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If you are a night rider you will know the importance of a functional headlight. We all have been through instances where we got stranded at an unknown place, at night, with headlights blacked out and we were helpless.

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  1. CHOOSINGTHERIGHTHEADLIGHTBULB: EVERYTHINGYOUNEEDTOKNOW • If you are a night rider you will know the importance of a functional headlight. We all have been throughinstanceswherewegotstrandedatanunknownplace,atnight,withheadlightsblacked outandwewerehelpless.Also,itisnotfunnywhenacopstopsyouandinformsyouaboutyour dead headlights. These instances can at times get ugly. So, to stop yourself from a headache, keepingaregularcheck onyourheadlightsisvital. • Here, we'll discuss headlights in detail, including their different varieties and how to choose the rightonefor yourautomobile. • Whatinformationonfundamentalheadlighthealth,maintenance,andreplacementshouldevery driver and vehicle owner be aware of? First, you'll be in danger on dark roads if your headlights entirelyfailorsimplydimtoareducedbeamstrength.Thisisduetothefactthatneither younor otherswillbe abletoseethemortheroadclearly. • Headlight Types • Lights have come a long way, from the tungsten filament bulbs in the 60s which were later replaced by the HID bulbs. And now with the advancement in science and technology LED and Laserlightsarewidelyused andrecommended byautomotive experts. • Now without wasting more time, we will delve straight into different types of lights available in theautomotivesegmentanddiscussthemindetailsoyoucouldfindtherightfitforyourvehicle. • HalogenBulbs: • HalogenLightsaremainlycomprisedof Nitrogen,Argonwithatungstenfilamentencased in a glass covering. The glass is created to resist exorbitant temperatures. When the light bulb gets the electric current from the car, this heats the tungsten filament creating an illuminating effect. This is the most widelyused headlightbulbyou will find in the automotive world, as per an estimate, halogen is installed in as much as 80% of all cars. Since the 60’s it has come into vogue due to the low price and the ease of replacement mixedwitharelativelygoodlifecycle.

  2. Furthermore, halogen lights are inefficient and dim in comparison to other alternates. A standardHalogen bulbwillproduceonly1300Lumen.Whilethisisprettygoodbutthere aresuperioroptions,ifyouseekagoodlightforyourcar. • HID(High-IntensityDischarge): • HID or more commonly known as Xenon was first introduced by BMW 7 series. These lights gradually increasedtheir presencein the automotive world andalmostevery second car you see would be usingan HID light. High-intensity discharge headlights containanamalgamationofgasesandsomeraremetalsthat onheatinggenerateabright white (or blue) glow that legislators have stipulated all new cars must glow. The white lightwithatingeof bluelight enhancestheaestheticofyourvehicle. • HIDsarealmosttwotothreetimesthrow brighterthanthestandardhalogenbulbsabout 3000 Lumen compared to 1400 produced from Halogen bulbs and as a result, this has givenawaytocomplaintsaboutthe levelofbrightnesstheselampsproduce. • This increases the acuity of a driver increasing reaction time to unforeseen obstacles makingdrivingsaferatnight. • LEDs: • LEDs are the most energy-efficient lights available. LED (short for light-emitting diodes) carlightscame totheforein2004buthaveonlybeguntogain popularityin recenttimes withmoreandmorepeoplelookingforbetteralternativestothestockHalogenbulbs.

  3. Oneofthebiggestpluspointsfor theLEDbulbisthatitisbyfar themostenergy-efficient alternativeinthemarket.LEDBulbsusuallyuse15to18wattsofpowerwhereasHalogen bulbsdraw55to65wattsandHIDsaround42.Youcandiscernfromthesefactshowlong the lightsinthe automotive world haveadvanced. Furthermore, looking at all the benefits, we should not forget that LEDs comparatively costmorethantraditionalHalogenandXenonLights.Ifyourpocketallowsyoucanalways move forward with LEDs. And even in the aftermarket, there are brands that provide OEM-grade LED lights at an affordable price. One of the largest OEM suppliers in India is UNOMINDA.YOUcanrelyonthem.However,youcannotsidelineotheralternativesthat areasusefulandwidelyinstalled invariousmakesandmodels. FinalWords Headlights are vital not only for nighttime driving but a working headlight will save you tickets as well. To keep yourself and your car safe, we recommend checking all the lights notjusttheheadlight,beforedecidingtogofor atrip.Andonemoretipforyouis,always prefer a reliable and authorized aftermarket brand that provides a warranty for their products. Thiswillprotectyoufrom falling forcheapfakecounterfeits.

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