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Chapter 20

Chapter 20. What actions did President Hoover take to ease the impact of the depression and why did he refuse to go any further? What was the political impact? Describe some of the initiatives undertaken by Roosevelt’s New Deal.

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Chapter 20

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  1. Chapter 20 • What actions did President Hoover take to ease the impact of the depression and why did he refuse to go any further? • What was the political impact? • Describe some of the initiatives undertaken by Roosevelt’s New Deal. • What was the overall goal of the New Deal and whose economic theories did it reflect? • What type of regulatory reforms did Roosevelt institute? • What was the reaction of the private sector to many of these programs

  2. What were the Social Security, Fair Labor Standards, and National Labor Relations Acts? • What was the state of organized labour as a result of this new legislation? • What was meant by the “Roosevelt Revolution”? • Why did many people praise F.D.R.’s policies while others decried them?

  3. Section 101 • What economic challenges did Britain face as the 20th century progressed? • Which programs helped to make the “welfare state” in Great Britain? How did the timeline compare to its development in the U.S.? • Explain what happened with the coal strike of 1926. • Which groups made up the Labour Party? • What were its main political philosophies? • What challenges did Labour face with regard to the Soviet Union?

  4. How did the Great Depression affect Great Britain politically? • What challenges did the British face in their protectorate of Palestine? • What was the Irish Question and how did it play out? • What was the Statute of Westminster and why was it important to Canada? • Why did some say the Radical Socialist party in France was neither radical nor socialist? • Is it true that the extreme left and right in French politics were both hostile to democracy?

  5. How did Germany’s failure to pay reparations as planned impact France’s economy? • How did Raymond Poincare save the franc? From what did he save it? • Did France develop its own fascist organizations? Who supported them? • How did Serge AlexandreStavisky almost bring the French Republic to an end? • What was the Popular Front and how did it come to exist? • In 1936 the Popular Front won the election and formed government, what were some of the sweeping reforms they brought in?

  6. How did the right respond to Blum’s reforms? • Did they have a positive affect on French production? • What challenges did the rise of Hitler and a remilitarizing Germany present to the Popular Front? • What role did the Spanish Civil War and the gathering international crisis of the late 1930s play in the collapse of the Popular front? • What type of government succeeded the Popular Front?

  7. Name some of the signs of decline of Western Europe during the interwar years. • Section 102 • How does the traditional definition of dictatorship differ from totalitarianism? • Who was Benito Mussolini? • From where did the term fascism draw its name? • Why was Italy disappointed with the outcome of WWI? • What type of social unrest did Italy experience in the early 1920s?

  8. How many seats did the Fascists win in the election of 1921? • Why did the propertied classes, patriots and nationalists rally to the Fascist cause? • Whom did the Fascists target for their vigilante activities? • What was the “March on Rome” in 1922 and what were the results? • How did Mussolini gain total control of the Italian government? • What title did Mussolini take for himself and what was his role in the Fascist government?

  9. How did the Fascist corporative system differ from the older left and right wing versions of the concept? • What was the Lateran Accord of 1929? • How much control did the 22 corporations exert over life in Italy? • Did private enterprise still exist under Italy’s Fascist government? • How did Mussolini try to combat the depression? • Was he successful? • Why did fascism find supporters in other European countries?

  10. Section 103 • Describe Adolf Hitler’s early life. • What sorts of things did Hitler dislike about Vienna? Why did he move to Munich? • Describe Hitler’s experience during WWI. • How did Hitler come to be the leader of the National Socialist German Workers’ party? • Who were the “Brownshirts” and what was their purpose? • What was the main reason for Hitler’s ‘beer hall Putsch’?

  11. How did the failure of the putsch actually help Hitler? • How did the Germany’s economic revival hurt the Nazis? • What opportunities did the Great Depression offer Hitler? • Where did Hitler assign blame for Germany’s suffering? • How did the Nazi party perform in the elections of the late 1920s and early 1930s? • Which powerful elements of Germany society supported the Nazis?

  12. Describe how Hitler came to be named chancellor. • How did Hitler manage to turn his leadership of a coalition government into the leadership of an absolutist totalitarian regime? • Why did Hitler refer to his regime as the ‘Third Reich’? • Who were considered enemies of the state and what was done with such people? • How were Jews treated by Hitler’s government? How did the Nuremberg laws of 1935 fit into this anti-Semitic ethos?

  13. What happened on the night of November 9, 1938? • How was the federal system of government altered under the Nazis? Why? • Why is the night of June 30, 1934 often referred to as ‘the night of long knives’? • What was Hitler’s reason for purging the SA? • What was the GeheimeStaatspolizei? • How did the Nazi regime deal with religion? • How did the Nazis deal with organized labour? • What was Hitler’s goal with regards to international trade?

  14. What were some of the differences between Soviet, Italian, and German totalitarianism? • How did the totalitarian states of the twentieth century go about controlling and manipulating their own citizens?

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