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The One Minute Biology Lesson:

The One Minute Biology Lesson:. What do Sir Issac Newton Leonardo da Vinci Albert Einstein have in common?. They believed God created everything. Incrementalism. Fr. John Harding.

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The One Minute Biology Lesson:

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The One Minute Biology Lesson:

  2. What do Sir Issac Newton Leonardo da Vinci Albert Einstein have in common?

  3. They believed God created everything

  4. Incrementalism

  5. Fr. John Harding

  6. “Conviction is the basis of courage, certitude is the foundation of peace. The secret of achievement is to have the peaceful courage of possessing the truth and acting on this conviction in everything we do.”

  7. Keep your personal faith in a culture of relativism and secular humanism

  8. Faith without works is dead (James 2:20) so if you don’t want to kill your faith,

  9. Faith without works is dead (James 2:20) so if you don’t want to kill your faith, Get Active!

  10. Activism “how-to’s”

  11. Loving your enemy

  12. Loving your enemy: Check your attitude

  13. Loving your enemy: • Check your attitude • Recognize your own brokenness

  14. Loving your enemy: “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers”(Eph. 6:12)

  15. Loving your enemy: They need evangelization, not de-humanization

  16. Loving your enemy: • They need evangelization, not de-humanization Show compassion but don’t compromise the Truth

  17. Loving your enemy • Effective political action

  18. Loving your enemy • Effective political action You are activists right now by your involvement in the March for Life

  19. Letters to the Editor

  20. Letters to the Editor • Letters to the PM, your MP or elected rep

  21. Letters to the Editor • Letters to the PM, your MP or elected rep • Vote - make pro-life an issue; ask candidate where they stand on life issues

  22. Letters to the Editor • Letters to the PM, your MP or elected rep • Vote • Contact your MP

  23. Letters to the Editor • Letters to the PM, your MP or elected rep • Vote • Contact your MP • The power of petitions (vid)

  24. Become a member of a political party

  25. Case study: Pierre Lemieux

  26. Become a member of a political party • Work on a nomination campaign

  27. Become a member of a political party • Work on a nomination campaign • Work on an election campaign

  28. Become a member of a political party • Work on a nomination campaign • Work on an election campaign • Run for office yourself (vid)

  29. Create a prolife group at your school/campus

  30. Create a prolife group at your school/campus High school: find other pro-lifers; find a teacher who can support your group

  31. Create a prolife group at your school/campus High school: find other pro-lifers; find a teacher who can support your group University: contact your student council to find out requirements for creating a group

  32. Create a prolife group at your school/campus • Create your own family and involve them

  33. Create a prolife group at your school/campus • Create your own family and involve them • Use the media: website, FB group*, Twitter, YouTube videos

  34. Write prolife songs, poems, create artwork • (play video)

  35. Write prolife songs, poems, create artwork • Write letters of complaint (to a principal or president of an organization) (i.e., sex-ed case study)

  36. Loving your enemy • Effective political action • Active prayer opportunities

  37. 40 Days for Life

  38. 40 Days for Life - Montreal

  39. 40 Days for Life - Ottawa

  40. 40 Days for Life • LifeChain

  41. 40 Days for Life • LifeChain • Bound4life.ca

  42. 40 Days for Life • LifeChain • Bound4life.ca • Prayer outside an abortion clinic

  43. 40 Days for Life • LifeChain • Bound4life.ca • Prayer outside an abortion clinic • Adopt an unborn babywww.spiritualadoption.org/

  44. Prayer for key activists

  45. Prayer for key activists • Prayer for key organizations

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