolutionary War. Why was the Georgia colony reluctant to join the revolution at first? A. The Georgia colony was self-sufficient B. The Georgia colony was financially dependent on England C. The Georgia colony had no objections to the Intolerable Acts D. The Georgia colony had a long, successful history of self-government
  53. Why would large cities in Georgia be more likely than small cities to use an elected council and full-time manager? A. Small cities in Georgia are required by the state to have a mayor and not a full-time manager B. Large cities need a full-time manager to take care of the complex problems of a large population C. Large cities in Georgia are required by the state to have an elected council and a full-time manager D. Small cities have little reason to have a council but need a full-time manager to supervise the many complicated activities involved in running a city
  54. In Georgia, the most direct rays from the Sun strike the surface of Earth during the month of A. March B. September C. June D. December
  55. In many cases, people have to adjust to a new physical and geographic environment in order to make a living. Which person would have to make the most drastic adjustment? A. A Georgia miner moving from the plateau region to West Virginia B. A Georgia cotton farmer moving to Canada C. A computer programmer moving from Boston to Atlanta D. A logger moving from the Georgia mountains to northern Maine
  56. Which of the following statements accurately describes common colonial attitudes about women? A. Women have a role to fulfill in the household B. Women deserve political rights C. Women’s capabilities are unlimited D. Women should have equal opportunities
  57. Which statement is true? A. The Georgia colony allowed Jews and Protestants but not Catholics B. People who lived in Georgi had to be members of the Church of England C. Malcontents were people who supported Oglethorpe against William Stephens D. Oglethorpe had to return to England after he lost the southern county of Georgia
  58. Why are Bradstreet’s and Wheatley’s poetry studied in literature and history A. They are included only because there is not much literature from that period B. They illustrate the beginnings of the women’s movement in early America C. Most collections of writings are edited by women D. They provide examples of some of the first known writing by American women
  59. Which Georgian has held the highest political office in the United States? A. Sam Nunn B. Jimmy Carter C. Andrew Young D. Newt Gingrich
  60. Which of the following shows the correct order of events in the Civil War? A. Burning Atlanta, Sherman’s March to the Sea, Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, bombing of Fort Sumter B. Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, burning of Atlanta, bombing of Fort Sumter, Sherman’s March to the Sea C. Bombing of Fort Sumter, burning of Atlanta, Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, Sherman’s March to the Sea D. Bombing of Fort Sumter, Battle of Kennesaw Mountain, burning of Atlanta, Sherman’s March to the Sea
  61. A. 4 B. 3 C. 5 D. 6 How many officially recognized regions does Georgia have?
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