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Sharing Interesting Facts Goal

Sharing Interesting Facts Goal. Students will learn how to analyze facts to understand clearly what it means. Students will learn to explain, rephrase, demonstrate, and draw conclusions to clearly present a fact. Distinguishing Part from Whole.

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Sharing Interesting Facts Goal

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  1. Sharing Interesting FactsGoal Students will learn how to analyze facts to understand clearly what it means. Students will learn to explain, rephrase, demonstrate, and draw conclusions to clearly present a fact

  2. Distinguishing Part from Whole • To translate “whole-part” facts, we use topic comment structure and contrastive structures. • Topic Comment Requires signer to raise eyebrows when establishing the topic (whole) and comment (part) • Contrastive Structure requires signer to use space to the left and right to compare and contrast the information.

  3. Example 1 • My class of 12 students, of which 8 are woment and 4 are men • What is the whole? • What is the part? • Translate the statement

  4. Example 2 • In my class of 12 students, of which 3 wear glasses and 9 don’t. • What is the whole? • What is the part? • Translate the statement

  5. Example 3 • I have 8 female students, of which 4 have brown hair, 2 have blonde hair and 2 have black hair • What is the whole? • What is the part? • Translate the statement

  6. Practice • Think of 3 statements you can make about your class

  7. Using Percentages or Fractions Fact: “1 out of 4 women is addicted tochocolate.” Analyze the fact • Identify the whole • Identify the part • Determine the percentage or fraction • Determine what is implied for the rest of the whole p. 53

  8. 1 out of 4 women is addicted to chocolate • Identify the whole WOMEN ALL-OVER • Identify the part HOOKED CHOCOLATE • Determine percentage or fraction 25 PERCENT OR ¼ • Determine what is implied for the rest of the whole NOT (hooked) 75 PERCENT OR 3/4

  9. Fact: “8 out of every 10 books sold are paperbacks 1. Identify the whole BOOK ALL-OVER PEOPLE BUY++ 2. Identify the Part (how many) PAPER DCL “cover” 3. Determine percentage or fraction 80 PERCENT or 4/5 (paper) 4. Determine what is implied for the rest (how many) HARD+SURFACE 20 PERCENT or 1/5 P. 54

  10. Practice Assignment p.32 • Identify the whole and part for each fact • Convert the data into percentages and fractions • Be prepared to sign facts in class for quiz grade

  11. Whole / PartTRANSLATION GUIDE • Set up the whole (USE RAISED EYEBROWS) • Tell about the part using either percentages or fractions (contrastive structure) • Contrast the part with the rest of the whole and ADD COMMENT P. 56 P. 32 swb

  12. USING RATIO • To translate a fact using ratio you must set up a hypothetical group to represent the whole then contrast the part from the whole. • When setting up the hypothetical group, use a CONDITIONAL CLAUSE • RATIO is used when the signer doesn’t have time or doesn’t know how to convert the data to percentages or fractions P.57

  13. Using Ratio _________________t WOMAN ALL-OVER, _____________cond SUPPOSE GROUP (wh)4/ 1”from 4” HOOKED CHOCOLATE 1 out of 4 women is addicted to chocolate

  14. Using Ratio 8 out of 10 books sold are paperback _________________t BOOK ALL-OVER PEOPLE BUY++, _____________cond EVERY (wh)10 BOOK, “8 from 10” Conditional clause PAPER DCL “cover” (lean to other side) (wh) 2 HARD-SURFACE

  15. Survey Activity • Divide into 2 groups • Survey each other with the handout • Summarize your findings using Ratio statements • Be sure to follow the translation guide on p.32

  16. ASL-3 Special Skills • 14 can snap • 5 can raise 1 eyebrow • 10 can cross eyes • 4 can wiggle ears • 2 can touch nose with tongue • 5 can turn tongue upside down • 6 have a special skill unique to them

  17. Listing Information 3 Ways to List Information • Ranking- Information must be given in a specific order • Naming Top Five- Information is listed without any ranking • Naming Top, Most, Oldest- Facts list several items, then identify which is the top, most, or oldest

  18. RANKING FACT: “The U.S. cities with the highest divorce rates are first Dallas, the Phoenix, and then Houston” ____________________t__ AMERICA CITY ALL-OVER, rhet WHICH CITY HIGH DIVORCE WHICH [(wh)3/ FIRST-PLACE, ix “thumb” fs-DALLAS, SECOND-PLACE IX “index finger” PHOENIX, THIRD-LACE, IX “midfinger” HOUSTON] P.59

  19. Naming the Top Five FACT: “The five most common surnames in the US are: Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, and Brown • Establish topic • Ask rhetorical question to focus topic • List five on weak hand P.60

  20. FACT: “The five most common surnames in the US are: Smith, Johnson, Williams, Jones, and Brown ________________________________________________t___ 1. HERE AMERICA ALL-OVER, 5 MOST fs-common LAST NAME Rhet 2. “what” 3. [(wh)5/ IX ”thumb ” fs-SMITH, IX “indexfinger” fs-JOHNSON, IX ”midfinger” fs-WILLIAMS, IX “ringfinger” fs-JONES, IX “pinkie” fs-BROWN] P.60 con’t

  21. Top, Most, Oldest FACT: “Of the three flags—the British Union Jack, the French Tri-color, and the U.S. Stars and Stripes– the Stars and Stripes is the oldest.” • Establish the topic • List 3 on weak hand • Ask rhetorical question • Identifying the oldest flag P.60

  22. FACT: “Of the three flags—the British Union Jack, the French Tri-color, and the U.S. Stars and Stripes– the Stars and Stripes is the oldest.” _____t_ 1. 3 FLAG __________rhet_ 2. WHICH OLDEST, [3/ IX”thumb”] ENGLAND, DCL”Union Jack” , IX/3 “index finger” FRANCE DCL French tri color, IX/3 “midfinger” AMERICA, DCL Stars & Stripes _________ ______rhet__ “all three” WHICH OLDEST IX /3 ‘midfinger” AMERICA OLDEST (nodding)

  23. 1.Name topics (use contrastive structure) 2. Pose question (use rhetorical question) 3. Supply answer 4. Give interpretation 1. Pose question (use rhetorical question) 2. Name topics (use contrastive structure) 3. Supply answer 4. Give interpretation Translating Facts OR P.72


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