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Mangrove swamp in jarry

The mangrove swamp is a very particular forest of the seaside or along the rivers . It is composed of mangles or mangroves which grow in brackish water. They are very useful for the protection of lands and species . .

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Mangrove swamp in jarry

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  1. The mangrove swampis a veryparticularforest of the seaside or along the rivers. It iscomposed of mangles or mangroves whichgrow in brackish water. They are veryuseful for the protection of lands and species. Deforestation - Guadeloupe

  2. In Guadeloupe, deforestationstarted in the 17th century to develop agriculture ( sugarcanecotton , tabacco ). In 1978 thereused to be 8240 ha of mangrove . In 1997 therewasonly 4705 ha of mangrove left. More than 70% of the mangrove swamps of jarry have disappearedgiving place to the harbourand industrial zone of jarry . Deforestation - Guadeloupe

  3. Mangrove swamp in jarry The mangrove swamp of Jarry is the biggest of the Lesser Antilles . Numerous varieties of fauna and flora of Guadeloupe are present in this mangrove swamp. Deforestation - Guadeloupe

  4. But Jarry isalsothe industrialheart of Guadeloupe and the main center of itsdevelopment . The development of Jarry is the cause of the destruction of the mangrove . Deforestation - Guadeloupe

  5. Consequence of Jarry’sDevelopment The mangrove is a storage place for CO2 ; if wedestroy it and cuttrees, more CO2willbereleased in the atmosphereand itwillaccelerate global warming ! Destroying the mangrove meansdestroyinganimal’s habitat The mangrove is important for the survival of endangeredspeciesso , we must protectit! Deforestation - Guadeloupe

  6. Aconflictopposes the industrials of Jarry and the environmentalists around the resource that the mangrove represents. The mangrove of Jarry welcomes a lot of wild animals because it is a reproduction and a habitat area. But today, Jarry and its industries need to develop and one of the solutions is to encroach in the mangrove Deforestation - Guadeloupe

  7. We must answerone question : • Whichevolution do wewant for Guadeloupe ? • Wemust findsolutions: • Can’twefind a compromise betweendevelopment and environment? CONCLUSION Deforestation - Guadeloupe

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