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Palmetto Health BRAND

Palmetto Health Clear Market Leader. Palmetto Health BRAND.

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Palmetto Health BRAND

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  1. Palmetto Health Clear Market Leader Palmetto Health BRAND The data shows Palmetto Health taking a leadership role in the marketplace. The results brought back in this brand snapshot reflect a hospital group that has established itself firmly in the community, and expertise in critical areas of healthcare. Palmetto Health returned a higher volume of results than the competitors and the online conversations surrounding Palmetto Health are much more impressive in terms of credibility compared to Lexington and Providence. This report was created to give Palmetto Health a benchmark of the Palmetto Health brand footprint in the social media landscape. In addition, the Spiral16 research gathered data on two of Palmetto Health’s competitors, Lexington and Providence, to see how these facilities stack up against Palmetto. Side-by-side comparisons between Palmetto Health, Lexington and Providence will outlined in a separate deck. Palmetto Health Overview

  2. Palmetto Health Has Experts on Staff Palmetto Health BRAND There are many examples in the data that show Palmetto Health’s credibility in the field of healthcare. From community awards to members of the Palmetto Health group as featured experts in news stories and at healthcare conferences, the online conversations surrounding the Palmetto Health brand show an organization with a depth of expertise. Experts on Staff - William Gerard, MD, FACEP, Director of Emergency Services for Palmetto Health Systemsis a featured at Pinnacle 2012 EMS Leadership Conference in July 2012 http://www.pinnacle-ems.com/faculty Kohl’s Gives $75K to Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital http://www.thecolumbiastar.com/news/2011-12-23/BusinessKohls_presents_75K_to_Palmetto_Health_Childrens_Ho.html Children with Cancer - Network of Hospitals http://www.childrenwithcancer.org/about-us/network-of-hospitals Even the Former CEO of Palmetto Health even has a blog that reflects well on the Palmetto Health brand! http://actionforbetterhealthcare.com/?p=3895 Overview

  3. Palmetto Health is Involved the Community Palmetto Health Brand The research contains many examples of Palmetto Health’s commitment to community involvement. The Palmetto Health brand is very active in a variety of different ways and this dedication to the community is reflected in the online conversations about Palmetto Health. From child safety to sickle cell anemia to diabetes education—Palmetto Health is giving back to the community. Buckle Buddies of SC - Buckle Buddies a joint program of Palmetto Health Children’s Hospital Safe Kids Midlands offers car seat checks and new car seats for families to encourage parents to buckle up their children. http://www.thestate.com/2012/02/22/2161933/local-health-news.html#storylink=rss Performance Benefit Sickle Cell Program http://www.wistv.com/story/16977771/performance-will-benefit-sickle-cell-program March 2012 FREE Diabetes Lunch and Learns http://eatsmartmovemoresc.org/richlandcounty/2012/02/march-2012-free-diabetes-lunch-and-learns-2 Overview

  4. Palmetto Health is Leader - Competitors Trying to Highlight Specialties Palmetto Health Competitive Palmetto Health is a leader in the market, doing many things right in terms of social media. While the data shows Palmetto Health as the overall leader in the marketplace, the results show that Providence is trying to position their facility as the leaders in Cardiac Care. The data indicates more credible conversations surrounding Providence overall, as far as news coverage and online feedback about the expertise of the facility. Lexington is the facility with the least amount of social media and online chatter. This hospital has low social media activity and most of the conversations surrounding this brand are a result of healthcare directory listings. Both Lexington and Providence fall far short compared Palmetto Health in terms of the social media and online presence, in terms of the level of activity AND the content of the conversations surrounding their brands. Competitor Overview

  5. Providence Hospital – Highlights Palmetto Health Competitive While online conversations surrounding Palmetto Health feature many examples highlighting credibility in the field of healthcare, one of the most influential or “loud” news stories found about Providence is listed below. This news story is about George Zara, new CEO of Providence Hospitals getting special management training — from a horse named Spooky Spirit. http://www.charlestonbusiness.com/news/92-taking-the-reins-at-providence?rss=0 Providence is trying to reposition its facility as a leader in cardiac care and the data indicates several news items and online references to this new positioning. The facility appears to have a new website that is dedicated to cardiac care, rebranding Providence as the most experienced cardiac facility in the area. More Experience - Decision Heart - Providence Hospital http://decisionheart.org/experience/ Providence Hospitals Welcomes New Cardiac Surgeon Dr. William M. Yarbrough http://www.midlandsbiz.com/articles/8721/ Finally, Providence has no brand Twitter account, which is unusual for a healthcare facility of its size. Providence Overview

  6. Lexington Hospital – Highlights Palmetto Health Competitive Unlike Providence, Lexington has a Twitter presence and the Twitter results for this facility were highly influential for the brand. The problem for Lexington is that there is just not a high volume of chatter for the facility, in terms of how patients feel about the Lexington and there are not many conversations surrounding the brand that highlight strong expertise. There is not a high degree of negative or positive chatter about Lexington but there isn’t a high degree of positive conversations about Lexington. People just don’t TALK much about Lexington in the social media and online space---which is a deadly trend for a healthcare facility. Social media can be a powerful marketing tool for hospitals because of the power of word-of-mouth recommendations. Lexington is trying to carve out a niche of expertise in the marketplace but the message is not consistent and the brand message is lost in the noise of the Internet. Here are two examples of Lexington’s attempt to position their expertise in healthcare: Lexington Medical to perform its first heart surgeries http://www.thestate.com/2012/03/18/2197346/after-10-year-battle-lexington.html Lexington Medical Center Committed To Incredible Oncology Care http://agapeseniorsc.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/lexington-medical-center-committed-to-incredible-oncology-care Lexington Overview

  7. Majority of Activity Takes Place on Twitter, General Websites and News Palmetto Health Brand The most online activity takes place on Twitter, with 32% of the conversations taking place on the platform. Over 26% of the online activity for Palmetto Health takes place on general websites such as hospital directories and healthcare reference websites. News activity accounts for the next major portion of online conversations about the Palmetto Health brand. Location of Online Conversations

  8. Providence and Lexington Palmetto Health Competitive For Palmetto Health, the bulk of online activity takes place on Twitter, News and Healthcare. Twitter represents 32% of the conversations taking place online for Palmetto Health, while 26% of the online chatter is from News sources. Compare the location of Palmetto Health’s online activity with Lexington and Providence in charts below. Online Conversations for Competitors Providence Lexington

  9. Sentiment Surrounding Palmetto Health Very Positive Palmetto Health Brand Conversations surrounding the Palmetto Health brand were 73% positive with 25% of the results showing as neutral. This level of positive chatter about a hospital brand is excellent for the industry. The neutral and negative sentiment surrounding Palmetto Health are lower than industry averages. Neutral results came from directory listings on healthcare websites and listings for job openings. The level of neutral results Spiral16’s snapshot of Palmetto Health reflects 1% negative of the results as negative for the brand. How Do People Feel About Palmetto Health Brand?

  10. Providence and Lexington Palmetto Health Competitive Conversations surrounding the Palmetto Health brand were 73% positive with 25% of the results showing as neutral. Lexington and Providence have far lower positive sentiment with a higher volume of neutral sentiment surrounding their brands. How Do People Feel About Competitors? Providence Lexington

  11. Sentiment Surrounding Palmetto Health Very Positive Palmetto Health Brand Taking out the neutral results for Palmetto Health allows for a clear view of positive versus negative chatter surrounding the brand. The chart below reflects the overwhelming positive levels of brand conversations compared to the negative chatter about Palmetto Health. Palmetto Health Contains More Positive Conversations

  12. Twitter and Brand Sites Influential Palmetto Health Brand Twitter and Websites from the Palmetto Health brand make up the majority of the most influential or “loud” web pages in this initial search. This list of the Top 10 Most Influential Web Pages for Palmetto Health shows the Palmetto Health websites in the #1 and #3 positions. Job listings for Palmetto Health and Twitter results make up the remaining slots in the Top 10 Most Influential Web Pages. In an excel document sent with this report, Spiral16 has provided the Top 100 Most Influential Web Pages for Palmetto Health, along with a link and summary for each. Most Influential Pages

  13. Where Competitors Gaining an Edge Over Palmetto Health

  14. Lexington Uses Twitter Effectively Palmetto Health Competitive One thing that Lexington is doing right is the facility’s use of Twitter. The platform represents 22% of the conversations taking place online and the results from Twitter are influential or “loud” for the brand. Lexington is utilizing Twitter to reach out to the community and influencers in a more personal way. Lexington is using Twitter very effectively and this is one area where Lexington is outshines Palmetto Health. This list shows the Top 10 Most Influential Pages for Lexington, with Twitter making up 7 out of the 10 slots. We will discuss Lexington’s use of Twitter more in the conference call about this report. Lexington on Twitter

  15. Providence Utilizing LinkedIn Effectively Palmetto Health Competitive Providence beats Palmetto Health in one area of marketing, which is how this facility utilizes LinkedIn in the social media and online space. Social media results make up 19% of the online activity for Providence, and the majority of the social activity is on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the number one slot in the Providence results and LinkedIn results are very influential for the brand overall. In the list of the Top 10 Most Influential Web Pages for Providence, LinkedIn holds the number one and number seven spot on the list. Providence Use of LinkedIn

  16. Opportunities for Palmetto Health Brand

  17. Twitter Palmetto Health Brand The content of the Twitter messages is mainly fact driven. People are mentioning Palmetto Health and checking in on social networks while at Palmetto Health facilities. The results did not include a high volume of Twitter results with patient experiences or personal mentions. This is NOT a bad thing to have a high volume of check-ins on social media! But the excellent positive chatter surrounding the Palmetto Brand indicates that there is an opportunity to grow the brand on Twitter. We believe that Palmetto Health can utilize the positive online and increase the brand Twitter presence. Twitter is a natural platform to connect with potential patients and current in a more personal manner. Opportunities for Palmetto Health

  18. Video as an Online Communication Tool Palmetto Health Report Video volume for Palmetto Health was higher than average for a healthcare company. In addition ,the content of the online video that was influential for the brand consisted of short videos about equipment! The volume and rank of the online video results indicate there could be a trend to take advantage of using video to communicate Palmetto Health’s message online. Videos of patient experiences or video showing the state-of-the-art technology at the Palmetto Health facilities could be a powerful communication tool to share online. And video communication does not have to be expensive to be effective, especially when it’s easy to share on social networks. Shoutzis a free iPhone and Android app that makes it easy to share video clips instantly with on Facebook and Twitter. The quality of the video and ease of sharing makes Shoutz an excellent tool for sharing videos online and on social networks. Quick video snippets at charity events, or showing happy patients at the Children’s hospital could be a low-cost tactic to grow Palmetto Health’s online footprint. Opportunities for Palmetto Health

  19. LinkedIn Presence Palmetto Health Report The Palmetto Health LinkedIn profile was listed in the Top 50 influential results. One opportunity for Palmetto Health online could be to increase the LinkedIn presence for the brand by making sure all the top professional staff for the organization have current LinkedIn profiles. Our experience has shown that when LinkedIn results for a brand are influential, there is greater opportunity for growth on this professional social network for the brand overall. Opportunities for Palmetto Health

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