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Helping the Environment

Helping the Environment. By: Logan Berman. Pg. 324 Earth Friendly Questions. On my Earth friendly questions I scored a 8 out of 10 I am a conservation star.

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Helping the Environment

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  1. Helping the Environment By: Logan Berman

  2. Pg. 324 Earth Friendly Questions • On my Earth friendly questions I scored a 8 out of 10 I am a conservation star. • The way I can improve my score is by throwing away trash on the ground. I can also improve my score is by getting my dad to bring extra bags when he goes shopping

  3. Two liter bottle • I could make a football • I could make this by getting grippy paper and laces. First I would cover the two liter bottle with the grippy paper. Next I would fold the plastic laces up so it looks like football laces and glue them on.

  4. The 3 r’s • The three r’s are recycling reduce and reuse. • If I could make a fourth r it would be rebuilding. We could use old objects that are broken and build them back so they look new again.

  5. Make a difference • At home: at home we can donate are old clothes and toys instead of throwing them away • At school: at school we can use are computers more so we don’t waste paper that we’re probably going to lose in the next day • In my community: in my community we can have a yard sale to get rid of all the old thing we don’t like and use the money to give to the refining plants

  6. Recycling ½ the world’s paper • If we recycled ½ the world’s paper it would save about 20 million acres.

  7. 1 ton saves how many trees? We would save 17 trees with 1 ton of paper.

  8. Plastic thrown away • 35 million pounds of plastic bottles are thrown out by Americans yearly.

  9. PSA Song • The trash on Earth is on the ground it won’t go away till years to come. The cars are running and killing are air. To the animals it’s not fair. In peoples minds it’s like they don’t care. Tons of trash is dumped in the water and it shouldn’t be there. The oil spill killed thousands of fish and it was all are fault. • Will you decide to help with the three r’s in are environment?

  10. Resources • Google images • http://www3.niu.edu/recycling/alum_facts/page5.html • how-many-trees-saved-by-recycling-paper-288637

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