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What were the events and effects of the Hungarian Uprising?

What were the events and effects of the Hungarian Uprising?. 1956. What were the three main causes of the Hungarian Uprising? . 1. Decline in ………. 2. It looked like Hungary might be allowed to have more …….. 3. People who did not belong to the ……… were persecuted . Answers and extension.

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What were the events and effects of the Hungarian Uprising?

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  1. What were the events and effects of the Hungarian Uprising? 1956

  2. What were the three main causes of the Hungarian Uprising? 1. Decline in ………. 2. It looked like Hungary might be allowed to have more …….. 3. People who did not belong to the ……… were persecuted

  3. Answers and extension 1. Decline in living standards 2. It looked like Hungary might be allowed to have more freedom 3. People who did not belong to the Communist Party were persecuted • Give one piece of evidence to support each point.

  4. If you were to seize power what would you do? • If you were to seize power in an uprising in the school/country • What would you do? • Where would you grab? • What would you need? • Why?

  5. Outcomes • All will write own notes using a variety of medium • Gain empathy with those who took part • Most will see the reasons for non- interference on a Global scale. • Some will research independently

  6. Timeline 1943 - Tehran Conference 1948-9 - Berlin Airlift/Berlin Blockade 1945 - Yalta Potsdam 1956 - Hungarian Uprising 1943 1950 1955 1991 1945 - End of World War 2 1947-51 - Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan 1946 - ‘Iron Curtain’ speech

  7. Notes on Hungarian uprising Subheadings • Key features of Hungarian uprising • Effects of the Hungarian uprising • How did the Hungarian uprising change relations between the Super powers? • Copy in notebooks missing a half a page

  8. Look at gallery of pictures and sources • Make a list of what the Hungarians did.

  9. Options Soviet Union had in response • Leave them be and let Nagy set up his government • Send in Soviet forces

  10. This is what happened • Video clip • http://clipbank/espresso/clipbank/servlet/link?macro=setresource&template=vid&databaseType=cms&resourceID=1347&taxonomyNodeID=718

  11. Sources Telex from the Hungarians “We have almost no weapons, no heavy guns of any kind. The tanks are coming nearer and nearer. You can not let people attack tanks with bare hands. What is the UN doing?” Hungarian lawyer “Hungarians are not afraid to die. We pelted the guns with petrol bombs. Our one hope was the Americans would do something. Our radio stations sent out frantic appeals but what did the Americans do? Nothing. It seems they were scared of the Russians.” Last speech of the rebels from the Hungarian radio station “Since the early morning hours the Russian troops have been attacking Budapest and our people. Please tell the world of our treacherous attack against our struggle for freedom. Help, help, help!”

  12. Who could react? • USA • UN • Why should they? Why should they not? (refer to organisational privileges and alliance promises)

  13. Effects of the Hungarian uprising • Read text book • Identify key points and add to notes

  14. Speech - UN, USSR, USA, Hungarian rebel • Write a speech justifying your actions (or lack of them) in the Hungarian Uprising. Some of the following words might help you: imperialism invasion protection sphere of influence Eastern Block reactionary Soviet Nato

  15. Extension • BBC website • Autology • Add to notes from own research

  16. Homework • Revise for test a) Describe one cause of the Hungarian uprising. (2) b) (i) Briefly explain the key features of the Hungarian uprising (6) (c) Explain why relations between the USA and the Soviet Union changed in the years1947-56. (12)

  17. Look at the image below –were they right? In what ways? • “They were immensely proud of what they had done but they taught their children not to be heroes”. • Newspaper 1996

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