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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒. 各类运动有着悠久的历史, 而各类运动服饰的材质也经历了数次变迁。. Clothes for Every Sport (I). There are sports clothes for every sport. They are made from all kinds of fabrics, and have changed a lot over time.

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第 3 版 Mini-world 万花筒

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  1. 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒

  2. 各类运动有着悠久的历史, 而各类运动服饰的材质也经历了数次变迁。 Clothes for Every Sport (I)

  3. There are sports clothes for every sport. They are made from all kinds of fabrics, and have changed a lot over time. Long ago, clothes were made from natural fabrics, like wool and cotton. Natural fabrics are made from natural things, like plants and animals. After that, people started making new fabrics. These fabrics are called synthetic fabrics. They are made by people.

  4. When people went swimming 100 years ago, their clothes were made from wool and cotton. These clothes were very thick and heavy in the water. Today, people swim in synthetic fabrics. They are very light, and they can stretch well and dry quickly.

  5. 最炫发型“擦”出来! Rubber Barber These rubbers have faces with hair of different colours on them. At first, the hair is long and thick. After you use the rubber, the hair will get shorter and shorter. What hairstyle do you like? Well, it’s up to you!

  6. Word Bank 超纲词汇 fabric /'f7brIk/ n. 织物 change /t5eInd3/ v.改变,变化 natural /'n7t5r=l/ adj. 自然的,天然的 wool /wUl/ n. 羊毛 cotton /'k^tn/n.棉花 stretch /stret5/ v. 伸展,延伸 barber /'b1:b=/ n. 理发师

  7. hairstyle /'he=staIl/ n. 发型 all kinds of 各种各样的 over time 随着时间的推移 long ago 很久以前 synthetic fabrics 合成纤维织物 up to sb. 取决于某人

  8. 第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂

  9. 这个学期,我们学习了许多有趣的科目。 Finding Subjects 考考你: 请先填出这些学科的英文名称,再在表格里把它们找出来。

  10. 例: You’ll learn to paint and draw: art 1. You’ll learn to play an instrument: M _ _ _ _ 2. You’ll use a lot of numbers: M _ _ _ _ 3. You’ll learn about different places: Geo _ _ _ phy 4. Ball games are part of p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ education (PE). 5. You’ll learn about past things: H _ _ _ _ _ _ 6. Biology is part of this: S _ _ _ _ _ _ 7. Your second language: E _ _ _ _ _ _ usic aths gra hysical istory cience nglish

  11. 小朋友们,欢迎你们来我家做客哟! My Sweet Little Home

  12. Let me show you around my flat. First, you’ll see a sitting room on the right. There is a TV set and some sofas in it. A study is opposite the sitting room, where I surf the Internet through the computers. Beside the study is a dining room with a big window facing east. There is a bathroom and a bedroom in my flat. When you go out of the bedroom, you can find a kitchen in front of you. Finally, you’ll see a balcony overlooking the River Thames (泰晤士河). It faces south so it’s always bright and sunny. I decorate it with flowers and turn it into a small garden!

  13. instrument Biology opposite balcony through overlooking decorate

  14. 今天,妈妈不在家。我偷偷打开了妈妈的衣柜……今天,妈妈不在家。我偷偷打开了妈妈的衣柜…… Wearing Mummy s Clothes I like to open my mummy’s wardrobe, And wear her clothes. I like to try on her shoes, And put on her coat. I like to play with her red lipstick, And smear it all over my face. Now I am jumping in my bed, Singing and shaking my head. My daddy shouts, “Take off your mum’s things! You’re a boy!”

  15. 讲学指导 Face 单词 face 既可以作名词,又可以作动词。 ◆ 当 face 做名词时,它表示“脸,面孔”的意思。如: a pretty face 漂亮的面孔 a smiling face 笑脸 Please go and wash your face! 请去把你的脸洗一洗! I see many familiar faces at the party. 我在聚会上看见了许多熟悉的面孔。

  16. ◆ 当 face 做动词时,它表示“面对,朝向”的意思。如: a dining room with a big window facing east 一个有着朝东大玻璃窗的餐厅 Turn around and face me, please. 请转过身来面对我。 —Which way does your house face? 你的房子朝着哪个方向? —It faces south. 朝南。

  17. 周周练 请根据文章 My Sweet Little Home 的内容,在图中写出对应的房间名称。 附加题: ( ) Where is the house? A. China B. England C. The U.S.A. B.

  18. Word Bank 超纲词汇 instrument /'InstrUm=nt/ n. 乐器 biology /baI'^l=d3I/ n.生物学(作科目 时,首字母大写) opposite /'^p=zIt/ prep. 在……对面 through /0ru:/ prep.通过 balcony /'b7lk=nI/ n.阳台 overlook /;=Uv='lUk/ v.俯瞰 decorate /'dek=reIt/ v.装饰

  19. wardrobe /'w6:dr=Ub/ n. 衣柜 lipstick /'lIpstIk/ n.唇膏 smear /smI=/ v.涂抹 part of ... ……的一部分 show sb. around ... 带领某人参观…… sitting room 起居室(=living room) TV set 电视机 surf the Internet 上网 dining room 餐厅

  20. 第6版 Playground 英语操练场

  21. 这是一个五彩缤纷的世界—— Colours grey beige gold silver light green dark green

  22. Colours of the Rainbow green indigo yellow blue orange violet red

  23. What Is Pink? What is pink? A rose is pink, By the fountain’s brink. What is white? The swan is white, Flying in the sky. What is green? The grass is green, With small flowers between. What is orange? An orange, Just an orange!

  24. No spells no. 动词spell是“拼写”的意思,所以这句话应直译为“no就拼写为no”,引申义为“不行就是不行”。下次当你觉得某件事没有必要再讨论下去或是没有回旋的余地了,就可以使用这句话。 Tom: Can you give me 100 yuan, Mum? Mum: No spells no. I just gave you 100 yuan yesterday.

  25. Word Bank 超纲词汇 beige /beI3/ adj.米黄色的 gold /G=Uld/ adj. 金色的 silver /'sIlv=/ adj.银色的 rainbow /'reInb=U/ n. 彩虹 indigo /'IndIG=U/ n.靛青 violet /'vaI=lIt/ n.& adj. 紫色,紫罗兰 brink /brI9k/ n.边缘

  26. just /d32st/ adv.仅仅,只是;才,刚才 light green 浅绿色,形容词light在这里表示“浅色 的”,light+颜色表示该颜色的浅色系 dark green 深绿色,形容词dark在这里表示“深色 的”,dark+颜色表示该颜色的深色系

  27. 第7版 Story Zone 故事地带

  28. 是杀死心爱的王子重返大海, 还是成全他的幸福化作泡沫? The Little Mermaid (IV) At night, the mermaid princess’s elder sisters came up to the sea. They gave her a knife and said, “If you stab the prince with this knife, you can be a mermaid again. If you don’t, you will become a bubble.”

  29. The mermaid princess didn’t want to become a bubble. She wanted to go back to her home in the sea. So on the night of the wedding, she was going to stab the sleeping prince with the knife. But, she didn’t have the heart to kill the loving prince. “It’s best that I just turn into a bubble,” the mermaid princess thought. When morning came, the little mermaid turned into a bubble and went up to heaven.

  30. Word Bank 超纲词汇 mermaid /'m+:meId/ n.美人鱼 stab /st7b/ v. 刺,戳 prince /prIns/ n. 王子 bubble /'b2bl/ n. 气泡 wedding /'wedI9/ n.婚礼 kill /kIl/ v. 杀死 just /d32st/ adv.只是

  31. heaven /'hevn/ n.天堂 elder sister 姐姐 not have the heart to 不忍心 turn into 变成

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