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What Causes Acne

Overall, acne is a multi-faceted issue with many different potential causes. Therefore if you experience frequent breakouts it might be worth looking into each possible factor individually and making changes where necessary in order to see an improvement in your skinu2019s condition.

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What Causes Acne

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  1. What Causes Acne? Acne is one of the most common skin problems, affecting both teens and adults. Although acne may appear to be a simple problem on the surface, it can cause a range of emotions such as stress and embarrassment. But what really causes acne? Generally speaking, acne develops when our skin’s oil glands become blocked or clogged with dirt and oils. When this happens, the skin cells become trapped inside the follicle, leading to inflammation and breakouts. Additionally, hormones also play an important role in causing acne. An increase in hormone production due to puberty can lead to an increase in oil production, which then leads to more blockages and more breakouts. Stress is also thought to be linked to acne flare-ups since stress hormones like cortisol are known to affect sebum production (sebum is the oil produced by our skin). Diet has also been shown to play a part in triggering acne as some studies suggest that certain types of food like dairy products and foods high in sugar could worsen symptoms.

  2. Other potential factors that might trigger acne include over cleansing, humidity, certain medications and skin irritants such as face masks or make-up. Additionally, for those who have sensitive skin types or who have underlying medical conditions like PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) it is worth speaking to a doctor or dermatologist about your individual triggers. Overall, acne is a multi-faceted issue with many different potential causes. Therefore if you experience frequent breakouts it might be worth looking into each possible factor individually and making changes where necessary in order to see an improvement in your skin’s condition. Visit Us: Best online platform for doctors consultation and Best Online Platform For Medicine Consultation and Healthcare Services at Home in India Delivery , Telemedicine Online

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