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TEST SUCCESS. STRATEGIES FOR DOING YOUR BEST ON ANY TEST. How anxious are you feeling about the test?. 5 4 3 2 1. Success begins the night before the test. Get everything you need for school ready BEFORE bed. Solve family/friend problems before the test.

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  2. How anxious are you feeling about the test? 5 4 3 2 1

  3. Success begins the night before the test • Get everything you need for school ready BEFORE bed. • Solve family/friend problems before the test. • Talk to your parents and teachers about any concerns you have about the test.

  4. Get a good night’s sleep before the test • 8-10 hours is the best • Turn off all electronics, TV, and phones at least 30 minutes before bed time in order to wind down

  5. The Morning of the Test I will do great on this test! • Get up on time. • Avoid problems with family and friends. • Arrive to class on time.

  6. Eat a Good Breakfast! • High in protein • Low in sugars To keep you full and focused for the morning of testing

  7. Use Your Calming Down Strategies Name Your Feeling I can do a great job I’ve got this Count Belly Breathe Positive Self Talk

  8. THINK POSITIVE! • Attitude is important! • Believe you will do a good job. • Stay calm! Relax! This is hard, but I will try! No problem!

  9. Switch your Negative Thoughts to Positive

  10. Think about what you will do to relax and celebrate after you finish testing.

  11. Test Taking Strategies

  12. Directions • Listen to and follow all directions. • Ask questions if there are directions you do not understand. • Always make sure you are working in the correct section. Don’t go back to previous sections or work ahead.

  13. Before answering a question… • Read each question carefully. • Re-read the question if you do not understand it.

  14. Answering Questions • Be sure you know what the question is asking you to do. • Read all your answer choices before choosing one. • Eliminate wrong answer choices

  15. REMEMBER… There is only one best answer. Use process of elimination.

  16. I know C isn’t the answer! The Process of Elimination • After you have read the question and answer choices, go back and eliminate the choices you know are not correct.

  17. The Process of Elimination • If you can eliminate two wrong answers, your chance of choosing the right answer is greater.

  18. The Process of Elimination After reading a multiple choice question and ALL of the possible answers, try to figure out the answers you know are wrong. This will leave you with less answers for choosing which one is right. Example: Which of the following animals lay eggs? • Dogs • Cats • Platypuses • Horses

  19. If you don’t know the right answer, re-read that question, use process of elimination and choose the answer you think is right. ??? Your first guess is usually your best guess.

  20. Grammar Example using Process of Elimination Which sentence uses commas correctly? A I live at 406 Crawford Road, Tyrone Pennsylvania. B My sister lives at 742 Fairfield Drive, Hollidaysburg, PA. C He works at 103 North Sycamore Street Altoona, PA. D I must travel 20 minutes to 622 West Fifth Street, Altoona PA.

  21. Reading Passages

  22. Reading Passages • If the test requires you to read a passage and answer questions about what you read, • By doing this, you will know what to look for as you read. read the questions first.

  23. Reading Passages • Find key wordsor phrases in the question that will help you choose the correct answer. • Look for clues in other questions that will help you with questions about which you are unsure.

  24. Reading Question Example Carla really wanted a puppy, but her parents didn’t care for dogs. Most of her friends had dogs, and she really enjoyed playing with them. Every time she asked her parents for a dog, they would reply, “They are a big responsibility. You have to feed them and play with them. When they are puppies, they need to be trained.” Although her parents didn’t believe she was mature enough to have a dog, she knew that she could take good care of one. Carla knew she wasn’t the most responsible person when it came to taking care of her toys, but a puppy would be different. Each day she made a concentrated effort to pick up her toys and help out around the house. She knew her parents were pleased with her new, responsible attitude. She was hoping her hard work would finally pay off. When she came home from school, she heard a whining noise coming from a box with air holes. Could this be what Carla thought it was? Why would Carla’s parents change their mind about getting her a puppy? A. They decided that a dog would be great protection. B. They wanted Carla to fit in with all of her friends who had dogs. C. They saw Carla acting more responsible and mature. D. They thought Carla was bored with her toys

  25. Math Questions

  26. Math Computation • On the math test, show your work and double check it to make sure you have not made careless mistakes. • Use your scrap/ work paper to solve problems

  27. Math Computation • Line up place value correctly (thousands, hundreds, tens, ones) and check the operation you are using or your answer will not be correct.

  28. Math Computation • If your answer does not match one of the choices, re-read the problem, recopy the numbers, and try solving it again.

  29. Math Question Example The Third Grade class at Logan was planting flowers for Earth Day.  Mrs. Rhone's class planted 107 flowers, Mrs. Kelly's class planted 98 flowers, Mrs. Burke's class planted 101 flowers, and Mrs. McFarland's class planted 97 flowers.  How many flowers did the third grade plant?  A 304 flowers B 306 flowers C 2158 flowers D 403 flowers

  30. Last Tips!

  31. Pace Yourself • Be careful of spending too much time on any one question. Do your best and then move on. • Answer all questions. Make a note on your scrap paper of questions you weren’t sure of and go back and re-try them at the end.

  32. Tests have time limits. If you work too slowly you may not finish. Work at a medium speed so you can try all the questions.

  33. The test is not a race! Work carefully! If you work too fastyou can make careless mistakes. Unlike a race, there is no prize for finishing first!

  34. Keep at it! • Stay focused! Looking around the room or at other kids or staring into space wastes your time.

  35. If any time remains… • Check to make sure you have answered all the questions, especially any you may have skipped.

  36. I’m ready for testsuccess! • Fill in bubbles fully, write neatly, and erase stray marks. • Double-check the test number in your test booklet against the answer sheet every few questions to be sure you haven’t gotten on the wrong number.

  37. Still have a few worries? Let’s get rid of them!!

  38. How anxious are you feeling about the test? 5 4 3 2 1

  39. Good Luck and Celebrate your Test Success!!! Adapted from: http://exploringschoolcounseling.blogspot.com

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