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Cultural Resource Protection Project Implementation

Cultural Resource Protection Project Implementation. Amy Charette Watershed Restoration Coordinator Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon OWEB/NOWC Webinar November 16 th , 2017. Considering Cultural Resource Protection in Project Implementation. Project Planning

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Cultural Resource Protection Project Implementation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cultural Resource Protection Project Implementation Amy Charette Watershed Restoration Coordinator Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon OWEB/NOWC Webinar November 16th, 2017

  2. Considering Cultural Resource Protection in Project Implementation Project Planning Survey Budget Lessons Learned

  3. Project Planning Determine how you will address cultural resource protection. NHPA/Section 106 - Federal Applicable State laws All laws, rules, regulations are on SHPO website. Identify specific project components. Type of activity Location Consultation Initiation, Survey, Determination

  4. Project Example Design Iteration #1 Consolidate and move 4 diversions, from push-up dams to 2 pump stations. Irrigation Pipeline Staging Areas Access Roads Diversion Locations Pump Station Locations

  5. Project Example Design Iteration #2 2 cultural sites identified Avoid upper site completely Lay pipe on top of the ground to avoid impacts the lower site

  6. Project Example Design Iteration #3 Move irrigation pipeline to completely avoid any disturbance of the cultural resource sites. Archaeologist on site during pipeline excavation.

  7. Project Timeline

  8. Cultural Resource Surveys Initial scoping is complete and it’s determined that a field survey is needed. Conduct field survey Contract - RFP/Bid process Need to have someone onsite who knows the project components Photo: Archaeological Services, Vancouver WA

  9. Budget Consider costs associated with consultation and surveys in your project budget. Contract an archaeology or engineering firm to help with consultation. Initial desktop survey to determine what type of field survey may be needed for the project. Field surveys – estimate On-site archaeologist during project implementation

  10. Lessons Learned Consider cultural resource protection at the beginning project planning and design. Make sure you work cultural resource protection costs into project budgets and timeline. Utilize partnerships to help with costs and implementation.

  11. Questions

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