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Revision Workshop

Revision Workshop. September 23 rd. Common Mistakes. Opinions (“I believe…”) Be sure to illustrate the author’s argument (Montessori argues that _____ because _____.) What guides their logic? Powell argues that kids need structure because… (what’s at sake???). Their/There/They’re

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Revision Workshop

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Revision Workshop September 23rd

  2. Common Mistakes • Opinions (“I believe…”) • Be sure to illustrate the author’s argument (Montessori argues that _____ because _____.) • What guides their logic? Powell argues that kids need structure because… (what’s at sake???). • Their/There/They’re • Forgetting title & author (mention title when you first mention author’s full name). • Powell “believes” argues/suggests/says • “Gonna” “b/c” • Relying on quotes

  3. Oh Noes… • “Colin Powell argues that kids need structure. Montessori argues that kids need freedom.”

  4. Oh Noes… • “Colin Powell argues that kids need structure; that is, (explain what this structure looks like & how kids will benefit exactly). Montessori argues that kids need freedom. (explain what this “freedom “looks like briefly and how kids will benefit from it).”

  5. Oh Noes… • Colin Powell argues that “………….” Maria Montessori says “………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….”

  6. Oh Noes… • Colin Powell argues that (paraphrase quote/ explain in your own words) Maria Montessori says (paraphrase quote/ explain in your own words) .

  7. Oh Noes… • Colin Powell argues that (paraphrase quote/ explain in your own words) Maria Montessorisays (paraphrase quote/ explain in your own words) .Powell argues that …… Montessoriargues that …. Powellargues that …. Montessoriargues that ….

  8. Oh Noes… • Colin Powell argues that (explain Powell’s argument & explain his logic.) Maria Montessori says explain her argument & explain her logic) . • Powell, Powell, Powell • Montessori, Montessori, Montessori • Discuss how Powell & Montessori compare

  9. You Try It • I think that ____________ going to have a difficult time with the text if they don’t bring __________ book to class. • Please put the glass over ________ on the table. • _____________ dog is 9 months old.

  10. Spelling Issue

  11. 4 • Makes significant improvements in quality and content of writing. • 3 • Rewrites individual sentences. Goes beyond what is suggested by teacher. • 2 • Makes changes suggested by teacher. Provides improved transitions • 1 • Revisions are limited. Few changes made. • 0 • No significant revisions made Revision Workshop • Re-imagine your writing. Rewrite. Improve. If you finish early… • Check your spelling; make sure you responded to all comments. • Read independently at your desk.

  12. Reflection (3 min) • How did you change your writing? • What did you do to strengthen your writing? • What are the benefits/purpose of revising your work?

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