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THE HERALD AND WEEKEND POST. Who’s reading us now-AMPS2013AB (January – December 2013). Nelson Mandela Bay Metro LSM6-10 demographics: 2013AB. 768,000 LSM 6-10 adults in NMMB. (+2% up from 2013BA (15,000)). (144,000) . (-0.7% from 145,000). (457,000). (166,000). (+4% from 441,000).

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  1. THE HERALD AND WEEKEND POST Who’s reading us now-AMPS2013AB (January – December 2013)

  2. Nelson Mandela Bay Metro LSM6-10 demographics: 2013AB 768,000 LSM 6-10 adults in NMMB (+2% up from 2013BA (15,000)) (144,000) (-0.7% from 145,000) (457,000) (166,000) (+4% from 441,000) (-0.6% from 167,000) Year-on-year variances shown in +/- percentages (2013 Jan to Dec. vs. 2012/2013) Source: AMPS 2013AB (Jan-Dec) vs. 2013BA (Jul ‘12-Jun’13)

  3. The Herald Demographics compared (All LSMs) (+3% from 201,000) (49,000) ( as before) (120,000) (+12% from 107,000) (39,000) (-13% from 45,000) (+5% from 171,000) (38,000) (as before) (111,000) (30,000) (+16% from 96,000) (-19% from 37,000) Source: AMPS 2013AB (Jan-Dec) vs. 2013BA (Jul ‘12-Jun’13)

  4. Weekend Post Demographics compared (All LSMs) (-0.6% from 156,000) (57,000) (67,000) (-2% from 58,000) (-3% from 69,000) (30,000) (-3% from 117,000) (+3% from 29,000) (42,000) (45,000) ( as before) (-9% from 46,000) (-7% from 168,000) (27,000) (+4% from 26,000) Source: AMPS 2013AB (Jan-Dec) vs. 2013BA (Jul ‘12-Jun’13)

  5. The Herald copy sales trend by region

  6. Weekend Post copy sales trend by region

  7. PE Dailies: six-month comparison Source: AMPS 2013AB (Jan-Dec) vs. 2013BA (Jul ‘12-Jun’13). Base = PE/U.

  8. Profile of main PE dailiesThis slide reads: 62% of The Herald readers in PE/U are black. +14% +3% +16% +1% +29% -19% +14% -10% -18% -6% +5% -6% -16% -14% +50% -13% % +5% -13% +17% +1% RACE GENDER Source: AMPS 2013AB (Jan-Dec) vs. 2013BA (Jul ‘12-Jun’13). Base = PE/U.

  9. PE dailies – LSM reach Jul-Jun ’13/Jan-Dec 13This slide reads: 4% of LSM 1-4 people in PE/U read The Herald • The Herald’s LSM 7-8 readers in PE/U: • 68% black (19% coloured), 55% male, spread of ages older than 24 years, 48% matric, 27% post-matric • 64% bought own copy, 15% read other HH member’s • The Herald’s LSM 9-10 readers in PE/U: • 42% black (40% white), 58% male, mostly older than 34; 52% post-matric • 68% boughtown copy; 20% read other HH member’s +29% +50% +13% -4% +3% +32% +6% +29% -19% +3% -8% +8% -25% +22% +50% -33% % -4% -14% -6% +4% +11% Source: AMPS 2013AB (Jan-Dec) vs. 2013BA (Jul ‘12-Jun’13). Base = PE/U.

  10. PE dailies – Age-group reach Jul-Jun ‘13/Jan-Dec ‘13This slide reads: 14% of 15-24 year olds in PE/U read The Herald -5% +5% +14% +15% +20% +8% +8% -8% -5% +29% +38% -27% -17% % Age profile of total PE/U population remains unchanged Source: AMPS 2013AB (Jan-Dec) vs. 2013BA (Jul ‘12-Jun’13). Base = PE/U.

  11. PE Weeklies: six-month comparison Source: AMPS 2013AB (Jan-Dec) vs. 2013BA (Jul ‘12-Jun’13). Base = PE/U.

  12. Profile of main PE weekliesThis slide reads: 37% of Weekend Post readers in PE/U are black. +11% +11% +5% +11% +5% -6% +6% +5% -6% -12% -11% +14% -9% -8% +4% +9% +7% +28% % -3% +6% -11% +12% +9% RACE GENDER Source: AMPS 2013AB (Jan-Dec) vs. 2013BA (Jul ‘12-Jun’13). Base = PE/U.

  13. PE weeklies – LSM reach Jul-Jun 2013/Jan-Dec 2013This slide reads: 2% of LSM 1-4 people in PE/U read Weekend Post • Weekend Post’s LSM 7-8 readers in PE/U: • 52% black (25% coloured), 58% male, 41% 50+ years, 55% matric, 21% post-matric • 42% bought own copy, 19% read other HH member’s • Weekend Post’s LSM 9-10 readers in PE/U: • 62% white (22% black), 57% male, mostly older than 34; 57% post-matric • 71% boughtown copy; 22% read other HH member’s -7% -6% +22% +8% +14% +14% +15% +20% +6% +14% +44% -6% -17% +20% -4% -14% -6% +4% +11% % Source: AMPS 2013AB (Jan-Dec) vs. 2013BA (Jul ‘12-Jun’13). Base = PE/U.

  14. PE weeklies – Age-group reach Jul-Jun 2013/Jan-Dec 2013This slide reads: 8% of 15-24 year olds in PE/U read Weekend Post +23% +17% -3% +11% +3% -3% -4% -13% +4% -11% +7% +15% -5% +42% -8% -8% % Age profile of total PE/U population remains unchanged Source: AMPS 2013AB (Jan-Dec) vs. 2013BA (Jul ‘12-Jun’13). Base = PE/U.

  15. Summary of Demographic Distribution of Main EC Titles – 2010/2011 Son Coloureds Soccer Laduma Sondag Son 15-24 Some schooling Daily Sun Sunday Sun Matric Blacks 25-34 35-49 Die Burger (Sat) Sunday Times 50+ City Press (Sun) Die Burger WeekendPost (Sat) Daily Dispatch Post-matric The Herald Rapport (Sun) Saturday Dispatch Whites Coloureds Young Emerging Blacks (YEBs) Traditional Whites Multiracial Educated (MEs)

  16. Summary of Demographic Distribution of Main EC Titles – 2011/12 (12 months on) Son op sondag Young Emerging Blacks (YEBs) Son Coloured Coloureds Some schooling Soccer Laduma 15-24 Traditional Whites Daily Sun 25-34 Rapport (Sun) 35-49 Sunday Sun Sunday Times Black Matric Saturday Dispatch Die Burger (Sat) City Press (Sun) The Herald Daily Dispatch 50+ Die Burger WeekendPost (Sat) Post-matric White Multiracial Educated (MEs) What’s new? Sondag Son continues to impact the coloured market strongly. The Herald and Sat. Dispatch are both consolidating in the ME segment. Keep an eye on City Press in this market.

  17. White The latest picture: AMPS 2013BA Die Burger WeekendPost (Sat) Post matric 50+ Rapport (Sun) Saturday Dispatch Die Burger (Sat) The Herald Sunday Times City Press (Sun) Daily Dispatch 35-49 Matric Black 25-34 Sunday Sun Daily Sun 15-24 Some school Soccer Laduma (Wed) Coloured Son op sondag Son What’s new? The mapping is largely similar to the previous AMPS 2012AB. However, MEs and Trad Whites seem to move closer; while YEBs and Coloureds are pulling further away from TH and WP’s core market Traditional Whites Multiracial Educated (MEs) Young Emerging Blacks (YEBs) Coloureds

  18. The latest picture: Adding LSM dimensions to the EC newspaper map Young Emerging Blacks (YEBs) Coloureds Son Soccer Laduma (Wed) Son op sondag Coloured Some school Daily Sun 15-24 LSM 6 25-34 LSM 7 Sunday Sun Matric Black 35-49 LSM 8 Sunday Times City Press (Sun) Die Burger (Sat) The Herald Daily Dispatch Rapport (Sun) Saturday Dispatch 50+ Die Burger Post matric WeekendPost (Sat) LSM 9 - 10 White Multiracial Educated (MEs) Traditional Whites What’s new? It seems that Weekend Post is making tentative overtures towards the MEs territory, but this could be a result of the increase in black 50+ year olds and LSM 9-10s in the profile as the traditional white readership naturally declines. A more aggressive move is required to put WP decisively in ME territory.

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